Dr. Liming Dai
Research Activities
Events & News

Books and Book Chapters
6. L. Dai. (Ed.) “Carbon-Based Metal-Free Catalysts: Design and
Applications”, (2 Vols.), Wiley-VCH:
Weinheim, 2018.
5. C. Zhi, L. Dai. (Eds.) “Flexible
Energy Conversion and Storage Devices”, Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2018.
4. W. Lu, J. Baek, L. Dai. (Eds.)
“Carbon Nanotechnology for Advanced Energy Systems”, John Wiley &Sons: New York,
3. M. Zhang, R. Naik, L. Dai (Eds) “Carbon Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology for
Biomedical Applications”, Springer:
Berlin, 2015.
2. Liming Dai "Intelligent
Macromolecules for Smart Devices: From Materials Synthesis to Device
Applications", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.
1. Liming Dai (Ed.) "Carbon Nanotechnology: Recent
Developments in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device
Applications", Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2006.
Book Chapters
30. A. Schrand, L. Dai, J.Schlager and S. Hussain. "Toxicity Testing of
Nanomaterials" in 'New Technologies for Toxicity Testing' (Eds. M.
Balls, R. Combes, N. Bhogal), Springer Publishing, 2012.
29. L. Qu, Y. Li, L. Dai. “Bioinspired Surface: Bioinspired
Adhesion” (Ed. G. Swiegers), John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., 2011.
28. Y. Xu, L. Dai. "Selective
Functionalization and Modification of Carbon Nanomaterials by Plasma
Techniques" (Eds. M. Sankaran, M. Meyyappan), Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.
27. W. Lu, L. Dai. “Carbon Nanotube Supercapacitors” in
‘Carbon Nanotubes’ (Ed. V. Kordic), In-Tech, Vienna, 2010.
26. L. Dai. “Self-assembling of Carbon
Nanotubes” in ‘Self-organized Organic Semiconductors: From Materials to
Device Applications’ (Ed. Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010.
25. Q. Zhang, L. Dai. “Chemistry of
Vertically-aligned Carbon Nanotubes” in ‘The Chemistry of Nanostructured
Materials, Vol II’ (Ed. P. Yang), World Scientific Publisher, 2010.
24. M. Naebe, T. Lin, L. Feng, L. Dai, A.
Abramson, V. Prakash, and X. Wang. "Conducting polymer and polymer/CNT
composite nanofibers by electrospinning" in 'Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense', ACS Symposium Book
Series (Ed. N. Ramanathan), Oxford University Press, 2009.
23. Q. Li, J. M. El Khoury, X. Zhou, A. Urbas, L. Qu, and L. Dai. "Synthesis of the Thiol
Surfactant with Tunable Length as a Stabilizer of Gold Nanoparticles"
in 'Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Passivation, Stabilization, and
Functionalization' (Ed. R. Nagarajan), Oxford University Press, 2008.
22. A.M. Schrand, J. Johnson, L. Dai, S.M.
Hussain, J.J. Schlager, L. Zhu, Y. Hong, and E. Osawa. "Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Carbon
Nanomaterials" in 'Safety of Nanoparticles: From Manufacturing to
Medical Applications' (Ed. Prof. Thomas Webster), Springer Publishing, 2008.
21. L. Qu and L. Dai. "Conjugated Polymers, Fullerene C60 and Carbon
Nanotubes for Optoelectronic Devices" in 'Introduction to Organic
Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices', (Eds. S. Sun and L.
Dalton), CRC, New
York, 2008.
20. A.M. Schrand, L. Dai, J.J. Schlager and S.M. Hussain. "Toxicity Testing of
Nanomaterials" in 'New Technologies for Toxicity Testing' (Eds. M.
Balls, R. Combes and N. Bhoghal), Eurekah Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, USA,
19. L. Dai. "From Conventional Technology to Carbon Nanotechnology:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Discoveries of C60, Carbon
Nanotube and Nanodiamond" in 'Carbon
Nanotechnology: Recent Developments in Chemistry, Physics, Materials
Science and Device Applications', (Ed. L. Dai), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006.
18. L. Qu, K.M. Lee and L. Dai. "Functionalization and Applications of
Carbon Nanotubes" in 'Carbon Nanotechnology: Recent Developments in
Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device Applications', (Ed. L.
Dai), Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2006.
17. T. Ohashi and L. Dai. "C60 and Carbon
Nanotube Sensors" in 'Carbon Nanotechnology: Recent Developments in
Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device Applications', (Ed. L.
Dai), Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2006.
16. M.H.-C. Jin, M. Durstock
and L. Dai. "Optical Limiters and Photovoltaic Devices Based on C60,
Carbon Nanotubes and Their Nanocomposites" in 'Carbon Nanotechnology:
Recent Developments in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device
Applications', (Ed. L. Dai), Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2006.
15. P. He, and L. Dai "Carbon Nanotube Biosensors" in 'Biomedical
and Biological Nanotechnology', (Eds. J. Lee, A. Lee); Volume 1 of The
Handbook of Biomems and Bio-nanotechnology, (Ed.
M. Ferrari), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2005.
14. L.T. Qu, L.C. Li, V. Bajpai, G.Q. Shi, and L.
Dai. "Conducting Polymer and Carbon Mesoporous Structures by
Electrochemical Syntheses" in 'Studies in Surface Science and
Catalysis', (Ed. A. Sayari), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005.
13. D. Aussawasathien, P. He, and L. Dai. "Polymer
Nanofibers and Polymer Sheathed Carbon Nanotubes for Sensors" in
'Polymer Nanofibers', (Ed. D. Reneker), ASC Book
Series, ACS,
Washington DC, 2005.
12. M. H.-C. Jin, and L. Dai. "Vertically
Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Organic Photovoltaic Devices" in 'Organic
Photovoltaics' (Eds. S. Sun; N.S. Sariciftci.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2005.
11. L. Dai. "Polymer Nanostructures" in 'Encyclopedia of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology', (Ed. H.S. Nalwa),
American Scientific
Publisher, California, 2004.
10. L. Dai, A. Patil and R.A. Vaia. "Surface modification of aligned carbon
nanotubes" in 'Electronic Properties of Novel Materials', in AIP
Conference Proceeding, (Eds. H. Kuzmany, J. Fink,
M. Mehring and S. Roth), American Institute Physics, New
York, 2003.
9. L. Dai and D.H. Reneker. "Polymer
Nanowires and Nanofibers" in 'Nanowires', (Ed. Z.L. Wang), Kluwer Academic Pubulishers
Dordrecht, 2003.
8. L. Dai. "From Conducting Polymers to Carbon Nanotubes: New Horizons
in Plastic Microelectronics and Carbon Nanoelectronics"
in 'Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology', (Ed. E. Osawa),
Kluwer Academic Pubulishers Dordrecht, 2002.
7. G.M. Spinks, G.G. Wallace, R.H. Baughman and L. Dai. "Carbon
nanotube actuators" in 'Electroactive Polymer Actuators as Artificial
Muscles – Reality, Potential and Challenges', (Ed. Y. Bar-Cohen), SPIE Press, Bellingham, 2001.
6. A. Hassanien, M. Gao, M. Tokumoto
and L. Dai. "Scanning tunnelling microscopy
of aligned coaxial nanowires of polyaniline passivated carbon
nanotube" in 'Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures', AIP
Conference Proceeding 591, (Eds. H. Kuzmany, J.
Fink, M. Mehring and S. Roth), American Institute Physics, New
York, 2001.
5. L. Dai, B. Winkler and A.W.H. Mau. "Construction of oriented and
patterned conjugated polymers" in 'Semiconductive
Polymers', (Eds. B. Hsieh, M. Galvin and Y. Wei), ACS, Washington, D.C. 1999.
4. L. Dai, L. Dong, S. Huang, J. Lu and A.W.H. Mau. "Syntheses of
advanced Polymeric Materials for Optoelectronic Applications" in 'Engineering
and Materials', Science
Press, Beijing, 1998.
3. H. Griesser, T. Gengenbach,
L. Dai, S. Li and R. Chatelier. "Plasma
surface modifications for structural and biomedical adhesion
applications" in 'Mittal Festschrift on Adhesion Science and Technology',
(Eds. W.J. van Ooij and H.R. Anderson, Jr.), VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1998.
2. Liming Dai and John W. White "Advanced Polymeric Materials Based on
Rubber" in 'Polymers and Organic Solids', (Eds. L. Shi and D. Zhu), Science Press: Beijing, 1997.
1. L. Dai, P. Zientek, H. St Johns, P. Pasic, R. Chatelier and H. Griesser.
"Covalently attached thin coating comprising saccharides and alkylene oxide segments" in 'Surface Modification
of Polymeric Biomaterials', (Eds. B.D. Ratner and D. Castner),
ACS Division of
Polymer Chemistry, Anaheim, Calif., 1996.
Guest-Edited Special
Journal Issues
5. Y. Chen, L. Dai, Y. Ohno. “Special Issue on Carbons for Wearable Devices”
Carbon. (in
preparation), 2017.
4. H. Zhang, L. Dai,
Z. Liu, X. Feng. (Ed.). “Special Issue 2D Materials for Energy
Chem. Nano. Mat. doi:10.1002/cnma.201700121,
3. L. Dai, Y. Gogotsi, H. E. Unalan (Ed.).
“Supercapacitor Focus Collection in Nanotechnology”
Nanotechnology. (http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-4484/focus/Focus-Supercapacitors)
2. J. Cho, L. Dai,
D. Guldi (Ed.). “Special Issue on the Chemistry
of Energy Conversion and Storage”
Chemistry –An Asian
Journal (8),1119-1292, 2016.
1. A.R. Yusoff, L. Dai, H.-M. Cheng, J. Liu (Ed.).
“Nanoscale special issue on Graphene-based Energy Devices”
Nanoscale. (7),
6881-6882, 2015.