Welcome to the Zagorski Lab
Edmund Ickert |
Edmund Ickert is an Ohio native and obtained a B.S. degree in Biology and Chemistry from Youngstown State University. He is currently studying the effects of isomerization and racemization on the structure and aggregation rates of the Aβ(1-42) peptide. Several studies have established that the Aβ in AD brain contains significant quantities of D-Asp, D-Ser, and iso-Asp. In the Aβ, these modifications, which normally occur with the aging of proteins, can have enhanced aggregational properties relative to the new all L-Aβ and it is possible that small amounts of partly racemized and/or isomerized Aβ can nucleate amyloid formation. Another project is focused on structural studies of the amyloid precursor protein. Ed is an affable person and organizes (too) many of the graduate student festivities.