Department of Neurology


Neurology:  Content and Documentation Requirements

CPT Code 99244: Level 4

Moderate Complexity Inpatient Consultation

For a moderate complexity inpatient consultation patient, one must document all three:

comprehensive history

comprehensive examination

moderate level of medical decision making

Detailed History

Below are listed all the elements in a detailed history that must be documented.

Chief Complaint Document the Chief Complaint
History of Present Illness ● Document four or more of the following:

- Severity

- Duration

- Context

Modifying factors
- Associated signs and symptoms

Past Medical, Social and Family History Document all  three areas:

- Past medical history
Family history
- Social History

NOTE: PFSH may be recorded by ancillary staff or on a form completed by the patient. To document that the physician reviewed the information, there must be a notation confirming the information recorded by others.

ROS Document ten or more of the following:

- Constitutional
- Eyes
- Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat
- Cardiac / Vascular
- Respiratory
- GI
- GU
- Integumentary
- Musculoskeletal
- Neurologic
- Psychiatric
- Endocrine
- Hematologic
- Allergies / Immunologic

NOTE:  Permissible to document some systems with a statement "all others negative".

NOTE: ROS may be recorded by ancillary staff or on a form completed by the patient. To document that the physician reviewed the information, there must be a notation confirming the information recorded by others.

Detailed Neurologic Examination

Elements of the neurologic examination are identified by bullets (●). For a detailed neurologic exam, all elements identified by a bullet must be documented.


Constitutional ● Measurement of any three of the following seven vital signs:

- Sitting or standing blood pressure
Supine blood pressure
Pulse rate and regularity
- Temperature

General appearance of patient

Eyes Ophthalmoscopic examination of optic discs and posterior segments
Cardiovascular Document any one of the following three:

- Examination of carotid arteries
Auscultation of heart with notation of abnormal sounds and murmurs
- Examination of peripheral vascular system by observation and palpation

Musculoskeletal Examination of gait and station

Assessment of motor function including:

● Muscle strength in upper and lower extremities
● Muscle tone in upper and lower extremities with notation of any atrophy or abnormal movements

Neurological Evaluation of higher integrative functions including:

● Orientation to time, place and person
● Recent and remote memory
● Attention span and concentration
● Language
● Fund of knowledge

Test the following cranial nerves:

● 2nd cranial nerve
● 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves
● 5th cranial nerve
● 7th cranial nerve
● 8th cranial nerve
● 9th cranial nerve
● 11th cranial nerve
● 12th cranial nerve

Examination of sensation

Examination of deep tendon reflexes in upper and lower extremities with notation of pathological reflexes

Test coordination