Case Western Reserve University

Mathematics Department


Under Construction

Last updated on 8/28/12

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The course: This is the third course of a four semester honors calculus sequence. Most of the students will be freshmen with Advanced Placement credit. Some students may be continuing from the MATH 124 course. If you do not fit into any of these categories, but would like to take the course, contact the instructor or Chris Butler (Yost 317, ph. 368-2881, email cxbl0 AT
Note: Should it transpire that this class is not for you, you may petition for a transfer to the standard "Multivariable Calculus" class (MATH 223). (This assumes "good faith effort" in the course, though.) Note, however, that MATH 223 uses a different textbook.

Material to be covered: Multivariable Calculus, in principle all chapters from the textbook (but some topics in the last two chapters may be treated lightly). This involves vectors, vector functions and functions of many variables, we will also touch on the subject of matrices. See also the Catalog Description.)

Why vectors: Life being complicated, many phenomena - even those that can be described mathematically - encompass more than just one aspect and/or depend on more than one factor. This leads to vectors and, in consequence, to vector functions and to functions of a vector variable (or, equivalently, of several variables). The knowledge of calculus of such functions is indispensable for quantitative or often even qualitative understanding of most complex phenomena.

Computers, network etc.: You are required to have access to a computer and the Case network. Most of class related communications will occur over the internet. In particular, it will be assumed that you are checking your e-mail and/or the course web page regularly. There is a possibility of group computer-assisted projects later in the semester.

Homework: Will be assigned daily and collected either daily or weekly depending on a vote on the first day of the semester. Do the homework as it is assigned. Ask questions right away if you find there is something you do not understand. I will often check and answer email at night. The homework grades have a relatively minor influence on your final grade in the course. However, doing and understanding the homework problems has an immense influence upon your final grade. Solutions to selected problems (and other course related documents) will be will be progressively posted on Blackboard.

Grades: Your Final Grade in the course will be primarily based on the two or three tests given during the term (100 pts each) and the final exam (200 pts). (Students with special needs should contact Educational Support Services.) Homework (and various forms of class participation such as quizzes, if any) will count for approximately 50 pts. The group projects, if any, may count for another 30-100 pts.

Tests, Final Exam: The final exam will take place on Tuesday December 11, 4-7pm, location TBA (but most likely the regular classroom). The final exam is at the time reserved for basic Mathematics classes; it is not at the standard time for TR 10-11:15 classes. The dates for the midterms will be announced later.

Integrity: It is OK (and indeed encouraged) to discuss homework assignments with fellow students. However, any submitted work must be your own. Merely copying someone else's work is unethical, a waste of time and may be penalized. See CWRU academic integrity policy

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