Case Western Reserve University

Mathematics Department


Under Construction

Last updated on 8/18/2015

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Philosophy: As can be seen from an even cursory examination of the textbook, the course will address - in addition to the traditional Analytic methods - also the Graphical/Numerical/Qualitative approaches to the subject. This doesn't mean that the course will be easy, just that we will ask different and more diverse questions.

Computing: There is no specific programming requirement for the course, but some parts of the course (both in-class and on the homework/projects) will involve a computer with some mathematical software (sometimes a good programmable calculator may suffice). No specific programming language or application will be required. Applications such as Matlab and Mathematica are available in the CWRU Software Center for Macintosh, Windows and Linux systems. Here is some information (prepared by Professor Hurley) about using Mathematica at CWRU online.

Tests & Final Examination: There will be 3 one hour in-class Tests and a Final Exam. Each test counts 100 points toward the final grade; the final exam counts 200 points. The final exam is comprehensive.
At this point it is expected that the tests will be given during the weeks of Sep. 21, Oct. 26 and Nov. 23. See syllabus for updates and checklists. The final examination will take place on Tuesday, December 8, 4 - 7 p.m., location TBA. (Please note that this is a special time for mathematics exams; not the standard time for MWF 11:30 classes.) Other important dates are listed on the Registrar's academic calendar.
Students with special needs should contact Educational Services for Students.

Projects: It is expected that there will be some (up to three) take-home projects during the semester. Typically, a project will have a theoretical (modeling) and a computational component. Working on the projects in groups of 2-3 persons is encouraged. The worth of each project (towards the final grade) will be about 50 points.

Homework: There will be a homework assignment corresponding to each topic covered, usually assigned and collected daily. See syllabus for the regularly updated assignments. There is no specific point-weight for the homework, but it may influence your grade if your total score falls within 2.5% of a cutoff. (You earn credit for a homework problem by demonstrating a good faith effort towards its solution.) It goes without saying that doing and understanding the homework problems has indirectly a major influence on your final grade. Do the homework as it is assigned and ask questions right away if you find there is something you do not understand.
Additionally, you are responsible for reading the sections of the book that are being covered. Due to time constraints, only some aspects of each topic will be discussed in class. It is recommended that you read each section at least lightly before it is covered in class.

Integrity: It is OK (and indeed encouraged) to discuss homework assignments with fellow students. However, any submitted work must be your own. Merely copying someone else's work is unethical, a waste of time, and may be penalized. (This includes copying solutions found on the internet.) See CWRU academic integrity policy.


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