<% strPathPics = Session("strPathPicsL") imgBg = strPathPics + Session("strMedia") %> Normal Axial Centrum Semiovale

Axial Brain MRI - Level of the Centrum Semiovale

Postcentral Gyrus (Parietal Lobe) - Primary Sensory Coretx Precentral Gyrus (Frontal Lobe) - Primary Motor Cortex Central Sulcus Right Frontal Lobe Left Frontal Lobe Precentral Gyrus (Frontal Lobe) - Primary Motor Cortex Postcentral Gryus (Parietal Lobe) - Primary Sensory Cortex Central Sulcus Parietal Lobe Right Parietal Lobe Centrum Semiovale (deep white matter) Superior Sagittal Sinus Precentral Sulcus Precentral Sulcus Postcentral Sulcus Postcentral Sulcus

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Revised 06/05/06
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston