<% strPathPics = Session("strPathPicsL") imgBg = strPathPics + Session("strMedia") %> Optic glioma

Case 5 - Optic Nerve Glioma

A 7 year-old girl presented with headaches and loss of vision in the right eye.

Compare the Size of the Right vs Left Optic Nerves         Note the Gadolinium Enhancement         Note the Enlarged Right Optic Nerve on the Coronal Image

Low Grade Glioma of the Optic Nerve. (Left) T1-weighted axial MRI; (Middle) T1-weighted with gadolinium axial MRI ; (Right) Short T1 Inversion Recovery (STIR) coronal MRI. Note the well demarcated enlargement of the right optic nerve which slightly enhances with gadolinium (GAD). This is a low grade glioma of the optic nerve.

Optic nerve gliomas are the most common tumor affecting the optic nerve. They occur most commonly in children and typically have a benign histology. Clinically, they present with loss of vision of the ipsilateral eye. Proptosis and disk pallor may be present on examination.

Revised 11/29/06.
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston