Welcome to the inaugural issue of art/sci, the newsletter of the College of Arts and Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. Our goal is to present—to the world at large, and especially to our alumni—the remarkable scholarly, scientific, and artistic activities taking place within the College; to celebrate the achievements of our faculty and students; and to highlight recent initiatives that have already begun to enhance Case’s distinctiveness and preeminence among the nation’s leading research universities.
To be sure, an eight-page newsletter can only begin to tell the College’s story. But readers of this first issue will come away as cognoscenti on SAGES—our singularly ambitious, innovative model for redefining undergraduate education. They will be aware of the multifaceted research on the human mind, culture, and creativity that has found a new home in our department of cognitive science. And they will be impressed, we believe, by the diversity and excellence of the work that our faculty and students have undertaken in virtually every realm of knowledge and exploration.
We hope that art/sci will become a valued source of information about College events and activities. Just as important, we hope that it will be a source of pride to alumni of the College and of our predecessor institutions. You are invited to learn even more by visiting the College website—www.case.edu/artsci—and by participating in any of the current or emerging organizations that you will be reading about in this and future issues. Many thanks, as always, for your interest and support.
Mark Turner Institute Professor and Dean