Flexible Staffing Procedure

Issue Date: 06/03/2019
Related Policy: Flexible Staffing Options and Alternative Work Arrangements
Revision History: 01/01/2008

Detailed Procedures

  1. Either the employee or the supervisor/department/management center may initiate a request for a Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement by completing the Alternative Work Arrangement Option Request Form. If the employee initiates the request, the employee must complete the Alternative Work Arrangement Option Request Form prior to meeting with their supervisor to discuss the alternative work arrangement request.
  2. A formal discussion between the employee and the supervisor should take place to review the Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement request and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the requested alternative work arrangement against the operational needs of the department/management center. Both parties must mutually agree to the alternative work arrangement option. The employee has the right not to participate in an Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement option.
  3. The Alternative Work Arrangement Option Request Form should be submitted to Employee Relations at AskHR@case.edu. The supervisor will consult with Employee Relations to review the Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement. Employee Relations will either:
    1. Approve the Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement request;
    2. Make recommendations concerning the Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement; or 
    3. Deny the Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement request.
  4. If approved, the request will be forwarded to the Human Resources Administrator, Department Head, and/or Vice President for final approval. The Flexible Staffing Alternative Work Arrangement cannot commence until the approval process has been completed in its entirety.
  5. Once all required approvals and signatures have been obtained, the employee will be given a copy of all alternative work arrangement documentation. The department will retain a copy of the documentation and the original will be maintained by Employee Relations.
  6. The employee may commence the alternative work arrangement after receiving the fully executed approved documentation. Employees that commence an alternative work arrangement without completing the required request form(s) and/or are not in receipt of approved documentation may be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination.