case western reserve university



Campaigning at Case: Presidential Elections, 1892-2008
1900: First Citizens

Adelbert College men were urged to political activism by the editors of their newspaper, “The college man should be the first citizen of the republic. Let him train himself for his duties while he is still in an atmosphere of intellects… Teach politics, preach politics, practice politics – not the politics of the slums and wards, but the politics that strangle the boss and break the machine and wrest the power from the hands of the corrupt and put it in the hands of the wise and upright.”

The Republican Club was a recognized student organization on the WRU campus.
This editorial (right) which appeared in the student publication, The Adelbert (left), argued that there was a place for political clubs on campus.

Ohio Popular Vote
National Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
William McKinley (R) 543,918 (52.3%)
William J. Bryan (D, People’s, Silver Republican) 474,882 (45.7%)
John G. Wooley (Prohibition) 10,203 (1%)
Eugene V. Debs (Social-Democratic) 4,847 (.5%)
Seth Hockett Ellis (Union Reform) 4,284 (.4%)
Joseph P. Malloney (Socialist Labor) 1,688 (.2%)
Wharton Barker (People’s) 251
William McKinley (R) 7,218,039 (51.67%)
William J. Bryan (D, People’s, Silver Republican) 6,358,345 (45.51%)
John G. Wooley (Prohibition) 209,004 (1.5%)
Eugene V. Debs (Social-Democratic) 86,935(.62%)
Wharton Barker (People’s) 50,340 (.36%)
Joseph P. Malloney (Socialist Labor) 40,900 (.29%)
Seth Hockett Ellis (Union Reform) 5,693 (.04%)
William McKinley (R) 292
William J. Bryan (D, People’s, Silver Republican) 155

Information was compiled by staff of the Case Western Reserve University Archives, September 2004.