<% strPathPics = Session("strPathPicsL") imgBg = strPathPics + Session("strMedia") %> Normal Axial midbrain

Axial Brain MRI - Level of the Midbrain

Left Middle Cerebral Artery Right Middle Cerebral Artery Gyrus Rectus (Frontal lobe) Left Orbit Right Orbit Right Cerebral Peduncle Left Cerebral Peduncle Cerebral Aqueduct Tegmentum (Midbrain) Tectum (Midbrain) Tectum (Midbrain) Interpeduncular Cistern (CSF) Pituitary Stalk Uncus (medial temporal lobe) Uncus (medial temporal lobe) Superior Cerebellum Left Occipital Lobe Right Occipital Lobe Left Temporal Lobe Right Temporal Lobe Quadrigeminal Cistern (CSF) Ambient Cistern Ambient Cistern Superior Sagittal Sinus MCA Trifurcation within the Sylvian Fissure Optic Chiasm Optic Tract Optic Track Optic Nerve Optic Nerve Suprasellar Cistern Suprasellar Cistern Suprasellar Cistern Suprasellar Cistern Suprasellar Cistern Temporal Horn (lateral ventricle)

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Revised 06/05/06
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston