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Multiple Lacunar State - Case 2 - Binswanger's Disease

A 76 year-old woman presented with an episode of transient slurred speech.

Outline all the Infarctions

Multiple Lacunar State: Flair axial MRIs. Note the numerous infarcts in the deep white matter bilaterally. A similar MRI picture could be seen in advanced multiple sclerosis or an inherited disorder of white matter (i.e., leukodystrophy). This multi-lacunar state (a.k.a., Binswanger's disease) often results in a subcortical dementia. In this condition, patients develop memory loss, altered mood, and cognition dysfunction, often along with focal motor and sensory changes. Patients usually have chronic hypertension and/or diabetes. Other prominent features of the disease include urinary incontinence, a slow unstable gait, tremors, clumsiness, behavioral and personality changes, lack of facial expression, and speech difficulties.

Revised 11/23/06
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston