Wellness Program

Title: Wellness Program
Approved by
Date Approved:
Effective Date: 06/03/2019
Responsible Official: Vice President of Human Resources
Responsible University Office: HR Wellness 
Revision History: N/A
Related Legislation and University policies: Vacation Policy
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review
Relates to: executive staff, senior staff, staff, and term employees
Exclusions: non-benefits eligible executive staff, senior staff, and staff

Policy Statement

The university believes keeping people healthy and well makes a significant difference in their daily lives. Not only do people experience better health when focused on enhancing their level of wellness, but they also are more productive and engaged at work, are absent less often, and tend to use health care less frequently. As such, the university promotes and encourages its wellness program.

The goal is to promote healthy lifestyles to create a positive, successful, supportive, energetic, and well workplace. Programs focus on lifestyle behaviors that most significantly impact well-being and health. By incentivizing people to engage in more healthy behaviors, the university hopes to improve health over time within the university.


Employees using a Benelect medical plan are able to participate in programs and receive incentives for their participation if they meet the university’s guidelines. Additional wellness programs are offered for all employees as we work to establish a culture of health and well-being on campus.

Guidelines for Time Spent in Wellness Programs

Supervisors and/or Department Heads have discretion whether to treat time spent on wellness programs, including biometric screening and wellness activities, as “time worked”. They also have the discretion to limit an employee’s wellness activities, or limit the number of department employees simultaneously participating in wellness activities, to ensure department coverage in a fair and equitable manner. 

Employees may use their lunch break or vacation time (in whole or half day increments) to participate in wellness activities. Additionally, supervisors are encouraged to provide the employee the opportunity to participate in wellness activities by arranging flextime within the same workweek if possible. 

Additional information about the university's Wellness Programs can be found online here