keeping you in good care


Whether students may need to miss class or employees may need to stay home from work, Case Western Reserve University has created guidelines for members of its campus community to help keep the worry out of their influenza illness. Information also is available for faculty who have students who are ill.

Students, faculty and staff who live either on or off campus and who have influenza-like illness should stay in their residence hall rooms or homes, except to get medical care, for at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100 F or 37.8 C) or free of signs of fever without use of fever-reducing medications.

Students can call University Health Services at at 216.368.2450, while employees should contact their personal health-care providers.

In addition to general information and prevention resources for students, faculty and staff, the university also is making a limited number of H1N1 vaccinations available to higher-risk groups on campus.