Mark Meckes's research

The main focus of my recent research is magnitude of metric spaces and related aspects of metric geometry. Tom Leinster maintains a bibliography of works on this subject.

Here is a list of blog posts about magnitude, diversity, and closely related topics at the n-Category Café.

The bulk of my past research has been in probability, especially random matrix theory and aspects related to convex geometry.

Papers by topic

Magnitude and diversity

Random matrix theory

Probability in convexity and convexity in probability


Magnitude and diversity

Random matrix theory

Probability in convexity and convexity in probability

  • On the equivalence of modes of convergence for log-concave measures (with E. Meckes).
    Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, 385–394, Lecture Notes in Math. 2116, Springer, 2014.
    arXiv / published version
  • Gaussian marginals of convex bodies with symmetries.
    Beiträge Algebra Geom. 50 (2009) no. 1, 101–118.
    arXiv / published version
  • The central limit problem for random vectors with symmetries (with E. Meckes).
    J. Theoret. Probab. 20 (2007), 697–720.
    arXiv / published version
    Note: The arXiv preprint contains a section on background on Stein's method which does not appear in the published version. As a result, some theorem numbers are different in the two versions.
  • Some remarks on transportation cost and related inequalities.
    Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, 237–244, Lecture Notes in Math. 1910, Springer, 2007.
    arXiv / published version
  • Sylvester's problem for symmetric convex bodies and related problems.
    Monatsh. Math. 145 (2005) no. 4, 307–319.
    arXiv / published version
    Note: The published version contains several references to the literature which are missing in the arXiv preprint, and has improved proofs of Propositions 13 and 16.
  • Volumes of symmetric random polytopes.
    Arch. Math. 82 (2004) no. 1, 85–96.
    arXiv / published version


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