Department of Neurology


Neurology:  Content and Documentation Requirements

CPT Code 99261: Low Complexity

Follow-up Inpatient Consultation

This code is only used if you stop seeing a patient (i.e., sign-off) and are later asked during the same hospitalization to provide another consultation. If you follow an inpatient on subsequent days, those visits are coded as subsequent hospital visits.

For a low complexity follow-up inpatient consultation, one must document two of the three:

problem focused history

problem focused examination

● straightforward OR low level of medical decision making

Since the E/M code is best determined by the medical decision making, essentially this means that you must document 1) a straightforward or low level of medical decision making, and 2) either a problem focused history OR a problem focused examination.  Considering the requirements, the problem focused history is usually more straightforward.

Problem Focused History

Below are listed all the elements in an problem focused history that must be documented.

Interval History ● Document one or more of the following:

- Severity

- Duration

- Context

Modifying factors
- Associated signs and symptoms

Past Medical, Social and Family History Not Required
ROS Not Required

Problem Focused Neurologic Examination

Elements of the neurologic examination are identified by bullets (●). For a problem focused neurologic exam, at least one element identified by a bullet must be documented.


Constitutional ● Measurement of any three of the following seven vital signs:

- Sitting or standing blood pressure
Supine blood pressure
Pulse rate and regularity
- Temperature

General appearance of patient

Eyes Ophthalmoscopic examination of optic discs and posterior segments
Cardiovascular Document any one of the following three:

- Examination of carotid arteries
Auscultation of heart with notation of abnormal sounds and murmurs
- Examination of peripheral vascular system by observation and palpation

Musculoskeletal Examination of gait and station

Assessment of motor function including:

● Muscle strength in upper and lower extremities
● Muscle tone in upper and lower extremities with notation of any atrophy or abnormal movements

Neurological Evaluation of higher integrative functions including:

● Orientation to time, place and person
● Recent and remote memory
● Attention span and concentration
● Language
● Fund of knowledge

Test the following cranial nerves:

● 2nd cranial nerve
● 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves
● 5th cranial nerve
● 7th cranial nerve
● 8th cranial nerve
● 9th cranial nerve
● 11th cranial nerve
● 12th cranial nerve

Examination of sensation

Examination of deep tendon reflexes in upper and lower extremities with notation of pathological reflexes

Test coordination