Mark Meckes's Home Page

How to reach me:
Where to find me on campus: 2145 Adelbert #102G
If you like phones: (216) 368-4997 (I don't answer this but I do check my voicemail.)

Mailing address:
Dept. of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio, 44106


The main focus of my recent research is magnitude of metric spaces and related aspects of metric geometry, while the bulk of my past research has been in probability, especially random matrix theory and aspects related to convex geometry.

Here is a list of my publications.

Tom Leinster maintains a bibliography of works on magnitude, and here is a list of blog posts about magnitude, diversity, and closely related topics at the n-Category Café.


In Fall 2024 I am teaching Math 305 (Introduction to Advanced Mathematics) and Math 307 (Linear Algebra). All course information will be posted on Canvas.

Some other teaching-related material is posted here.


Curriculum vitae (last updated January 2024)

The Elizabeth S. Meckes Memorial Lecture, and some pages about its namesake.

Die Mathematiker sind eine Art Franzosen; redet man mit ihnen, so übersetzen sie es in ihre Sprache, und dann ist es alsobald ganz etwas anderes.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe