<% strPathPics = Session("strPathPicsL") imgBg = strPathPics + Session("strMedia") %> Bilatera MCA 03

Bilateral Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction

A 79 year-old woman with atrial fibrillation presented with the acute onset of a global aphasia and tetraparesis.

Show the Occluded Left ICA                                     Show the Occluded Right MCA                              Show the Missing Right MCA Branches

Bilateral Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction. Cerebral angiogram: (Left) left common carotid artery (CCA) injection - AP view; (Middle) right internal carotid artery (ICA) injection - AP view; (Right) right internal artery injection - lateral view. Reviewing the angiogram, the etiology of the bilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) strokes becomes clear. The left internal carotid and right middle cerebral arteries are both occluded, presumably from emboli; both anterior cerebral arteries (ACA) are spared, as there is an intact anterior communication artery that allowed filling of the left ACA from the right.

Revised 11/23/06
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston