Peter J. Thomas
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Biological Cybernetics
Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics (primary)
Department of Computer and Data Science (secondary)
Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (secondary)
Department of Cognitive Science (secondary)
Department of Biology (secondary)
Office: Yost 212A (216-368-3623)
Lab: Yost 212B (216-368-8710)
E-mail: pjthomas( AT )case.edu
B.A., Yale University, 1990 (Physics and Philosophy)
M.S., The University of Chicago, 1994 (Mathematics)
M.A., The University of Chicago, 2000
(Conceptual Foundations of Science)
Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2000 (Mathematics) |
Teaching: (Fall 2006) MATH 224: Differential Equations
(Spring 2007) MATH 319: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology (cross-list: BIOL 319/419, EECS 319)
(Spring 2007) MATH 342: Preparation for Research in Mathematical Biology (cross-list: BIOL 309)
(Spring 2008) MATH 223: Calculus for Science and Engineering III
(Spring 2008) MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience (cross-list: BIOL 378/478, COGS 378, NEUR 478, EBME 478, EECS 478)
(Fall 2008) MATH 223: Calculus for Science and Engineering III
(Fall 2008) MATH 319: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology (cross-list: BIOL 319/419, EECS 319, PHOL 419, EBME 419)
(Fall 2009) MATH 223: Calculus for Science and Engineering III
(Spring 2010) MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience (cross-list: BIOL 378/478, COGS 378, NEUR 478, EBME 478, EECS 478)
(Spring 2010) MATH 435: Ordinary Differential Equations
(Fall 2010) MATH 223: Calculus for Science and Engineering III. Meets MWF 2-2:50 p.m. in Bingham 305.
(Fall 2010) MATH 321/421: Fundamentals of Analysis I. Meets WF 12:30-1:45 p.m. in Bingham 305.
(Spring 2011) MATH 319: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology (cross-list: BIOL 319/419, EECS 319, PHOL 419, EBME 419) Meets MWF 2:00-2:50, location TBA.
(Spring 2011) MATH 322/422: Fundamentals of Analysis II. Meets WF 12:30-1:45 p.m. in Yost 101.
(Fall 2011) Pretenure teaching release.
(Spring 2012) MATH 224: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 11:30-12:20 in Bingham 304. Here is the google docs page for the course.
(Spring 2012) MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience (cross-list: BIOL 378/478, COGS 378, NEUR 478, EBME 478, EECS 478). Meetings MWF 2:00-2:50 in Bingham 204. Here is the google docs page for the course.
(Fall 2012) MATH 223: Calculus for Science and Engineering III. Meets MWF 10:30-11:20 in Bingham 304.
(Fall 2012) MATH 441: Mathematical Modeling. Meets MWF 2:00-2:50 in Bingham 304.
(Spring 2013) MATH 224: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 11:30-12:20 in Clapp 305.
(Spring 2013) MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience (cross-list: BIOL 378/478, COGS 378, NEUR 478, EBME 478, EECS 478). Meetings MW 2:00-2:50 in Clapp 305 and F 2:00-2:50 in Clapp 304.
(Fall 2013) on sabbatical leave
(Spring 2014) on sabbatical leave
(Fall 2014) MATH 224: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 10:30-11:20 in Bingham 304. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Fall 2014) MATH 435: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 11:30-12:20 in Bingham 304. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Spring 2015) MATH 224: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 14:00-14:50 in Olin 313. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Spring 2015) MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience (cross-list: BIOL 378/478, COGS 378, NEUR 478, EBME 478, EECS 478). Meetings MWF 10:30-11:20 in Bingham 204. Syllabus.
(Fall 2015) MATH 380: Introduction to Probability. Meets MWF 10:30-11:20 in Nord 400.
(Fall 2015) MATH 224: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 11:30-12:20 in Nord 400.
(Spring 2016) MATH 380: Introduction to Probability. Meets MWF 10:30-11:20 in Bingham 204. Schedule.
(Spring 2016) MATH 319/419: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology (cross-lists: BIOL, EECS, SYBB 319; BIOL, EBME, PHOL, SYBB 419). Meets Mondays 15:00-17:30 in Bingham 204.
(Fall 2016) MATH 435: Ordinary Differential Equations. Meets MWF 9:30-10:20 in Nord Hall 356. Syllabus.
(Fall 2016) MATH 380: Introduction to Probability. Meets MWF 10:35-11:25 in Nord Hall 356. Syllabus. Schedule .
(Spring 2017) MATH 224: Differential Equations. Meets MWF 9:30-10:20 in Bingham 305. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Spring 2017) MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience (cross-list: BIOL 378/478, COGS 378, NEUR 478, EBME 478, EECS 478). Meets MWF 10:35-11:25 in Bingham 204. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Fall 2017) Partial teaching release courtesy of the Mathematical Biosciences Institute's Distinguished Scholar in Residence program.
(Spring 2018) MATH 224 (CRN 1194): Differential Equations. Meets MWF 10:35-11:25 in A.W. Smith 329. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Spring 2018) MATH 224 (CRN 1193): Differential Equations. Meets MWF 11:40-12:30 in A.W. Smith 329. Syllabus. Schedule.
(Spring 2018) MATH 319/419: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology (cross-list: BIOL 319/419, EBME 419, EECS 319, PHOL 419, SYBB 319/419). Syllabus. Schedule.
(Fall 2018) MATH 435: Ordinary Differential Equations. Meets MWF 9:30-10:20 in Bingham 204.
Draft Syllabus.
(Fall 2018) MATH 380: Introduction to Probability. Meets MWF 10:35-11:25 in Bingham 204.
(Spring 2019) MATH 394/494: Information Theory. Meets MWF 10:35-11:25 in Bingham 305.
(Spring 2019) BIOL/MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience. Meets MWF 11:40-12:30 in Bingham 204.
(Fall 2019) BIOL 306/MATH 376: Mathematical Analysis of Biological Models (aka Dynamics of Biological Systems II). Meets TR 10:00-11:15 in (TBD).
(Fall 2019) MATH 435: Ordinary Differential Equations. Meets TR 14:30-15:45 in (TBD).
(Spring 2020) MATH 224: Differential Equations.
(Spring 2020) BIOL/MATH 319/419: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology.
(Fall 2020) on sabbatical leave
(Spring 2021) BIOL/MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience.
(Fall 2021) MATH 380: Introduction to Probability.
(Fall 2021) MATH 224: Differential Equations.
(Spring 2022) BIOL/MATH 319/419: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes for Biology.
(Fall 2022) MATH 441: Mathematical Modeling
(Fall 2022) MATH 380: Introduction to Probability.
(Spring 2023) BIOL/MATH 378/478: Computational Neuroscience. Meets TR 11:30-12:45 (US Eastern) Bingham 240.
Additional meetings for students in MATH 478.
(Fall 2023) not teaching this semester
(Spring 2024) TBD