Expected extremal area of facets of random polytopes,
Jointly with B. Leroux, L. Rademacher and C. Schuett.
The $L_p$-Floating Area, Curvature Entropy, and Isoperimetric Inequalities on the Sphere,
Jointly with Florian Besau.
Random approximation of convex bodies in Hausdorff metric,
Jointly with J. Prochno, C. Schuett and M. Sonnleitner.
Weighted floating functions and weighted functional affine surface areas,
Jointly with C. Schuett, Ch. Thaele and N. Turchi.
Extremal affine surface areas in a functional setting,
Jointly with Stephanie Egler.
Floating Bodies and Duality in Spaces of Constant Curvature,
Jointly with F. Besau.
Archimedes' Principle of floatation and floating bodies: Construction, Extensions and Applications,
Acta Mathematica Scientia 45 B(1) 237-256 (2025)
Jointly with Chunyan Liu, Deping Ye and Ning Zhang.
Geometric representation of classes of concave functions and duality,
arXiv:2112.13881, Journal of Geometric Analysis 10.1007/s12220-024-01703-9 (2024)
Jointly with G. Ivanov.
Spherical convex hull of random points on a wedge,
Mathematische Annalen
DOI: 10.1007/s00208-023-02704-9 (2023)
Jointly with Florian Besau, Anna Gusakova, Matthias Reitzner, Carsten Schuett, Christoph Thaele.
Ulam floating functions,
Geometric Analysis 33 (2023)
Jointly with Chunyan Liu, Deping Ye, and Ning Zhang.
Affine Surface Area,
Harmonic Analysis and Convexity (De Gruyter) 427-444 (2023)
Jointly with Carsten Schuett.
$L_p$-Steiner quermassintegrals
arXiv: 2110.08659, Advances in Math. 430 (2023)
Jointly with Kateryna Tatarko.
Curvature functionals on convex bodies,
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 66 (2023)
Jointly with Kateryna Tatarko.
The convex hull of random points on the boundary of a simple polytope
arXiv: 1911.05917, J. Discrete & Computational Geometry 69 (2023)
Jointly with M. Reitzner and C. Schuett.
Best and random approximation of a convex body by a polytope
arXiv: 2111.07306, J. of Complexity 71 (2022)
Jointly with J. Prochno and C. Schuett.
Pinsker inequalities and related Monge-Ampere
equations for log concave functions
arXiv:2005.07055, Indiana Univ.Math.J. Vol. 71, No. 6 (2022)
Jointly with U. Caglar, A. V. Kolesnikov.
Floating bodies and approximation of convex bodies by polytopes,
Probability Surveys 19 (2022).
Affine invariant maps for log-concave functions
arXiv: 2010.10889, J. Geometric Analysis 32 (2022).
Jointly with Ben Li and C. Schuett.
Blaschke-Santalo inequality for many functions and geodesic barycenters of measures
arXiv:2010.00135, Advances in Math. 396 (2022).
Jointly with A. V. Kolesnikov.
Convex Floating Bodies of Equilibrium
arXiv:2010.09006, Proceedings of the AMS 150 (2022).
Jointly with D.I. Florentin, C. Schuett, N. Zhang.
Surface area deviation between smooth convex bodies and polytopes
arXiv:1811.04656, Advances in Applied Mathematics 129 (2021).
Jointly with J. Grote and Ch. Thaele.
Asymptotic normality for random simplices and convex bodies in high
arXiv: 1906.02471. Proceedings AMS 149 (2021).
Jointly with D.Alonso-Gutierrez, F.Besau, J.Grote, Z.Kabluchko, M.Reitzner, C.Thaele, B.Vritsiou.
The Loewner function of a log-concave function
arXiv: 1904.01211. Journal of Geometric Analysis 31 (2021).
Jointly with Ben Li and Carsten Schuett.
Constrained convex bodies with extremal affine surface areas
arXiv: 1908.07897, Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (2020).
Jointly with O. Giladi, H. Huang, C. Schuett
A Steiner formula in the $L_p$ Brunn Minkowski theory
arXiv:1811.07225, Advances in Math. 355 (2019).
Jointly with Kateryna Tatarko.
Duality of Floating and Illumination Bodies,
arXiv:1709.02424, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 69 (2020).
Jointly with Olaf Mordhorst.
Floating and Illumination Bodies for Polytopes: Duality results,
arXiv:1709.02429, Journal of Discrete Analysis 11, (2019).
Jointly with Olaf Mordhorst.
Data depth and floating body,
arXiv:1809.10925, Statistics Surveys 13 (2019), 52-118.
Jointly with Stanislav Nagy and Carsten Schuett.
Ulam Floating bodies,
arXiv:1803.08224, Journal of London Math. Society 100 (2019).
Jointly with Han Huang and Boaz Slomka.
Floating Functions,
arXiv: 1711.11088, Israel J. Math.231 (2019).
Jointly with Ben Li and Carsten Schuett.
Flag Numbers and Floating Bodies,
arXiv:1805.11287, Advances in Math. 338 (2018).
Jointly with Florian Besau and Carsten Schuett.
Approximation of smooth convex bodies by random polytopes,
Electronic Journal of Probability 23, (2018).
Jointly with Julian Grote.
One Dimensional Regularizations of the Coulomb Potential with Application to Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields
Jointly with M. B. Ruskai and R. Brummelhuis.