Science Café Cleveland presents


"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: What Kinds of Treatment do People Want?"


SEPTEMBER 13, 2010




Dr. Norah Feeny (Dept. of Psychology, CWRU)
Ms. Loren Post (Dept. of Psychology, CWRU)




Coverage of PTSD has become more common in the popular media as we remain engaged in two wars and concern for our soldiers' well being rises. While the development of PTSD following trauma is not the norm, approximately 7% of the US population, 35% of rape survivors, and 15-20% of soldiers will develop the disorder. At this point, effective treatments for PTSD exist, but many people do not have access to them. Even when they are able to receive an evidence based treatment, a substantial minority do not benefit or they discontinue the treatment prematurely. Moreover, the validated treatments for PTSD can be very different in their nature. They can include cognitive behavioral therapy - in which you talk about your traumatic experiences – and receiving medications such as sertraline (brand name Zoloft). We know very little about patients' preferences for such treatments and how they may impact the helpfulness of the treatment. Understanding treatment preferences is a critical step that must be taken to improve care though individualized treatments of PTSD.  

You can familiarize yourself by the topic by check out these Scientific American articles beforehand.




Date: September 13, 2010
Time: Drinks start at 6:30 PM, discussion starts around 7:00 PM
Location: Tasting Room, Great Lakes Brewing Company (2701 Carroll Ave, Cleveland)


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