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FACULTYRadhika AtitMolecular biology, developmental biology, embryology Michael BenardEcology and Evolunationary Biology Jim Bader†Aquatic biology and ecology Morris Burke (Emeritus)Muscle physiology, protein chemistry David BurkeRhizosphere ecology, plant-microbe interactions, molecular microbial ecology, and plant ecology Arnold I. CaplanCell and developmental biology David A. CarrinoExtracellular matrix molecules, specifically proteoglycans Hillel J. ChielNeurobiology, Animal Behavior, and Biophysics Darin CroftVertebrate paleontology, mammal evolution, paleoecology, phylogenetics Christopher A. CullisPlant molecular biology Pam Dennis*Relationship between animal management, disease and the environment. Epi-Zoo Program Nancy DiIulioBasic mechanisms of immune responses and the impact of those responses on the function of the heart Paul B. DrewaPlant population biology, community ecology; effects of fire and other disturbances on vegetation Richard Drushel*†Kinematics, anatomy, and 3-D computer modelling of feeding behaviors in Aplysia californica; autonomous robotics; embedded microcontroller systems Stephen E. HaynesworthDevelopmental and aging biology Valerie Haywood†Intercellular communication mechanisms in plants Joe B. KeiperInsect biology and ecology, particularly larval feeding habits of Diptera and Trichoptera; aquatic invertebrate community ecology; forensic entomology Joseph F. KoonceAquatic systems ecology Barbara Kuemerle†Molecular biology, genetics, developmental neuroscience Ana Locci*†Ecosystem Modeling Kristen E. Lukas*Effects of designed environments on gorilla and chimpanzee behavior Nga NguyenBehavioral Endocrinology, Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology Ronald G. OldfieldEvolutionary ecology; behavior, ecology, and evolution of fishes Roy E. RitzmannNeurobiology and behavior Charles Rozek†Developmental and molecular genetics Norman Rushforth (Emeritus)Kurt A. SmemoBiogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, microbial ecology, global environmental change Robin SnyderTheoretical ecology Peter Thomas*Mathematical biology (pattern formation, synchronization phenomena, applied bifurcation theory), computational neuroscience (reliability and precision of spike time patterns, cortical map formation, neural information processing), and computational cell biology (signal transduction, gradient sensing, cellular information processing) Mary A. TopaPlant ecophysiology, soil-plant interactions, carbon/nutrient acquisition and allocation strategies in plants, stress physiology Jean WelterMark WillisEntomology; animal behavior and its neural basis, especially navigation, orientation and flight behavior Debra WoodNeural basis of animal behavior, cellular and synaptic properties of small neural networks James Zull†Human learning, applications of brain science in education
Faculty Associated with the Skeletal Research CenterArnold I. CaplanCell and developmental biology David A. CarrinoExtracellular matrix molecules, specifically proteoglycans James E. DennisRegulation of multi-potential progenitor cell differentiation Jizong GaoTissue engineered fabrication of osteochondral grafts by in vitro and in vivo approaches Stephen E. HaynesworthDevelopmental and aging biology Donald P. LennonDevelopment of chemically defined media for Stage 24 chick limb bud mesenchymal stems & rMSCs Luis SolchagaTissue engineering and cell-based therapies for the regeneration of skeletal tissues J. Michael Sorrell
http://www.case.edu/artsci/biol/ |