case western reserve university



Clemens Burda

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry

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Phone: (216) 368-5918

Clapp Hall 212 , 10900 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44106-7217


Ph.D. in Chemistry University of Basel, Switzerland

Diploma. in Chemistry University of Basel, Switzerland

Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology



Dr. Clemens Burda is the Director of the Center for Chemical Dynamics and Nanomaterials Research in the Chemistry Department, Case Western Reserve University. Since 2001 he is appointed as Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry specializing on Nanoscience and Spectroscopy. His expertise revolves around optically useful nanocrystals. This is applied in diverse areas such as photovoltaics, photocatalysis, photobiology and biomedical applications, including bioimaging, therapy and tissue targeting for drug delivery.

Prof. Burda received his chemistry education in Switzerland and graduated as a doctor of philosophy in science with honors in 1997 from the University of Basel. Dr. Burda is reviewer for all top-ranked chemical journals, an editorial member for the International Journal of Nanotechnology, and organizer of the Nanomaterials Conference at the 50th annual SPIE meeting in 2005. He is also the co-founder of Cleveland Nanocrystal Inc. and has authored and co-authored over 60 peer reviewed publications.


Nanoscience leads to a wide range of applications from photo-electrochemical cells to bioanalytical assays. It is expected, that nanostructures will play a pivotal role in the quickly rising areas of quantum computing, optical circuitry, and biomedicine including photoinduced therapies. In our group, we synthesize semiconductor nanocrystals and control their sizes, compositions, and surface chemistries and characterize them by optical spectroscopy with a time-resolution of 100 femtoseconds to uncover the often surprising properties of the size-confined materials. Currently, we focus on the photoreactivity and exctited state relaxation of nanocrystals of doped materials. We are particularly interested in studying the interfaces between molecules, nano-structures, and macroscopic materials. For building devices out of nanostructures the detailed understanding of the interaction between molecules and surfaces is crucial. Thus, we synthesize and study nanoconjugates of semiconducting nanocrystals and functional molecules, which leads to new hybrid-systems with potential use in areas from nanoelectronics to biomolecular recognition. The latest laser and imaging technologies are used, to reveal the electro- and photochemical properties of our synthesized nanostructures. For example, we use state-of-the-art femtosecond technology to uncover the dynamics of photoexcited systems.


Qiu, X.; Lou, Y.; Samia, A. C. S.; Devadoss, A.; Burgess, J. D.; Dayal, S.; Burda, C. "PbTe Nanorods by Sonoelectrochemistry" Ange.Chem. Int. Ed. ; (2005), 44(36), 5855-7.

iu, Y.; Chen, X.; Li, J.; Burda, C.. "Photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes by nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanocatalysts". Chemosphere (2005), 61(1), 11-18.

Burda, C.; Chen, X.; Narayanan, R.; El-Sayed, M. A. "Chemistry and Properties of Nanocrystals of Different Shapes." Chem. Rev. (Review); (2005), 105(4), 1025-1102. 

Y. P. He, Y. M. Miao, C. R. Li, S. Q. Wang, L. Cao, S. S. Xie, G. Z. Yang, B. S. Zou, and C. Burda "Size and structure effect on optical transitions of iron oxide nanocrystals" Phys. Rev. B ; (2005), 71(12), 125411.

Fundamental Nanoscience
Nanomaterials Photonics
Nanotechnology Education