Town Hall Comes to Campus

The opening of the Tinkham Veale University Center this August comes at an opportune moment for the transition of a historic speaker series to Case Western Reserve.
Town Hall of Cleveland, the nation's longest consecutive-running public lecture program, comes under university management in July. The first speaker at the newly named "Town Hall of Cleveland at Case Western Reserve University" will be feminist activist and author Gloria Steinem. She will appear at the university Sept. 9 through a partnership with the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.
Founded in 1931, the Town Hall of Cleveland has welcomed distinguished speakers such as public officials Winston Churchill and Henry Kissinger, historians David McCullough and Michael Beschloss, and entertainers Garrison Keillor and the Capitol Steps.
"We look forward to having leading thinkers, innovators and other remarkable individuals share their ideas and experiences with our campus constituents and the broader community," President Barbara R. Snyder says.