Sick Pay

Title: Sick Pay
Approved by
Date Approved:
Effective Date: 06/03/2019
Responsible Official: Vice President of Human Resources
Responsible University Office: HR Benefits Office
Revision History: 01/01/1995; 01/01/2002; 01/01/2008; 1/1/2014
Related Legislation and University policies: Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Absences and Leave PolicyAdditional Medical Leaves of Absence (non-FMLA) PolicyPaid Parental Leave, including Adoption and Foster Care Leave
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review
Relates to: faculty, executive staff, senior staff, and staff
Exclusions: None

Policy Statement

The university provides an annual allotment of sick pay for absences or approved leaves due to personal health and medical needs. The amount of sick pay that an employee has available does not determine the amount of leave time that an employee may take. Rather, the amount of sick pay an employee has available will determine whether an employee is paid for time off of work and/or during leaves of absence due to personal health and medical needs. Absences and leave time are governed by the Attendance and Absences Policy, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Absences and Leave Policy, the Additional Medical Leave of Absence (Non-FMLA) Policy, the Individuals with Disabilities and Accommodations Policy, and other leave policies. 

Years of service are based on anniversary date and the allowance shown is for the year, not for each occurrence. 

Faculty, Executive Staff, and Senior Staff

Years of Service

Full Pay plus

60% Pay

< 1 year

1 2/3 day 
per month(s) worked

1 year to <3 years

1 month plus

1 month

3 years to <5 years

2 months plus

1 month

5 years to <10 years

3 months plus

3 months

10+ years

6 months plus

0 months

Executive Staff and Senior Staff’s paid sick time balances zero out and renew each anniversary date and, therefore, sick pay does not carry over from year-to-year. Unused paid sick time is forfeited upon termination and is not included in termination pay calculations for executive staff or senior staff.

Staff (Exempt and Non-Exempt)

Years of Service

Paid Time Off

3 months to < 1 year

5 days per year

1 to <5 years

10 days per year

5+ years

15 days per year

Staff employees receive their annual paid sick time allowance on their anniversary date each year and unused balances continue to accrue from year to year. A staff employee may draw from their paid sick time balance to provide pay during absences and approved leaves, up to a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks within any twelve (12) month time period for personal medical leaves. This accrual applies to paid sick time only. Any unused sick time is forfeited upon termination and is not included in staff termination pay calculations.

Non-exempt employees can use paid sick time in one-hour increments. Exempt employees must use paid sick time in half-day or whole-day increments unless they are on intermittent FMLA leave.

Unpaid Leave

Employees must use all unused vacation time after they have exhausted their sick pay allowance prior to commencing any unpaid period of leave.

An employee’s eligibility for medical leave is not based on the paid sick time accrued and available to the employee. Use of paid sick time is governed by the Attendance and Absences Policy, FMLA eligibility, leave provided as a disability accommodation, short-term disability, and other policies regarding approved leave.

Documentation for Sick Leave

Employee Relations will require documentation as dictated by the FMLA for all intermittent FMLA leave. Employees may submit FMLA approval documentation for any medical leaves exceeding three (3) consecutive days where continuing treatment is required. Additionally, the Human Resources Department will require a Return to Work Release for all employees who miss more than five (5) consecutive days for the same personal illness or medical reason. Sick days will be considered “consecutive” for purposes of determining absences exceeding five (5) consecutive days, even if separated by non-work days (e.g. weekends, holidays, and/or prescheduled vacation of two (2) days or less).

Employees who call off for ten (10) consecutive days must contact Employee Relations to discuss their absences, potential FMLA leave, or return date. Failure to do so may be considered a voluntary resignation. 

Bereavement Leave, Family Illness, and Paid Parental Leave

All executive staff, senior staff, and staff can  use up to a total of eight (8) days annually of their unused paid sick time for bereavement, family illness, or family medical reasons. Bereavement leave and sick time does not cover absences due to pets; employees must use vacation or, if they do not have any vacation, take an unpaid day. Employees should refer also to the Bereavement/Funeral Leave Policy.

Employees who are on approved FMLA leave for family medical or family military service member leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Absences and Leave Policy can use up to twelve (12) days of paid sick time annually during such leave (minus any paid sick time they may have used for occasions of bereavement, parenting, adoption, or foster care leave, or family illness not covered by their FMLA leave).

If an employee does not have paid sick time remaining, they should use vacation time. If the employee does not have any vacation time remaining, the time off will be unpaid.

Employees who qualify for leave under the FMLA may also be eligible for Paid Parental Leave for the birth and/or adoption and/or foster care placement of a child, and should refer to the Paid Parental Leave Policy