Case Western Reserve University: Think beyond the possible
The Bigger Picture: Annual Report 2009-10
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Tinkham Veale II

A Jumpstart from a Longtime Supporter
Alumnus Tinkham Veale II's $20-million gift energizes fundraising for new university center

When Tinkham Veale II (CIT '37) graduated college, America was in the midst of the country's worst economic disaster of all time. He was married just as the country became involved in World War II. And he started his business, Alco Standard Corporation, as citizens of all backgrounds fought for equality.


Redrawing Evolutionary Trees
Two hominid skeletons, found by Case Western Reserve experts, get us steps closer to understanding mankind's roots

This year, Case Western Reserve University researchers, along with colleagues from across the country and around the world, uncovered two human ancestors who each provide invaluable insight on humans' evolution from tree climbers to upright walkers.

Hudson Relays

On the Run
A 100-year-old tradition celebrates Case Western Reserve University's history

When the first runners took to the trails for the inaugural Hudson Relays, there was no Facebook, no Twitter and certainly no text messaging—unless you count Morse code. In fact, students and alumni have been pounding the pavement at the annual race since before there was much pavement to pound.


A Smarter Insulin
Professor Michael Weiss invents a zinc-stapled insulin that reduces cancer risks

The daily act of injecting a shot into the abdomen or thigh to deliver insulin has helped regulate blood glucose levels for millions of individuals with diabetes the world over, keeping their disease in check and their lives healthier.

Lee Lazar

More Arts for More Kids
Alumnus Lee Lazar leads inner-city arts organization for kids to success—and a new home

It will be a bittersweet good-bye for the staff, board and students of the Rainey Institute to leave the building that has housed the organization for the past 106 years. opportunity to extend its reach to even more children.

Oral Health

Dental Experts Link Oral Health to Prostate Disease
By tracing inflammation throughout the body, professor Nabil Bissada and his team uncover an unexpected connection

Researchers have found another incentive to keep men flossing and brushing regularly—a potential link between oral health and prostate disease.

Law School Puts Careers in Motion

Law School Puts Careers in Motion
Summer program aims to create a more diverse legal profession

Charles F. Brush High School senior Michael Bussey has always loved the challenge of debate—the art of illuminating his side of a story. The Case Western Reserve University School of Law is helping him, and other high-achieving high school students, channel that passion into a career in law.

Tinkham Veale II

Nursing Researcher Illustrates Healthy Habits
Assistant Professor Jill Kilanowski uses comic book-style storytelling to spread the message about healthy living

While they might not be able to fly or leap tall buildings, two cartoon moms are playing heroes in a new comic book designed to encourage kids to make healthier choices.

Pipeline for the Future

Pipeline for the Future
A new program helps medical-minded high schoolers achieve their bachelor's and medical degrees.

Some students go to college to discover their passions. Others are there to pursue passions they've always had. However the arrival, higher education is an essential step in the journey to professional careers.


The Other Half of the Battle
Alumnus Derrick Kranke says controlling symptoms is just one part of the fight to support teens with mental illness

Almost everyone can remember when an unfortunate outfit choice or unflattering haircut prompted ridicule from classmates and ignited a bout of woeful self-deprecation. But for teenagers who are bullied not for the music on their iPods but for illnesses that are beyond their control, humiliation at the hands of peers can have dire consequences.

Fire blankets

Engineers Seek Protective Cover
Research Professor Fumiaki Takahashi and partners look to save houses and lives with fire blankets

Takahashi, his colleague James S. T'ien and collaborators from NASA have already gotten leads on more than 40 fabrics they thought were up to the test. But the researchers are still keeping their options open.

Mountaintop Survival is in the Genes

Mountaintop Survival is in the Genes
Professor Cynthia Beall's research on Tibetans can make breathing easier the world over

Tibetans live and work 2-to-3 miles above sea level. This extreme altitude could be harmful or even deadly for most people, but a researcher at Case Western Reserve University says Tibetans have been genetically programmed to thrive under such harsh conditions.

This is Your Brain on Good Mentoring

This is Your Brain on Good Mentoring
Professors Richard Boyatzis and Anthony Jack measure brain activity to study the best approaches for mentoring

In the visual cortex region of the brain, neural activation lights up the MRI screen, showing a firework of activity.