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James Bader, MS

Lecturer in Biology
Director, Center for Science and Mathematics Education

Mr. Bader is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and Case Western Reserve University. He has been a member of the department since 1983, first as a graduate student, then as the Manager of the Graduate and Undergraduate Biology Teaching Labs, and currently as a Lecturer in Biology.

Mr. Bader's primary area of interest is in aquatic ecology where he studies the interactions that determine community structure in small systems. Students in the Aquatic Biology Laboratory course have been testing the affects of top down and bottom up forces on community structure in small, unperturbed ecosystems at the university's biological field station at Squire Valleevue Farm.

Mr. Bader has been very active in laboratory education, and recently served on the Board of Directors for the Association of Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE).

Since January 2000, Mr. Bader has served as Director of the Center for Science and Mathematics Education which serves as a clearinghouse for pre-college programs at CWRU. The Center serves its university and K-12 constituencies by coordinating exemplary educational outreach programs such as the JASON Project and the Northeast Ohio Regional Science Olympiad, providing logistical and recruiting support for the 75+ outreach programs on campus, working with faculty in all eight schools at the university to develop the outreach component of grant proposals, taking a leading role in local and state-wide educational reform, and chairing a joint task force between the university and the Cleveland Municipal School District.

In October 2002, the Center, in conjuction with the Cleveland Municipal School District, John Carroll University, Cleveland State University, and EDC was awarded $7.5 million by NSF to establish the Cleveland Math and Science Partnership. Through this program, middle school teachers will earn masters degrees or licensure in math or science, and high school science teachers will integrate inquiry-based laboratory science into the curriculum.