Magnetic Resonance Venography - AP View

Superior Sagittal Sinus

Left Transverse Sinus

Right Transverse Sinus

Left Sigmoid Sinus

Right Sigmoid Sinus

Left Internal Jugular Vein

Right Internal Jugular Vein

Torcula (Confluence of the Sinuses)

Show Labels

MRV - AP View. MRV is used to evaluate for cerebral sinus thrombosis, which typically occurs in hypercoaguable states, including late in pregnancy and following delivery. In the AP view, the transverse and sigmoid sinuses are best seen in addition to the torcula (the confluence of the sinuses). However, the superior sagittal sinus overlaps with the inferior sagittal sinus, straight sinus and vein of Galen.

Revised 11/22/06
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston