case western reserve university


Welcome to the Zagorski Lab

Ishan Roy
Ishan Roy is an undergraduate and is planning to obtain a B.S. degree in Biochemistry in May 2008. He is a Michigan native, originally from Midland and now residing in Ann Arbor. His research is focused on elucidating the mechanism of oxidation of the Met35 residue in the Aβ peptide that aggregates in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. Besides the Zagorski lab, he also does research in the pediatric clinical psychology lab of Dr. Lynn Singer in the Department of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine and volunteers in the Emergency Department and the Rainbow Babies Children's Hospital at the Case Medical Center. Prior to coming to Case, Ishan did research in Green Chemistry in lab of Dr. James Jackson at Michigan State University. His main ambition is to enter a prestigious medical school and gain acceptance to a medical scientist training program, which will satisfy his interests in both basic research and clinical medicine.