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Lateral Pontine Intracerebral Hemorrhage

A 67 year-old man with hypertension presented with an acute right hemiplegia and headache. On exam, both eyes were looking to the right, and the patient was unable to look to the left.

Outine the Lateral Pontine Blood

Lateral Pontine Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Axial CT scans of the head at the level of the mid-pons. Note the large white area, which represents acute hemorrhage in the left lateral pons. Also note that there is some edema extending into the cerebellum. Because of the location of the hemorrhage, the patient has a right sided hemiplegia (from involvement of the corticospinal tract in the left pons) and a left gaze palsy (from involvement of the horizontal gaze center in the left pons).

The pons is a classic location for hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Prognosis in these cases is usually grim.

Revised 11/29/06.
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston