The master plan will be formed over the course of 14 months in three primary phases:
The analysis phase focused on information gathering, stakeholder interviews and problem diagnosis to planners establish goals and formulate data sets to inform decision-making and ensure a thorough grounding and realistic approach for all potential scenarios.
Through an interactive planning process, Sasaki Associates incorporates the findings of the analysis phase to develop scenarios that could be cost-effective options to help meet short- and long-term goals of the university.
In implementation, Sasaki Associates will work with university administrators to turn the plans into reality by transferring all project knowledge and helping begin priority projects.
The following is a timeline of completed and forthcoming milestone events (with anticipated dates) related to the CWRU Campus Master Plan:
Presentation of Campus Master Plan to President’s Council
Request for qualifications to consultants issued
List of qualified consultants developed
Consultant Selection Committee formed
Consultant Selection Committee meets
Request for proposals to short list consultants issued
Short list consultants interviewed
Sasaki Associates selected as lead consultant
Initial data requests to stakeholders issued
Online campus surveys launched
Monthly workshops begin for committees and stakeholders
Completion of Phase One
Completion of Phase Two (anticipated)
Completion of Phase Three (anticipated)
Prior efforts at Case Western Reserve have helped shape today's campus.
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