006       Amebiasis

006.5    Amebic brain abscess

Amebic abscess of brain (and liver) (and lung)


Includes:          infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (human) (bovine)

Excludes:         congenital tuberculosis (771.2)

late effects of tuberculosis (137.0-137.4)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 010-018:

0 unspecified

1 bacteriological or histological examination not done

2 bacteriological or histological examination unknown (at present)

3 tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy

4 tubercle bacilli not found (in sputum) by microscopy, but found by bacterial culture

5 tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological examination, but tuberculosis confirmed histologically

6 tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological or histological examination, but tuberculosis confirmed by other methods [inoculation of animals]

013       Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 010-018 for codes and definitions.

013.0    Tuberculous meningitis

Tuberculosis of meninges (cerebral) (spinal)




Excludes:          tuberculoma of meninges (013.1)

013.1    Tuberculoma of meninges

013.2    Tuberculoma of brain

Tuberculosis of brain (current disease)

013.3    Tuberculous abscess of brain

013.4    Tuberculoma of spinal cord

013.5    Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord

013.6    Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis

013.8    Other specified tuberculosis of central nervous system

013.9    Unspecified tuberculosis of central nervous system

Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS

036       Meningococcal infection

036.0    Meningococcal meningitis

Cerebrospinal fever (meningococcal)




036.1    Meningococcal encephalitis

036.2    Meningococcemia

Meningococcal septicemia

037       Tetanus

Excludes:          tetanus:


abortion (634-638 with .0, 639.0)

ectopic or molar pregnancy (639.0)

neonatorum (771.3)


042       Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome


AIDS-like syndrome

AIDS-related complex


HIV infection, symptomatic

Use additional code(s) to identify all manifestations of HIV

Use additional code to identify HIV-2 infection (079.53)

Excludes:          asymptomatic HIV infection status (V08)

exposure to HIV virus (V01.79)

nonspecific serologic evidence of HIV (795.71)


045       Acute poliomyelitis

Excludes:          late effects of acute poliomyelitis (138)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 045:

0 poliovirus, unspecified type

1 poliovirus type I

2 poliovirus type II

3 poliovirus type III

045.0    Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar

Infantile paralysis (acute) specified as bulbar

Poliomyelitis (acute) (anterior) specified as bulbar

Polioencephalitis (acute) (bulbar)

Polioencephalomyelitis (acute) (anterior) (bulbar)

045.1    Acute poliomyelitis with other paralysis


acute atrophic, spinal

infantile, paralytic

Poliomyelitis (acute) with paralysis except bulbar

anterior with paralysis except bulbar

epidemic with paralysis except bulbar

045.2    Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis

Poliomyelitis (acute) specified as nonparalytic

anterior specified as nonparalytic

epidemic specified as nonparalytic

045.9    Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified

Infantile paralysis unspecified whether paralytic or nonparalytic

Poliomyelitis (acute) unspecified whether paralytic or nonparalytic

anterior unspecified whether paralytic or nonparalytic

epidemic unspecified whether paralytic or nonparalytic

046       Slow virus infection of central nervous system

046.0    Kuru

046.1    Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease

Subacute spongiform encephalopathy

046.2    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

Dawson's inclusion body encephalitis

Van Bogaert's sclerosing leukoencephalitis

046.3    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

Multifocal leukoencephalopathy NOS

046.8    Other specified slow virus infection of central nervous system

046.9    Unspecified slow virus infection of central nervous system

047       Meningitis due to enterovirus

Includes:           meningitis:




Excludes:          meningitis due to:

adenovirus (049.1)

arthropod-borne virus (060.0-066.9)

leptospira (100.81)

virus of:

herpes simplex (054.72)

herpes zoster (053.0)

lymphocytic choriomeningitis (049.0)

mumps (072.1)

poliomyelitis (045.0-045.9)

any other infection specifically classified elsewhere

047.0    Coxsackie virus

047.1    ECHO virus

Meningo-eruptive syndrome

047.8    Other specified viral meningitis

047.9    Unspecified viral meningitis

Viral meningitis NOS

048       Other enterovirus diseases of central nervous system


049       Other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system

Excludes:          late effects of viral encephalitis (139.0)

049.0    Lymphocytic choriomeningitis


meningitis (serous) (benign)

meningoencephalitis (serous) (benign)

049.1    Meningitis due to adenovirus

049.8    Other specified non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system



inclusion body




Rio Bravo

von Economo's disease

049.9    Unspecified non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system

Viral encephalitis NOS


Excludes:         arthropod-borne viral diseases (060.0-066.9)

Boston exanthem (048)

053       Herpes zoster

Includes:           shingles


053.0    With meningitis

053.1    With other nervous system complications

053.10  With unspecified nervous system complication

053.11  Geniculate herpes zoster

Herpetic geniculate ganglionitis

053.12  Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia

053.13  Postherpetic polyneuropathy

053.19  Other

053.2    With ophthalmic complications

053.20  Herpes zoster dermatitis of eyelid

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus

053.21  Herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis

053.22  Herpes zoster iridocyclitis

054       Herpes simplex

054.3    Herpetic meningoencephalitis

Herpes encephalitis

Simian B disease

056       Rubella

056.0    With neurological complications

056.00  With unspecified neurological complication

056.01  Encephalomyelitis due to rubella

Encephalitis due to rubella

Meningoencephalitis due to rubella


Use additional code to identify any associated meningitis (321.2)

Excludes:         late effects of viral encephalitis (139.0)

062       Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis

062.0    Japanese encephalitis

Japanese B encephalitis

062.1    Western equine encephalitis

062.2    Eastern equine encephalitis

Excludes:          Venezuelan equine encephalitis (066.2)

062.3    St. Louis encephalitis

062.4    Australian encephalitis

Australian arboencephalitis

Australian X disease

Murray Valley encephalitis

062.5    California virus encephalitis



La Crosse

Tahyna fever

062.8    Other specified mosquito-borne viral encephalitis

Encephalitis by Ilheus virus

Excludes: West Nile virus (066.40-066.49)

062.9    Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified

063       Tick-borne viral encephalitis

Includes:           diphasic meningoencephalitis

063.0    Russian spring-summer [taiga] encephalitis

063.1    Louping ill

063.2    Central European encephalitis

063.8    Other specified tick-borne viral encephalitis

Langat encephalitis

Powassan encephalitis

063.9    Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified

064       Viral encephalitis transmitted by other and unspecified arthropods

Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, vector unknown

Negishi virus encephalitis

Excludes: viral encephalitis NOS (049.9)

066       Other arthropod-borne viral diseases

066.4    West Nile fever

066.40 West Nile fever, unspecified

West Nile fever NOS

West Nile fever without complications

West Nile virus NOS

066.41  West Nile fever with encephalitis

West Nile encephalitis

West Nile encephalomyelitis

066.42  West Nile fever with other neurologic manifestation

Use additional code to specify the neurologic manifestation


071       Rabies


094       Neurosyphilis

Use additional code to identify any associated mental disorder

094.0    Tabes dorsalis

Locomotor ataxia (progressive)

Posterior spinal sclerosis (syphilitic)

Tabetic neurosyphilis

Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:

neurogenic arthropathy [Charcot's joint disease] (713.5)

094.1    General paresis

Dementia paralytica

General paralysis (of the insane) (progressive)

Paretic neurosyphilis


094.2    Syphilitic meningitis

Meningovascular syphilis

Excludes:          acute syphilitic meningitis (secondary) (091.81)

094.3    Asymptomatic neurosyphilis

094.8    Other specified neurosyphilis

094.81  Syphilitic encephalitis

094.82  Syphilitic Parkinsonism

094.83  Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis

094.84  Syphilitic optic atrophy

094.85  Syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis

094.86  Syphilitic acoustic neuritis

094.87  Syphilitic ruptured cerebral aneurysm

094.89  Other

094.9    Neurosyphilis, unspecified

Gumma (syphilitic) of central nervous system NOS

Syphilis (early) (late) of central nervous system NOS

Syphiloma of central nervous system NOS

MYCOSES (110-118)

Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:

arthropathy (711.6)

meningitis (321.0-321.1)

otitis externa (380.15)

Excludes:         infection by Actinomycetales, such as species of Actinomyces, Actinomadura, Nocardia, Streptomyces (039.0-039.9)

114       Coccidioidomycosis

114.2    Coccidioidal meningitis


115       Histoplasmosis

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 115:

0 without mention of manifestation

1 meningitis

2 retinitis

3 pericarditis

4 endocarditis

5 pneumonia

9 other

115.0    Infection by Histoplasma capsulatum

American histoplasmosis

Darling's disease

Reticuloendothelial cytomycosis

Small form histoplasmosis

115.1    Infection by Histoplasma duboisii

African histoplasmosis

Large form histoplasmosis

115.9    Histoplasmosis, unspecified

Histoplasmosis NOS

117       Other mycoses

117.3    Aspergillosis

Infection by Aspergillus species, mainly A. fumigatus, A. flavus group, A. terreus group


124       Trichinosis

Trichinella spiralis infection




130       Toxoplasmosis

Includes:           infection by toxoplasma gondii

toxoplasmosis (acquired)

Excludes:          congenital toxoplasmosis (771.2)

130.0    Meningoencephalitis due to toxoplasmosis

Encephalitis due to acquired toxoplasmosis

135       Sarcoidosis

Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease

Lupoid (miliary) of Boeck

Lupus pernio (Besnier)

Lymphogranulomatosis, benign (Schaumann's)

Sarcoid (any site):




Uveoparotid fever

136       Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases

136.1    Behçet's syndrome

136.2    Specific infections by free-living amebae

Meningoencephalitis due to Naegleria


137       Late effects of tuberculosis

Note:    This category is to be used to indicate conditions classifiable to 010-018 as the cause of late effects, which are themselves classified elsewhere. The "late effects" include those specified as such, as sequelae, or as due to old or inactive tuberculosis, without evidence of active disease.

137.1    Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis

138       Late effects of acute poliomyelitis

Note:    This category is to be used to indicate conditions classifiable to 045 as the cause of late effects, which are themselves classified elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions specified as such, or as sequelae, or as due to old or inactive poliomyelitis, without evidence of active disease.

139       Late effects of other infectious and parasitic diseases

Note:    This category is to be used to indicate conditions classifiable to categories 001-009, 020-041, 046-136 as the cause of late effects, which are themselves classified elsewhere.  The "late effects" include conditions specified as such; they also include sequela of diseases classifiable to the above categories if there is evidence that the disease itself is no longer present.

139.0    Late effects of viral encephalitis

Late effects of conditions classifiable to 049.8-049.9, 062-064


170       Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage

170.2    Vertebral column, excluding sacrum and coccyx

Spinal column



Excludes:          sacrum and coccyx (170.6)

170.6    Pelvic bones, sacrum, and coccyx

Coccygeal vertebra



Pubic bone

Sacral vertebra


191       Malignant neoplasm of brain

Excludes:          cranial nerves (192.0)

retrobulbar area (190.1)

191.0    Cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles

Basal ganglia

Cerebral cortex

Corpus striatum

Globus pallidus



191.1    Frontal lobe

191.2    Temporal lobe



191.3    Parietal lobe

191.4    Occipital lobe

191.5    Ventricles

Choroid plexus

Floor of ventricle

191.6    Cerebellum NOS

Cerebellopontine angle

191.7    Brain stem

Cerebral peduncle

Medulla oblongata



191.8    Other parts of brain

Corpus callosum


Malignant neoplasm of contiguous or overlapping sites of brain whose point of origin cannot be determined

191.9    Brain, unspecified

Cranial fossa NOS

192       Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system

Excludes:          peripheral, sympathetic, and parasympathetic nerves and ganglia (171.0-171.9)

192.0    Cranial nerves

Olfactory bulb

192.1    Cerebral meninges

Dura (mater)

Falx (cerebelli) (cerebri)

Meninges NOS


192.2    Spinal cord

Cauda equina

192.3    Spinal meninges

192.8    Other specified sites of nervous system

Malignant neoplasm of contiguous or overlapping sites of other parts of nervous system whose point of origin cannot be determined

192.9    Nervous system, part unspecified

Nervous system (central) NOS

Excludes:          meninges NOS (192.1)

198       Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites

198.3    Brain and spinal cord

198.4    Other parts of nervous system

Meninges (cerebral) (spinal)


225       Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system

Excludes:          hemangioma (228.02)

neurofibromatosis (237.7)

peripheral, sympathetic, and parasympathetic nerves and ganglia (215.0-215.9)

retrobulbar (224.1)

225.0    Brain

225.1    Cranial nerves

225.2    Cerebral meninges

Meninges NOS

Meningioma (cerebral)

225.3    Spinal cord

Cauda equina

225.4    Spinal meninges

Spinal meningioma

225.8    Other specified sites of nervous system

225.9    Nervous system, part unspecified

Nervous system (central) NOS

Excludes:          meninges NOS (225.2)

227       Benign neoplasm of other endocrine glands and related structures

227.3    Pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct (pouch)

Craniobuccal pouch


Rathke's pouch

Sella turcica

227.4    Pineal gland

Pineal body

227.5    Carotid body


228       Hemangioma and lymphangioma, any site

Includes:           angioma (benign) (cavernous) (congenital) NOS

cavernous nevus

glomus tumor

hemangioma (benign) (congenital)

Excludes:          benign neoplasm of spleen, except hemangioma and lymphangioma (211.9)

glomus jugulare (227.6)


NOS (216.0-216.9)

blue or pigmented (216.0-216.9)

vascular (757.32)

228.0    Hemangioma, any site

228.02  Of intracranial structures

228.03  Of retina



250       Diabetes mellitus

Excludes:          gestational diabetes (648.8)

hyperglycemia NOS (790.6)

neonatal diabetes mellitus (775.1)

nonclinical diabetes (790.29)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 250:

0 type II or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled

Fifth-digit 0 is for use for type II patients, even if the patient requires insulin

Use additional code, if applicable, for associated long-term (current) insulin use V58.67

1 type I [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled

2 type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled

Use additional code, if applicable, for associated long-term (current) insulin use V58.67

Fifth-digit 2 is for use for type II, adult-onset, diabetic patients, even if the patient requires insulin

3 type I [juvenile type], uncontrolled

250.0    Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication

Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication or manifestation classifiable to 250.1-250.9

Diabetes (mellitus) NOS

.1   Diabetes with ketoacidosis


acidosis without mention of coma

ketosis without mention of coma

250.2    Diabetes with hyperosmolarity

Hyperosmolar (nonketotic) coma

250.3    Diabetes with other coma

Diabetic coma (with ketoacidosis)

Diabetic hypoglycemic coma

Insulin coma NOS

Excludes:          diabetes with hyperosmolar coma (250.2)

250.6    Diabetes with neurological manifestations

Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:


amyotrophy (358.1)

gastroparalysis (536.3)

gastroparesis (536.3)

mononeuropathy (354.0-355.9)

neurogenic arthropathy (713.5)

peripheral autonomic neuropathy (337.1)

polyneuropathy (357.2)


252       Disorders of parathyroid gland


252.1    Hypoparathyroidism

Parathyroiditis (autoimmune)




Excludes:          pseudohypoparathyroidism (275.49)

pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (275.49)

tetany NOS (781.7)

transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism (775.4)

253       Disorders of the pituitary gland and its hypothalamic control

Includes:           the listed conditions whether the disorder is in the pituitary or the hypothalamus

Excludes:          Cushing's syndrome (255.0)

253.0    Acromegaly and gigantism

Overproduction of growth hormone

253.2    Panhypopituitarism

Cachexia, pituitary

Necrosis of pituitary (postpartum)

Pituitary insufficiency NOS

Sheehan's syndrome

Simmonds' disease

Excludes:          iatrogenic hypopituitarism (253.7)

253.5    Diabetes insipidus

Vasopressin deficiency

Excludes:          nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (588.1)

253.8    Other disorders of the pituitary and other syndromes of diencephalohypophyseal origin

Abscess of pituitary

Adiposogenital dystrophy

Cyst of Rathke's pouch

Fröhlich's syndrome

Excludes:          craniopharyngioma (237.0)

253.9    Unspecified


254       Diseases of thymus gland

Excludes:          aplasia or dysplasia with immunodeficiency (279.2)

hypoplasia with immunodeficiency (279.2)

myasthenia gravis (358.00-358.01)

254.0    Persistent hyperplasia of thymus

Hypertrophy of thymus

254.8    Other specified diseases of thymus gland

Atrophy of thymus

Cyst of thymus

Excludes:          thymoma (212.6)

254.9    Unspecified disease of thymus gland


Excludes:         deficiency anemias (280.0-281.9)

265       Thiamine and niacin deficiency states

265.0    Beriberi

265.1    Other and unspecified manifestations of thiamine deficiency

Other vitamin B1 deficiency states

265.2    Pellagra


niacin (-tryptophan)


nicotinic acid

vitamin PP

Pellagra (alcoholic)

266       Deficiency of B-complex components

266.0    Ariboflavinosis

Riboflavin [vitamin B2] deficiency

266.1    Vitamin B6 deficiency





Vitamin B6 deficiency syndrome

Excludes:          vitamin B6-responsive sideroblastic anemia (285.0)

266.2    Other B-complex deficiencies



folic acid

vitamin B12

Excludes:          combined system disease with anemia (281.0-281.1)

deficiency anemias (281.0-281.9)

subacute degeneration of spinal cord with anemia (281.0-281.1)

268       Vitamin D deficiency

Excludes:          vitamin D-resistant:

osteomalacia (275.3)

rickets (275.3)

268.0    Rickets, active

Excludes:          celiac rickets (579.0)

renal rickets (588.0)

268.1    Rickets, late effect

Any condition specified as due to rickets and stated to be a late effect or sequela of rickets

Use additional code to identify the nature of late effect

268.2    Osteomalacia, unspecified

268.9    Unspecified vitamin D deficiency

Avitaminosis D


Use additional code to identify any associated mental retardation

270       Disorders of amino-acid transport and metabolism

Excludes:          abnormal findings without manifest disease (790.0-796.9)

disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism (277.1-277.2)

gout (274.0-274.9)

270.0    Disturbances of amino-acid transport



Fanconi (-de Toni) (-Debré) syndrome

Glycinuria (renal)

Hartnup disease

270.1    Phenylketonuria [PKU]


270.2    Other disturbances of aromatic amino-acid metabolism



Alkaptonuric ochronosis

Disturbances of metabolism of tyrosine and tryptophan

Homogentisic acid defects




Kynureninase defects

Oasthouse urine disease




Waardenburg syndrome

Excludes:          vitamin B6-deficiency syndrome (266.1)

270.3    Disturbances of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism

Disturbances of metabolism of leucine, isoleucine, and valine


Intermittent branched-chain ketonuria

Leucine-induced hypoglycemia


Maple syrup urine disease

270.4    Disturbances of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism



Disturbances of metabolism of methionine, homocystine, and cystathionine




270.5    Disturbances of histidine metabolism




Imidazole aminoaciduria

270.6    Disorders of urea cycle metabolism

Argininosuccinic aciduria


Disorders of metabolism of ornithine, citrulline, argininosuccinic acid, arginine, and ammonia



270.7    Other disturbances of straight-chain amino-acid metabolism


Glycinemia (with methylmalonic acidemia)



Pipecolic acidemia


Other disturbances of metabolism of glycine, threonine, serine, glutamine, and lysine

270.8    Other specified disorders of amino-acid metabolism










270.9    Unspecified disorder of amino-acid metabolism

271       Disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism

Excludes:          abnormality of secretion of glucagon (251.4)

diabetes mellitus (250.0-250.9)

hypoglycemia NOS (251.2)

mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)

271.0    Glycogenosis


Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency

Glycogen storage disease

McArdle's disease

Pompe's disease

von Gierke's disease

271.1    Galactosemia

Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency


271.2    Hereditary fructose intolerance

Essential benign fructosuria


271.3    Intestinal disaccharidase deficiencies and disaccharide malabsorption

Intolerance or malabsorption (congenital) (of):




271.4    Renal glycosuria

Renal diabetes

271.8    Other specified disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism

Essential benign pentosuria


Glycolic aciduria

Hyperoxaluria (primary)





271.9    Unspecified disorder of carbohydrate transport and metabolism

272       Disorders of lipoid metabolism

Excludes:          localized cerebral lipidoses (330.1)

272.0    Pure hypercholesterolemia

Familial hypercholesterolemia

Fredrickson Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia


Hyperlipidemia, Group A

Low-density-lipoid-type [LDL] hyperlipoproteinemia

272.1    Pure hyperglyceridemia

Endogenous hyperglyceridemia

Fredrickson Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia

Hyperlipidemia, Group B


Hypertriglyceridemia, essential

Very-low-density-lipoid-type [VLDL] hyperlipoproteinemia

272.2    Mixed hyperlipidemia

Broad- or floating-betalipoproteinemia

Fredrickson Type IIb or III hyperlipoproteinemia

Hypercholesterolemia with endogenous hyperglyceridemia

Hyperbetalipoproteinemia with prebetalipoproteinemia

Tubo-eruptive xanthoma

Xanthoma tuberosum

272.3    Hyperchylomicronemia

Bürger-Grütz syndrome

Fredrickson type I or V hyperlipoproteinemia

Hyperlipidemia, Group D

Mixed hyperglyceridemia

272.4    Other and unspecified hyperlipidemia


Combined hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia NOS

Hyperlipoproteinemia NOS

272.5    Lipoprotein deficiencies


Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome

High-density lipoid deficiency


Hypobetalipoproteinemia (familial)

272.6    Lipodystrophy

Barraquer-Simons disease

Progressive lipodystrophy

Use additional E code to identify cause, if iatrogenic

Excludes:          intestinal lipodystrophy (040.2)

272.7    Lipidoses

Chemically induced lipidosis





I cell [mucolipidosis I]

lipoid storage NOS


pseudo-Hurler's or mucolipidosis III

triglyceride storage, Type I or II

Wolman's or triglyceride storage, Type III

Mucolipidosis II

Primary familial xanthomatosis

Excludes:          cerebral lipidoses (330.1)

Tay-Sachs disease (330.1)

272.8    Other disorders of lipoid metabolism

Hoffa's disease or liposynovitis prepatellaris

Launois-Bensaude's lipomatosis

Lipoid dermatoarthritis

272.9    Unspecified disorder of lipoid metabolism

273       Disorders of plasma protein metabolism

273.0    Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia

Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura:

benign primary


273.1    Monoclonal paraproteinemia

Benign monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemia [BMH]

Monoclonal gammopathy:


associated with lymphoplasmacytic dyscrasias



benign (familial)

secondary to malignant or inflammatory disease

273.2    Other paraproteinemias




Mixed cryoglobulinemia

273.3    Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia (idiopathic) (primary)

Waldenström's macroglobulinemia

275       Disorders of mineral metabolism

275.1    Disorders of copper metabolism

Hepatolenticular degeneration

Wilson's disease

275.2    Disorders of magnesium metabolism




276       Disorders of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance

Excludes:          diabetes insipidus (253.5)

familial periodic paralysis (359.3)

276.0    Hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia

Sodium [Na] excess

Sodium [Na] overload

276.1    Hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia

Sodium [Na] deficiency

276.5    Volume depletion


Depletion of volume of plasma or extracellular fluid


Excludes:          hypovolemic shock:

postoperative (998.0)

traumatic (958.4)

276.6    Fluid overload

Fluid retention

Excludes:          ascites (789.5)

localized edema (782.3)

276.7    Hyperpotassemia


Potassium [K]:




276.8    Hypopotassemia


Potassium [K] deficiency

277       Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism

277.1    Disorders of porphyrin metabolism



Hereditary coproporphyria






277.2    Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism

Hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency [HG-PRT deficiency]

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome


Excludes:          gout (274.0-274.9)

orotic aciduric anemia (281.4)

277.3    Amyloidosis



inherited systemic


neuropathic (Portuguese) (Swiss)


Benign paroxysmal peritonitis

Familial Mediterranean fever

Hereditary cardiac amyloidosis

277.5    Mucopolysaccharidosis


Hunter's syndrome

Hurler's syndrome


Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome

Morquio-Brailsford disease


Sanfilippo's syndrome

Scheie's syndrome

277.8    Other specified disorders of metabolism

277.81  Primary carnitine deficiency

277.82  Carnitine deficiency due to inborn errors of metabolism

277.83  Iatrogenic carnitine deficiency

Carnitine deficiency due to:


Valproic acid therapy

277.84  Other secondary carnitine deficiency

277.85  Disorders of fatty acid oxidation

Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiencies (CPT1, CPT2)

Glutaric aciduria type II (type IIA, IIB, IIC)

Long chain 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHAD)

Long chain/very long chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCAD, VLCAD)

Medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD)

Short chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCAD)

Excludes:          primary carnitine deficiency (277.81)

277.86  Peroxisomal disorders


Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy

Rhizomelic chrondrodysplasia punctata

X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

Zellweger syndrome

Excludes: infantile Refsum disease (356.3)

277.87  Disorders of mitochondrial metabolism

Kearns-Sayre syndrome

Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes  (MELAS syndrome)

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy syndrome (MNGIE)

Myoclonus with Epilepsy and with Ragged Red Fibers  (MERRF syndrome)

Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis Pigmentosa  (NARP syndrome)

Use additional code for associated conditions

Excludes: disorders of pyruvate metabolism (271.8)

Leber's optic atrophy (377.16)

Leigh's subacute necrotizing encephalopathy (330.8)

Reye's syndrome (331.81)

277.89  Other specified disorders of metabolism

Hand-Schüller-Christian disease

Histiocytosis (acute) (chronic)

Histiocytosis X (chronic)

Excludes:          histiocytosis:

acute differentiated progressive (202.5)

X, acute (progressive) (202.5)

277.9    Unspecified disorder of metabolism

Enzymopathy NOS


281       Other deficiency anemias

281.0    Pernicious anemia




congenital pernicious

Congenital intrinsic factor [Castle's] deficiency

Excludes:          combined system disease without mention of anemia (266.2)

subacute degeneration of spinal cord without mention of anemia (266.2)

282.6    Sickle-cell disease

Sickle-cell anemia

Excludes:          sickle-cell thalassemia (282.41-282.42)

sickle-cell trait (282.5)

282.60  Sickle-cell disease, unspecified

Sickle-cell anemia NOS

282.62  Hb-SS disease with crisis

Hb-SS disease with vaso-occlusive pain

Sickle-cell crisis NOS

282.63  Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease without crisis

Hb-S/Hb-C disease without crisis

282.64  Sickle-cell/HB-C disease with crisis

Hb-S/Hb-C disease with crisis

Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease with vaso-occlusive pain

Use additional code for types of crisis, such as:

Acute chest syndrome (517.3)

Splenic sequestration (289.52)

Splenic sequestration (289.52)


286       Coagulation defects

286.0    Congenital factor VIII disorder

Antihemophilic globulin [AHG] deficiency

Factor VIII (functional) deficiency








Excludes:          factor VIII deficiency with vascular defect (286.4)

286.1    Congenital factor IX disorder

Christmas disease


factor IX (functional)

plasma thromboplastin component [PTC]

Hemophilia B

286.2    Congenital factor XI deficiency

Hemophilia C

Plasma thromboplastin antecedent [PTA] deficiency

Rosenthal's disease

286.3    Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors

Congenital afibrinogenemia


AC globulin


I [fibrinogen]

II [prothrombin]

V [labile]

VII [stable]

X [Stuart-Prower]

XII [Hageman]

XIII [fibrin stabilizing]

Laki-Lorand factor





Dysfibrinogenemia (congenital)

Dysprothrombinemia (constitutional)


Hypoprothrombinemia (hereditary)


286.4    von Willebrand's disease

Angiohemophilia (A) (B)

Constitutional thrombopathy

Factor VIII deficiency with vascular defect

Pseudohemophilia type B

Vascular hemophilia

von Willebrand's (-Jürgens') disease

Excludes:          factor VIII deficiency:

NOS (286.0)

with functional defect (286.0)

hereditary capillary fragility (287.8)

286.5    Hemorrhagic disorder due to intrinsic circulating anticoagulants





Increase in:






Secondary hemophilia

Systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE] inhibitor

286.6    Defibrination syndrome

Afibrinogenemia, acquired

Consumption coagulopathy

Diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC syndrome]

Fibrinolytic hemorrhage, acquired

Hemorrhagic fibrinogenolysis

Pathologic fibrinolysis




Excludes:          that complicating:

abortion (634-638 with .1, 639.1)

pregnancy or the puerperium (641.3, 666.3)

disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn (776.2)

286.7    Acquired coagulation factor deficiency

Deficiency of coagulation factor due to:

liver disease

vitamin K deficiency

Hypoprothrombinemia, acquired

Excludes:          vitamin K deficiency of newborn (776.0)

Use additional E-code to identify cause, if drug-induced

286.9    Other and unspecified coagulation defects

Defective coagulation NOS

Deficiency, coagulation factor NOS

Delay, coagulation




Excludes:          abnormal coagulation profile (790.92)

hemorrhagic disease of newborn (776.0)

that complicating:

abortion (634-638 with .1, 639.1)

pregnancy or the puerperium (641.3, 666.3)

287       Purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions


320       Bacterial meningitis

Includes:           arachnoiditis bacterial

leptomeningitis bacterial

meningitis bacterial

meningoencephalitis bacterial

meningomyelitis bacterial

pachymeningitis bacterial

320.0    Hemophilus meningitis

Meningitis due to Hemophilus influenzae [H. influenzae]

320.1    Pneumococcal meningitis

320.2    Streptococcal meningitis

320.3    Staphylococcal meningitis

320.7    Meningitis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease as:

actinomycosis (039.8)

listeriosis (027.0)

typhoid fever (002.0)

whooping cough (033.0-033.9)

Excludes:          meningitis (in):

epidemic (036.0)

gonococcal (098.82)

meningococcal (036.0)

salmonellosis (003.21)


NOS (094.2)

congenital (090.42)

meningovascular (094.2)

secondary (091.81)

tuberculosis (013.0)

320.8    Meningitis due to other specified bacteria

320.81  Anaerobic meningitis

Gram-negative anaerobes

Bacteroides (fragilis)

320.82  Meningitis due to gram-negative bacteria, not elsewhere classified

Aerobacter aerogenes

Escherichia coli [E. coli]

Friedlander bacillus

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Proteus morganii


Excludes:          gram-negative anaerobes (320.81)

320.89  Meningitis due to other specified bacteria

Bacillus pyocyaneus

320.9    Meningitis due to unspecified bacterium


bacterial NOS

purulent NOS

pyogenic NOS

suppurative NOS

321       Meningitis due to other organisms

Includes:           arachnoiditis due to organisms other than bacteria

leptomeningitis due to organisms other than bacteria

meningitis due to organisms other than bacteria

pachymeningitis due to organisms other than bacteria

321.0    Cryptococcal meningitis

Code first underlying disease (117.5)

321.1    Meningitis in other fungal diseases

Code first underlying disease (110.0-118)

Excludes:          meningitis in:

candidiasis (112.83)

coccidioidomycosis (114.2)

histoplasmosis (115.01, 115.11, 115.91)

321.2    Meningitis due to viruses not elsewhere classified

Code first underlying disease, as:

meningitis due to arbovirus (060.0-066.9)

Excludes:          meningitis (due to):

abacterial (047.0-047.9)

adenovirus (049.1)

aseptic NOS (047.9)

Coxsackie (virus) (047.0)

ECHO virus (047.1)

enterovirus (047.0-047.9)

herpes simplex virus (054.72)

herpes zoster virus (053.0)

lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (049.0)

mumps (072.1)

viral NOS (047.9)

meningo-eruptive syndrome (047.1)

321.3    Meningitis due to trypanosomiasis

Code first underlying disease (086.0-086.9)

321.4    Meningitis in sarcoidosis

Code first underlying disease (135)

321.8    Meningitis due to other nonbacterial organisms classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease

Excludes:          leptospiral meningitis (100.81)

322       Meningitis of unspecified cause

Includes:           arachnoiditis with no organism specified as cause

leptomeningitis with no organism specified as cause

meningitis with no organism specified as cause

pachymeningitis with no organism specified as cause

322.0    Nonpyogenic meningitis

Meningitis with clear cerebrospinal fluid

322.1    Eosinophilic meningitis

322.2    Chronic meningitis

322.9    Meningitis, unspecified

323       Encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis

Includes:           acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

meningoencephalitis, except bacterial

meningomyelitis, except bacterial

myelitis (acute):



Excludes:          bacterial:

meningoencephalitis (320.0-320.9)

meningomyelitis (320.0-320.9)

323.0    Encephalitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

cat-scratch disease (078.3)

infectious mononucleosis (075)

ornithosis (073.7)

Excludes:          encephalitis (in):

arthropod-borne viral (062.0-064)

herpes simplex (054.3)

mumps (072.2)

poliomyelitis (045.0-045.9)

rubella (056.01)

slow virus infections of central nervous system (046.0-046.9)

other viral diseases of central nervous system (049.8-049.9)

viral NOS (049.9)

323.1    Encephalitis in rickettsial diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease (080-083.9)

323.2    Encephalitis in protozoal diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

malaria (084.0-084.9)

trypanosomiasis (086.0-086.9)

323.4    Other encephalitis due to infection classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease

Excludes:          encephalitis (in):

meningococcal (036.1)


NOS (094.81)

congenital (090.41)

toxoplasmosis (130.0)

tuberculosis (013.6)

meningoencephalitis due to free-living ameba [Naegleria] (136.2)

323.5    Encephalitis following immunization procedures

Encephalitis postimmunization or postvaccinal

Encephalomyelitis postimmunization or postvaccinal

Use additional E code to identify vaccine

323.6    Postinfectious encephalitis

Code first underlying disease

Excludes:          encephalitis:

postchickenpox (052.0)

postmeasles (055.0)

323.7    Toxic encephalitis

Code first underlying cause, as:

carbon tetrachloride (982.1)

hydroxyquinoline derivatives (961.3)

lead (984.0-984.9)

mercury (985.0)

thallium (985.8)

323.8    Other causes of encephalitis

323.9    Unspecified cause of encephalitis

324       Intracranial and intraspinal abscess

324.0    Intracranial abscess

Abscess (embolic):



Abscess (embolic) of brain [any part]:





Excludes:          tuberculous (013.3)

324.1    Intraspinal abscess

Abscess (embolic) of spinal cord [any part]:




Excludes:          tuberculous (013.5)

324.9    Of unspecified site

Extradural or subdural abscess NOS

325       Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial venous sinuses

Embolism of cavernous, lateral, or other intracranial or unspecified intracranial venous sinus

Endophlebitis of cavernous, lateral, or other intracranial or unspecified intracranial venous sinus

Phlebitis, septic or suppurative of cavernous, lateral, or other intracranial or unspecified intracranial venous sinus

Thrombophlebitis of cavernous, lateral, or other intracranial or unspecified intracranial venous sinus

Thrombosis of cavernous, lateral, or other intracranial or unspecified intracranial venous sinus

Excludes:          that specified as:

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (671.5)

of nonpyogenic origin (437.6)

326       Late effects of intracranial abscess or pyogenic infection

Note:    This category is to be used to indicate conditions whose primary classification is to 320-325 [excluding 320.7, 321.0-321.8, 323.0-323.4, 323.6-323.7] as the cause of late effects, themselves classifiable elsewhere. The "late effects" include conditions specified as such, or as sequelae, which may occur at any time after the resolution of the causal condition.

Use additional code to identify condition, as:

hydrocephalus (331.4)

paralysis (342.0-342.9, 344.0-344.9)


Excludes:         hepatolenticular degeneration (275.1)

multiple sclerosis (340)

other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system (341.0-341.9)

330       Cerebral degenerations usually manifest in childhood

Use additional code to identify associated mental retardation

330.0    Leukodystrophy

Krabbe's disease



globoid cell



Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease

Sulfatide lipidosis

330.1    Cerebral lipidoses

Amaurotic (familial) idiocy








330.2    Cerebral degeneration in generalized lipidoses

Code first underlying disease, as:

Fabry's disease (272.7)

Gaucher's disease (272.7)

Niemann-Pick disease (272.7)

sphingolipidosis (272.7)

330.3    Cerebral degeneration of childhood in other diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

Hunter's disease (277.5)

mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)

330.8    Other specified cerebral degenerations in childhood

Alpers' disease or gray-matter degeneration

Infantile necrotizing encephalomyelopathy

Leigh's disease

Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy or encephalomyelopathy

330.9    Unspecified cerebral degeneration in childhood

331       Other cerebral degenerations

331.0    Alzheimer's disease

331.1    Frontotemporal dementia

Use additional code for associated behavioral disturbances (294.10-294.11)

331.11  Pick's disease

331.19  Other frontotemporal dementia

Frontal dementia

331.2    Senile degeneration of brain

Excludes:          senility NOS (797)

331.3    Communicating hydrocephalus

Excludes:          congenital hydrocephalus (741.0, 742.3)

331.4    Obstructive hydrocephalus

Acquired hydrocephalus NOS

Excludes:          congenital hydrocephalus (741.0, 742.3)

331.7    Cerebral degeneration in diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

alcoholism (303.0-303.9)

beriberi (265.0)

cerebrovascular disease (430-438)

congenital hydrocephalus (741.0, 742.3)

neoplastic disease (140.0-239.9)

myxedema (244.0-244.9)

vitamin B12 deficiency (266.2)

Excludes:          cerebral degeneration in:

Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (046.1)

progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (046.3)

subacute spongiform encephalopathy (046.1)

331.8    Other cerebral degeneration

331.81  Reye's syndrome

331.82  Dementia with Lewy bodies

Dementia with Parkinsonism

Lewy body dementia

Lewy body disease

Use additional code for associated behavioral disturbances (294.10-294.11)

331.89  Other

Cerebral ataxia

331.9    Cerebral degeneration, unspecified

332       Parkinson's disease

Excludes:          dementia with Parkinsonism (331.82)

332.0    Paralysis agitans

Parkinsonism or Parkinson's disease:




332.1    Secondary Parkinsonism

Parkinsonism due to drugs

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

Excludes:          Parkinsonism (in):

Huntington's disease (333.4)

progressive supranuclear palsy (333.0)

Shy-Drager syndrome (333.0)

syphilitic (094.82)

333       Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders

Includes:           other forms of extrapyramidal, basal ganglia, or striatopallidal disease

Excludes:          abnormal movements of head NOS (781.0)

333.0    Other degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia

Atrophy or degeneration:

olivopontocerebellar [Déjérine-Thomas syndrome]

pigmentary pallidal [Hallervorden-Spatz disease] striatonigral

Parkinsonian syndrome associated with:

idiopathic orthostatic hypotension

symptomatic orthostatic hypotension

Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia

Shy-Drager syndrome

333.1    Essential and other specified forms of tremor

Benign essential tremor

Familial tremor

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

Excludes:          tremor NOS (781.0)

333.2    Myoclonus

Familial essential myoclonus

Progressive myoclonic epilepsy

Unverricht-Lundborg disease

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

333.3    Tics of organic origin

Excludes:          Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (307.23)

habit spasm (307.22)

tic NOS (307.20)

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

333.4    Huntington's chorea

333.5    Other choreas


Paroxysmal choreo-athetosis

Excludes:          Sydenham's or rheumatic chorea (392.0-392.9)

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

333.6    Idiopathic torsion dystonia


deformans progressiva

musculorum deformans

(Schwalbe-) Ziehen-Oppenheim disease

333.7    Symptomatic torsion dystonia

Athetoid cerebral palsy [Vogt's disease]

Double athetosis (syndrome)

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

333.8    Fragments of torsion dystonia

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

333.81  Blepharospasm

333.82  Orofacial dyskinesia

333.83  Spasmodic torticollis

Excludes:          torticollis:

NOS (723.5)

hysterical (300.11)

psychogenic (306.0)

333.84  Organic writers' cramp

Excludes:          psychogenic (300.89)

333.89  Other

333.9    Other and unspecified extrapyramidal diseases and abnormal movement disorders

333.90  Unspecified extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorder

333.91  Stiff-man syndrome

333.92  Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Use additional E to identify drug

333.93  Benign shuddering attacks

333.99  Other

Restless legs

334       Spinocerebellar disease

Excludes:          olivopontocerebellar degeneration (333.0)

peroneal muscular atrophy (356.1)

334.0    Friedreich's ataxia

334.1    Hereditary spastic paraplegia

334.2    Primary cerebellar degeneration

Cerebellar ataxia:



Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica

Primary cerebellar degeneration:




334.3    Other cerebellar ataxia

Cerebellar ataxia NOS

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced

334.4    Cerebellar ataxia in diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

alcoholism (303.0-303.9)

myxedema (244.0-244.9)

neoplastic disease (140.0-239.9)

334.8    Other spinocerebellar diseases

Ataxia-telangiectasia [Louis-Bar syndrome]

Corticostriatal-spinal degeneration

334.9    Spinocerebellar disease, unspecified

335       Anterior horn cell disease

335.0    Werdnig-Hoffmann disease

Infantile spinal muscular atrophy

Progressive muscular atrophy of infancy

335.1    Spinal muscular atrophy

335.10  Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified

335.11  Kugelberg-Welander disease

Spinal muscular atrophy:



335.19  Other

Adult spinal muscular atrophy

335.2    Motor neuron disease

335.20  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Motor neuron disease (bulbar) (mixed type)

335.21  Progressive muscular atrophy

Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy

Progressive muscular atrophy (pure)

335.22  Progressive bulbar palsy

335.23  Pseudobulbar palsy

335.24  Primary lateral sclerosis

335.29  Other

335.8    Other anterior horn cell diseases

335.9    Anterior horn cell disease, unspecified

336       Other diseases of spinal cord

336.0    Syringomyelia and syringobulbia

336.1    Vascular myelopathies

Acute infarction of spinal cord (embolic) (nonembolic)

Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord

Edema of spinal cord


Subacute necrotic myelopathy

336.2    Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord in diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

pernicious anemia (281.0)

other vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (281.1)

vitamin B12 deficiency (266.2)

336.3    Myelopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

myelopathy in neoplastic disease (140.0-239.9)

Excludes:          myelopathy in:

intervertebral disc disorder (722.70-722.73)

spondylosis (721.1, 721.41-721.42, 721.91)

336.8    Other myelopathy




Use additional E code to identify cause

336.9    Unspecified disease of spinal cord

Cord compression NOS

Myelopathy NOS

Excludes:          myelitis (323.0-323.9)

spinal (canal) stenosis (723.0, 724.00-724.09)

337       Disorders of the autonomic nervous system

Includes:           disorders of peripheral autonomic, sympathetic, parasympathetic, or vegetative system

Excludes:          familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day syndrome] (742.8)

337.0    Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy

Carotid sinus syncope or syndrome

Cervical sympathetic dystrophy or paralysis

337.1    Peripheral autonomic neuropathy in disorders classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

amyloidosis (277.3)

diabetes (250.6)

337.2    Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

337.20  Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, unspecified

337.21  Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the upper limb

337.22  Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the lower limb

337.29  Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of other specified site

337.3    Autonomic dysreflexia

Use additional code to identify the cause, such as:

decubitus ulcer (707.00-707.09)

fecal impaction (560.39)

urinary tract infection (599.0)

337.9    Unspecified disorder of autonomic nervous system


340       Multiple sclerosis

Disseminated or multiple sclerosis:


brain stem



341       Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system

341.0    Neuromyelitis optica

341.1    Schilder's disease

Balo's concentric sclerosis

Encephalitis periaxialis:

concentrica [Balo's]

diffusa [Schilder's]

341.8    Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system

Central demyelination of corpus callosum

Central pontine myelinosis

Marchiafava (-Bignami) disease

341.9    Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, unspecified

342       Hemiplegia and hemiparesis

Note:    This category is to be used when hemiplegia (complete) (incomplete) is reported without further specification, or is stated to be old or long-standing but of unspecified cause.  The category is also for use in multiple coding to identify these types of hemiplegia resulting from any cause.

Excludes:          congenital (343.1)

hemiplegia due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.20-438.22)

infantile NOS (343.4)

The following fifth-digits are for use with codes 342.0-342.9

0 affecting unspecified side

1 affecting dominant side

2 affecting nondominant side

342.0    Flaccid hemiplegia

342.1    Spastic hemiplegia

342.8    Other specified hemiplegia

342.9    Hemiplegia, unspecified

343       Infantile cerebral palsy

Includes:           cerebral:

palsy NOS

spastic infantile paralysis

congenital spastic paralysis (cerebral)

Little's disease

paralysis (spastic) due to birth injury:



Excludes:          hereditary cerebral paralysis, such as:

hereditary spastic paraplegia (334.1)

Vogt's disease (333.7)

spastic paralysis specified as noncongenital or noninfantile (344.0-344.9)

343.0    Diplegic

Congenital diplegia

Congenital paraplegia

343.1    Hemiplegic

Congenital hemiplegia

Excludes:          infantile hemiplegia NOS (343.4)

343.2    Quadriplegic


343.3    Monoplegic

343.4    Infantile hemiplegia

Infantile hemiplegia (postnatal) NOS

343.8    Other specified infantile cerebral palsy

343.9    Infantile cerebral palsy, unspecified

Cerebral palsy NOS

344       Other paralytic syndromes

Note:    This category is to be used when the listed conditions are reported without further specification or are stated to be old or long-standing but of unspecified cause. The category is also for use in multiple coding to identify these conditions resulting from any cause.

Includes:           paralysis (complete) (incomplete), except as classifiable to 342 and 343

Excludes:          congenital or infantile cerebral palsy (343.0-343.9)

hemiplegia (342.0-342.9)

congenital or infantile (343.1, 343.4)

344.0    Quadriplegia and quadriparesis

344.00  Quadriplegia, unspecified

344.01  C1-C4, complete

344.02  C1-C4, incomplete

344.03  C5-C7, complete

344.04  C5-C7, incomplete

344.09  Other

344.1    Paraplegia

Paralysis of both lower limbs

Paraplegia (lower)

344.2    Diplegia of upper limbs

Diplegia (upper)

Paralysis of both upper limbs

344.3    Monoplegia of lower limb

Paralysis of lower limb

Excludes:          monoplegia of lower limb due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.40-438.42)

344.30  Affecting unspecified side

344.31  Affecting dominant side

344.32  Affecting nondominant side

344.4    Monoplegia of upper limb

Paralysis of upper limb

Excludes:          monoplegia of upper limb due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.30-438.32)

344.40  Affecting unspecified side

344.41  Affecting dominant side

344.42  Affecting nondominant side

344.5    Unspecified monoplegia

344.6    Cauda equina syndrome

344.60  Without mention of neurogenic bladder

344.61  With neurogenic bladder

Acontractile bladder

Autonomic hyperreflexia of bladder

Cord bladder

Detrusor hyperreflexia

344.8    Other specified paralytic syndromes

344.81  Locked-in state

344.89  Other specified paralytic syndrome

344.9    Paralysis, unspecified

345       Epilepsy

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 345.0, .1, .4-.9:

0 without mention of intractable epilepsy

1 with intractable epilepsy

Excludes:          progressive myoclonic epilepsy (333.2)

345.0    Generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy




Minor epilepsy

Petit mal





345.1    Generalized convulsive epilepsy

Epileptic seizures:





Grand mal

Major epilepsy

Excludes:          convulsions:

NOS (780.3)

infantile (780.3)

newborn (779.0)

infantile spasms (345.6)

345.2    Petit mal status

Epileptic absence status

345.3    Grand mal status

Status epilepticus NOS

Excludes:          epilepsia partialis continua (345.7) status:

psychomotor (345.7)

temporal lobe (345.7)

345.4    Partial epilepsy, with impairment of consciousness


limbic system


secondarily generalized

with memory and ideational disturbances



temporal lobe

Epileptic automatism

345.5    Partial epilepsy, without mention of impairment of consciousness


Bravais-Jacksonian NOS

focal (motor) NOS

Jacksonian NOS

motor partial

partial NOS






345.6    Infantile spasms


Lightning spasms

Salaam attacks

Excludes:          salaam tic (781.0)

345.7    Epilepsia partialis continua

Kojevnikov's epilepsy

345.8    Other forms of epilepsy


cursive [running]


345.9    Epilepsy, unspecified

Epileptic convulsions, fits, or seizures NOS

Excludes:          convulsive seizure or fit NOS (780.3)

346       Migraine

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 346:

0 without mention of intractable migraine

1 with intractable migraine, so stated

346.0    Classical migraine

Migraine preceded or accompanied by transient focal neurological phenomena

Migraine with aura

346.1    Common migraine

Atypical migraine

Sick headache

346.2    Variants of migraine

Cluster headache

Histamine cephalgia

Horton's neuralgia




lower half





346.8    Other forms of migraine




346.9    Migraine, unspecified

347       Cataplexy and narcolepsy

347.0    Narcolepsy

347.00  Without cataplexy

Narcolepsy NOS

347.01  With cataplexy

347.1    Narcolepsy in conditions classified elsewhere

Code first underlying condition

347.10  Without cataplexy

347.11  With cataplexy 

348       Other conditions of brain

348.0    Cerebral cysts

Arachnoid cyst

Porencephalic cyst

Porencephaly, acquired


348.1    Anoxic brain damage

Excludes:          that occurring in:

abortion (634-638 with .7, 639.8)

ectopic or molar pregnancy (639.8)

labor or delivery (668.2, 669.4)

that of newborn (767.0, 768.0-768.9, 772.1-772.2)

Use additional E code to identify cause

348.2    Benign intracranial hypertension

Pseudotumor cerebri

Excludes:          hypertensive encephalopathy (437.2)

348.3    Encephalopathy, not elsewhere classified

348.30  Encephalopathy, unspecified

348.31  Metabolic encephalopathy

Septic encephalopathy

348.39  Other encephalopathy

Excludes:          encephalopathy:

alcoholic (291.2)

hepatic (572.2)

hypertensive (437.2)

toxic (349.82)

348.4    Compression of brain

Compression brain (stem)

Herniation brain (stem)

Posterior fossa compression syndrome

348.5    Cerebral edema

348.8    Other conditions of brain




348.9    Unspecified condition of brain

349       Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system

349.0    Reaction to spinal or lumbar puncture

Headache following lumbar puncture

349.1    Nervous system complications from surgically implanted device

Excludes:          immediate postoperative complications (997.00-997.09)

mechanical complications of nervous system device (996.2)

349.2    Disorders of meninges, not elsewhere classified

Adhesions, meningeal (cerebral) (spinal)

Cyst, spinal meninges

Meningocele, acquired

Pseudomeningocele, acquired

349.8    Other specified disorders of nervous system

349.81  Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea

Excludes:          cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea (388.61)

349.82  Toxic encephalopathy

Use additional E code to identify cause

349.89  Other

349.9    Unspecified disorders of nervous system

Disorder of nervous system (central) NOS


Excludes:         diseases of:

acoustic [8th] nerve (388.5)

oculomotor [3rd, 4th, 6th] nerves (378.0-378.9)

optic [2nd] nerve (377.0-377.9)

peripheral autonomic nerves (337.0-337.9)

neuralgia NOS or "rheumatic" (729.2)

neuritis NOS or "rheumatic" (729.2)

radiculitis NOS or "rheumatic" (729.2)

peripheral neuritis in pregnancy (646.4)

350       Trigeminal nerve disorders

Includes:           disorders of 5th cranial nerve

350.1    Trigeminal neuralgia

Tic douloureux

Trifacial neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia NOS

Excludes:          postherpetic (053.12)

350.2    Atypical face pain

350.8    Other specified trigeminal nerve disorders

350.9    Trigeminal nerve disorder, unspecified

351       Facial nerve disorders

Includes:           disorders of 7th cranial nerve

Excludes:          that in newborn (767.5)

351.0    Bell's palsy

Facial palsy

351.1    Geniculate ganglionitis

Geniculate ganglionitis NOS

Excludes:          herpetic (053.11)

351.8    Other facial nerve disorders

Facial myokymia

Melkersson's syndrome

351.9    Facial nerve disorder, unspecified

352       Disorders of other cranial nerves

352.0    Disorders of olfactory [1st] nerve

352.1    Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

352.2    Other disorders of glossopharyngeal [9th] nerve

352.3    Disorders of pneumogastric [10th] nerve

Disorders of vagal nerve

Excludes:          paralysis of vocal cords or larynx (478.30-478.34)

352.4    Disorders of accessory [11th] nerve

352.5    Disorders of hypoglossal [12th] nerve

352.6    Multiple cranial nerve palsies

Collet-Sicard syndrome

Polyneuritis cranialis

352.9    Unspecified disorder of cranial nerves

353       Nerve root and plexus disorders

Excludes:          conditions due to:

intervertebral disc disorders (722.0-722.9)

spondylosis (720.0-721.9)

vertebrogenic disorders (723.0-724.9)

353.0    Brachial plexus lesions

Cervical rib syndrome

Costoclavicular syndrome

Scalenus anticus syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome

Excludes:          brachial neuritis or radiculitis NOS (723.4)

that in newborn (767.6)

353.1    Lumbosacral plexus lesions

353.2    Cervical root lesions, not elsewhere classified

353.3    Thoracic root lesions, not elsewhere classified

353.4    Lumbosacral root lesions, not elsewhere classified

353.5    Neuralgic amyotrophy

Parsonage-Aldren-Turner syndrome

353.6    Phantom limb (syndrome)

353.8    Other nerve root and plexus disorders

353.9    Unspecified nerve root and plexus disorder

354       Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex

354.0    Carpal tunnel syndrome

Median nerve entrapment

Partial thenar atrophy

354.1    Other lesion of median nerve

Median nerve neuritis

354.2    Lesion of ulnar nerve

Cubital tunnel syndrome

Tardy ulnar nerve palsy

354.3    Lesion of radial nerve

Acute radial nerve palsy

354.4    Causalgia of upper limb

Excludes:          causalgia:

NOS (355.9)

lower limb (355.71)

354.5    Mononeuritis multiplex

Combinations of single conditions classifiable to 354 or 355

354.8    Other mononeuritis of upper limb

354.9    Mononeuritis of upper limb, unspecified

355       Mononeuritis of lower limb

355.0    Lesion of sciatic nerve

Excludes:          sciatica NOS (724.3)

355.1    Meralgia paresthetica

Lateral cutaneous femoral nerve of thigh compression or syndrome

355.2    Other lesion of femoral nerve

355.3    Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve

Lesion of common peroneal nerve

355.4    Lesion of medial popliteal nerve

355.5    Tarsal tunnel syndrome

355.6    Lesion of plantar nerve

Morton's metatarsalgia, neuralgia, or neuroma

355.7    Other mononeuritis of lower limb

355.71  Causalgia of lower limb

Excludes:          causalgia:

NOS (355.9)

upper limb (354.4)

355.79  Other mononeuritis of lower limb

355.8    Mononeuritis of lower limb, unspecified

355.9    Mononeuritis of unspecified site

Causalgia NOS

Excludes:          causalgia:

lower limb (355.71)

upper limb (354.4)

356       Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy

356.0    Hereditary peripheral neuropathy

Déjérine-Sottas disease

356.1    Peroneal muscular atrophy

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Neuropathic muscular atrophy

356.2    Hereditary sensory neuropathy

356.3    Refsum's disease

Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis

356.4    Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy

356.8    Other specified idiopathic peripheral neuropathy

Supranuclear paralysis

356.9    Unspecified

357       Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy

357.0    Acute infective polyneuritis

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Postinfectious polyneuritis

357.1    Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease

Code first underlying disease, as:

disseminated lupus erythematosus (710.0)

polyarteritis nodosa (446.0)

rheumatoid arthritis (714.0)

357.2    Polyneuropathy in diabetes

Code first underlying disease (250.6)

357.3    Polyneuropathy in malignant disease

Code first underlying disease (140.0-208.9)

357.4    Polyneuropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

amyloidosis (277.3)

beriberi (265.0)

deficiency of B vitamins (266.0-266.9)

diphtheria (032.0-032.9)

hypoglycemia (251.2)

pellagra (265.2)

porphyria (277.1)

sarcoidosis (135)

uremia (585)

Excludes:          polyneuropathy in:

herpes zoster (053.13)

mumps (072.72)

357.5    Alcoholic polyneuropathy

357.6    Polyneuropathy due to drugs

Use additional E code to identify drug

357.7    Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents

Use additional E code to identify toxic agent

357.8    Other

357.81  Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis

357.82  Critical illness polyneuropathy

Acute motor neuropathy

357.89  Other inflammatory and toxic neuropathy

357.9    Unspecified

358       Myoneural disorders

358.0    Myasthenia gravis

358.00  Myasthenia gravis without (acute) exacerbation

358.01  Myasthenia gravis with (acute) exacerbation

Myasthenia gravis in crisis

358.1    Myasthenic syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere

Amyotrophy from stated cause classified elsewhere

Eaton-Lambert syndrome from stated cause classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

botulism (005.1)

diabetes mellitus (250.6)

hypothyroidism (244.0-244.9)

malignant neoplasm (140.0-208.9)

pernicious anemia (281.0)

thyrotoxicosis (242.0-242.9)

358.2    Toxic myoneural disorders

Use additional E code to identify toxic agent

358.8    Other specified myoneural disorders

358.9    Myoneural disorders, unspecified

359       Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies

Excludes:          idiopathic polymyositis (710.4)

359.0    Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy

Benign congenital myopathy

Central core disease

Centronuclear myopathy

Myotubular myopathy

Nemaline body disease

Excludes:          arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (754.89)

359.1    Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy:











359.2    Myotonic disorders

Dystrophia myotonica

Eulenburg's disease

Myotonia congenita

Paramyotonia congenita

Steinert's disease

Thomsen's disease

359.3    Familial periodic paralysis

Hypokalemic familial periodic paralysis

359.4    Toxic myopathy

Use additional E code to identify toxic agent

359.5    Myopathy in endocrine diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

Addison's disease (255.4)

Cushing's syndrome (255.0)

hypopituitarism (253.2)

myxedema (244.0-244.9)

thyrotoxicosis (242.0-242.9)

359.6    Symptomatic inflammatory myopathy in diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

amyloidosis (277.3)

disseminated lupus erythematosus (710.0)

malignant neoplasm (140.0-208.9)

polyarteritis nodosa (446.0)

rheumatoid arthritis (714.0)

sarcoidosis (135)

scleroderma (710.1)

Sjögren's disease (710.2)

359.8    Other myopathies

359.81  Critical illness myopathy

Acute necrotizing myopathy

Acute quadriplegic myopathy

Intensive care (ICU) myopathy

Myopathy of critical illness

359.89  Other myopathies

359.9    Myopathy, unspecified


362       Other retinal disorders

362.3    Retinal vascular occlusion

362.30  Retinal vascular occlusion, unspecified

362.31  Central retinal artery occlusion

362.32  Arterial branch occlusion

362.33  Partial arterial occlusion

Hollenhorst plaque

Retinal microembolism

362.34  Transient arterial occlusion

Amaurosis fugax

362.35  Central retinal vein occlusion


368       Visual disturbances

Excludes:          electrophysiological disturbances (794.11-794.14)

368.0    Amblyopia ex anopsia

368.00  Amblyopia, unspecified

368.01  Strabismic amblyopia

Suppression amblyopia

368.02  Deprivation amblyopia

368.03  Refractive amblyopia

368.1    Subjective visual disturbances

368.10  Subjective visual disturbance, unspecified

368.11  Sudden visual loss

368.12  Transient visual loss

Concentric fading

Scintillating scotoma

368.13  Visual discomfort


Eye strain


368.14  Visual distortions of shape and size




368.15  Other visual distortions and entoptic phenomena





Visual halos

368.16  Psychophysical visual disturbances



disorientation syndrome


368.2    Diplopia

Double vision

368.3    Other disorders of binocular vision

368.30  Binocular vision disorder, unspecified

368.31  Suppression of binocular vision

368.32  Simultaneous visual perception without fusion

368.33  Fusion with defective stereopsis

368.34  Abnormal retinal correspondence

368.4    Visual field defects

368.40  Visual field defect, unspecified

368.41  Scotoma involving central area





368.42  Scotoma of blind spot area



blind spot

Paracecal scotoma

368.43  Sector or arcuate defects





368.44  Other localized visual field defect




Visual field defect:

nasal step


368.45  Generalized contraction or constriction

368.46  Homonymous bilateral field defects

Hemianopsia (altitudinal) (homonymous)

Quadrant anopia

368.47  Heteronymous bilateral field defects




368.5    Color vision deficiencies

Color blindness

368.51  Protan defect



368.52  Deutan defect



368.53  Tritan defect



368.54  Achromatopsia

Monochromatism (cone) (rod)

368.55  Acquired color vision deficiencies

368.59  Other color vision deficiencies

376       Disorders of the orbit

376.1    Chronic inflammatory disorders of orbit

376.10  Chronic inflammation of orbit, unspecified

376.11  Orbital granuloma

Pseudotumor (inflammatory) of orbit

376.12  Orbital myositis

            376.2 Endocrine exophthalmos

Code first underlying thyroid disorder (242.0-242.9)

376.21  Thyrotoxic exophthalmos

376.22  Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia

376.3    Other exophthalmic conditions

376.30  Exophthalmos, unspecified

376.31  Constant exophthalmos

376.32  Orbital hemorrhage

376.33  Orbital edema or congestion

376.34  Intermittent exophthalmos

376.35  Pulsating exophthalmos

376.36  Lateral displacement of globe


377       Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways

377.0    Papilledema

377.00  Papilledema, unspecified

377.01  Papilledema associated with increased intracranial pressure

377.02  Papilledema associated with decreased ocular pressure

377.03  Papilledema associated with retinal disorder

377.04  Foster-Kennedy syndrome

377.1    Optic atrophy

377.10  Optic atrophy, unspecified

377.11  Primary optic atrophy

Excludes:          neurosyphilitic optic atrophy (094.84)

377.12  Postinflammatory optic atrophy

377.13  Optic atrophy associated with retinal dystrophies

377.14  Glaucomatous atrophy [cupping] of optic disc

377.15  Partial optic atrophy

Temporal pallor of optic disc

377.16  Hereditary optic atrophy

Optic atrophy:

dominant hereditary


377.2    Other disorders of optic disc

377.21  Drusen of optic disc

377.22  Crater-like holes of optic disc

377.23  Coloboma of optic disc

377.24  Pseudopapilledema

377.3    Optic neuritis

Excludes:          meningococcal optic neuritis (036.81)

377.30  Optic neuritis, unspecified

377.31  Optic papillitis

377.32  Retrobulbar neuritis (acute)

Excludes:          syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis (094.85)

377.33  Nutritional optic neuropathy

377.34  Toxic optic neuropathy

Toxic amblyopia

377.39  Other

Excludes:          ischemic optic neuropathy (377.41)

377.4    Other disorders of optic nerve

377.41  Ischemic optic neuropathy

377.42  Hemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths

377.49  Other Compression of optic nerve

377.5    Disorders of optic chiasm

377.51  Associated with pituitary neoplasms and disorders

377.52  Associated with other neoplasms

377.53  Associated with vascular disorders

377.54  Associated with inflammatory disorders

377.6    Disorders of other visual pathways

377.61  Associated with neoplasms

377.62  Associated with vascular disorders

377.63  Associated with inflammatory disorders

377.7    Disorders of visual cortex

Excludes:          visual:

agnosia (368.16)

hallucinations (368.16)

halos (368.15)

377.71  Associated with neoplasms

377.72  Associated with vascular disorders

377.73  Associated with inflammatory disorders

377.75  Cortical blindness

377.9    Unspecified disorder of optic nerve and visual pathways

378       Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements

Excludes:          nystagmus and other irregular eye movements (379.50-379.59)

378.0    Esotropia

Convergent concomitant strabismus

Excludes:          intermittent esotropia (378.20-378.22)

378.00  Esotropia, unspecified

378.01  Monocular esotropia

378.02  Monocular esotropia with A pattern

378.03  Monocular esotropia with V pattern

378.04  Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies

Monocular esotropia with X or Y pattern

378.05  Alternating esotropia

378.06  Alternating esotropia with A pattern

378.07  Alternating esotropia with V pattern

378.08  Alternating esotropia with other noncomitancies

Alternating esotropia with X or Y pattern

378.1    Exotropia

Divergent concomitant strabismus

Excludes:          intermittent exotropia (378.20, 378.23-378.24)

378.10  Exotropia, unspecified

378.11  Monocular exotropia

378.12  Monocular exotropia with A pattern

378.13  Monocular exotropia with V pattern

378.14  Monocular exotropia with other noncomitancies

Monocular exotropia with X or Y pattern

378.15  Alternating exotropia

378.16  Alternating exotropia with A pattern

378.17  Alternating exotropia with V pattern

378.18  Alternating exotropia with other noncomitancies

Alternating exotropia with X or Y pattern

378.2    Intermittent heterotropia

Excludes:          vertical heterotropia (intermittent) (378.31)

378.20  Intermittent heterotropia, unspecified


esotropia NOS

exotropia NOS

378.21  Intermittent esotropia, monocular

378.22  Intermittent esotropia, alternating

378.23  Intermittent exotropia, monocular

378.24  Intermittent exotropia, alternating

378.3    Other and unspecified heterotropia

378.30  Heterotropia, unspecified

378.31  Hypertropia

Vertical heterotropia (constant) (intermittent)

378.32  Hypotropia

378.33  Cyclotropia

378.34  Monofixation syndrome


378.35  Accommodative component in esotropia

378.4    Heterophoria

378.40  Heterophoria, unspecified

378.41  Esophoria

378.42  Exophoria

378.43  Vertical heterophoria

378.44  Cyclophoria

378.45  Alternating hyperphoria

378.5    Paralytic strabismus

378.50  Paralytic strabismus, unspecified

378.51  Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, partial

378.52  Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, total

378.53  Fourth or trochlear nerve palsy

378.54  Sixth or abducens nerve palsy

378.55  External ophthalmoplegia

378.56  Total ophthalmoplegia

378.6    Mechanical strabismus

378.60  Mechanical strabismus, unspecified

378.61  Brown's (tendon) sheath syndrome

378.62  Mechanical strabismus from other musculofascial disorders

378.63  Limited duction associated with other conditions

378.7    Other specified strabismus

378.71  Duane's syndrome

378.72  Progressive external ophthalmoplegia

378.73  Strabismus in other neuromuscular disorders

378.8    Other disorders of binocular eye movements

Excludes:          nystagmus (379.50-379.56)

378.81  Palsy of conjugate gaze

378.82  Spasm of conjugate gaze

378.83  Convergence insufficiency or palsy

378.84  Convergence excess or spasm

378.85  Anomalies of divergence

378.86  Internuclear ophthalmoplegia

378.87  Other dissociated deviation of eye movements

Skew deviation

378.9    Unspecified disorder of eye movements

Ophthalmoplegia NOS

Strabismus NOS

379       Other disorders of eye

379.4    Anomalies of pupillary function

379.40  Abnormal pupillary function, unspecified

379.41  Anisocoria

379.42  Miosis (persistent), not due to miotics

379.43  Mydriasis (persistent), not due to mydriatics

379.45  Argyll Robertson pupil, atypical

Argyll Robertson phenomenon or pupil, nonsyphilitic

Excludes:          Argyll Robertson pupil (syphilitic) (094.89)

379.46  Tonic pupillary reaction

Adie's pupil or syndrome

379.49  Other


Pupillary paralysis

379.5    Nystagmus and other irregular eye movements

379.50  Nystagmus, unspecified

379.51  Congenital nystagmus

379.52  Latent nystagmus

379.53  Visual deprivation nystagmus

379.54  Nystagmus associated with disorders of the vestibular system

379.55  Dissociated nystagmus

379.56  Other forms of nystagmus

379.57  Deficiencies of saccadic eye movements

Abnormal optokinetic response

379.58  Deficiencies of smooth pursuit movements

379.59  Other irregularities of eye movements


379.8    Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa

379.9    Unspecified disorder of eye and adnexa

379.90  Disorder of eye, unspecified

379.91  Pain in or around eye

379.92  Swelling or mass of eye

379.93  Redness or discharge of eye

379.99  Other ill-defined disorders of eye

Excludes:          blurred vision NOS (368.8)


386       Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system

Excludes:          vertigo NOS (780.4)

386.0    Méniére's disease

Endolymphatic hydrops

Lermoyez's syndrome

Méniére's syndrome or vertigo

386.00  Méniére's disease, unspecified

Méniére's disease (active)

386.01  Active Méniére's disease, cochleovestibular

386.02  Active Méniére's disease, cochlear

386.03  Active Méniére's disease, vestibular

386.04  Inactive Méniére's disease

Méniére's disease in remission

386.1    Other and unspecified peripheral vertigo

Excludes:          epidemic vertigo (078.81)

386.10  Peripheral vertigo, unspecified

386.11  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Benign paroxysmal positional nystagmus

386.12  Vestibular neuronitis

Acute (and recurrent) peripheral vestibulopathy

386.19  Other

Aural vertigo

Otogenic vertigo

386.2    Vertigo of central origin

Central positional nystagmus

Malignant positional vertigo

386.3    Labyrinthitis

386.30  Labyrinthitis, unspecified

386.31  Serous labyrinthitis

Diffuse labyrinthitis

386.32  Circumscribed labyrinthitis

Focal labyrinthitis

386.33  Suppurative labyrinthitis

Purulent labyrinthitis

386.34  Toxic labyrinthitis

386.35  Viral labyrinthitis

386.4    Labyrinthine fistula

386.40  Labyrinthine fistula, unspecified

386.41  Round window fistula

386.42  Oval window fistula

386.43  Semicircular canal fistula

386.48  Labyrinthine fistula of combined sites

386.5    Labyrinthine dysfunction

386.50  Labyrinthine dysfunction, unspecified

386.51  Hyperactive labyrinth, unilateral

386.52  Hyperactive labyrinth, bilateral

386.53  Hypoactive labyrinth, unilateral

386.54  Hypoactive labyrinth, bilateral

386.55  Loss of labyrinthine reactivity, unilateral

386.56  Loss of labyrinthine reactivity, bilateral

386.58  Other forms and combinations

386.8    Other disorders of labyrinth

386.9    Unspecified vertiginous syndromes and labyrinthine disorders

388.5    Disorders of acoustic nerve

Acoustic neuritis

Degeneration of acoustic or eighth nerve

Disorder of acoustic or eighth nerve

Excludes:          acoustic neuroma (225.1)

syphilitic acoustic neuritis (094.86)

388.6    Otorrhea

388.60  Otorrhea, unspecified

Discharging ear NOS

388.61  Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea

Excludes:          cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (349.81)

389       Hearing loss

389.0    Conductive hearing loss

Conductive deafness

389.00  Conductive hearing loss, unspecified

389.01  Conductive hearing loss, external ear

389.02  Conductive hearing loss, tympanic membrane

389.03  Conductive hearing loss, middle ear

389.04  Conductive hearing loss, inner ear

389.08  Conductive hearing loss of combined types

389.1    Sensorineural hearing loss

Perceptive hearing loss or deafness

Excludes:          abnormal auditory perception (388.40-388.44)

psychogenic deafness (306.7)

389.10  Sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified

389.11  Sensory hearing loss

389.12  Neural hearing loss

389.14  Central hearing loss

389.18  Sensorineural hearing loss of combined types

389.2    Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss

Deafness or hearing loss of type classifiable to 389.0 with type classifiable to 389.1

389.7    Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classifiable

Deaf, nonspeaking

389.8    Other specified forms of hearing loss

389.9    Unspecified hearing loss

Deafness NOS


Includes:          with mention of hypertension (conditions classifiable to 401-405)

Use additional code to identify presence of hypertension

Excludes:         any condition classifiable to 430-434, 436, 437 occurring during pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium, or specified as puerperal (674.0)

iatrogenic cerebrovascular infarction or hemorrhage (997.02)

430       Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Meningeal hemorrhage


berry aneurysm

(congenital) cerebral aneurysm NOS

Excludes:          syphilitic ruptured cerebral aneurysm (094.87)

431       Intracerebral hemorrhage

Hemorrhage (of):







internal capsule





Rupture of blood vessel in brain

432       Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

432.0    Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage

Nontraumatic epidural hemorrhage

432.1    Subdural hemorrhage

Subdural hematoma, nontraumatic

432.9    Unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

Intracranial hemorrhage NOS

433       Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 433:

0 without mention of cerebral infarction

1 with cerebral infarction

Includes:           embolism of basilar, carotid, and vertebral arteries

narrowing of basilar, carotid, and vertebral arteries

obstruction of basilar, carotid, and vertebral arteries

thrombosis of basilar, carotid, and vertebral arteries

Excludes:          insufficiency NOS of precerebral arteries (435.0-435.9)

433.0    Basilar artery

433.1    Carotid artery

433.2    Vertebral artery

433.3    Multiple and bilateral

433.8    Other specified precerebral artery

433.9    Unspecified precerebral artery

Precerebral artery NOS

434       Occlusion of cerebral arteries

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 434:

0 without mention of cerebral infarction

1 with cerebral infarction

434.0    Cerebral thrombosis

Thrombosis of cerebral arteries

434.1    Cerebral embolism

434.9    Cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified

435       Transient cerebral ischemia

Includes:           cerebrovascular insufficiency (acute) with transient focal neurological signs and symptoms

insufficiency of basilar, carotid, and vertebral arteries

spasm of cerebral arteries

Excludes:          acute cerebrovascular insufficiency NOS (437.1)

that due to any condition classifiable to 433 (433.0-433.9)

435.0    Basilar artery syndrome

435.1    Vertebral artery syndrome

435.2    Subclavian steal syndrome

435.3    Vertebrobasilar artery syndrome

435.8    Other specified transient cerebral ischemias

435.9    Unspecified transient cerebral ischemia

Impending cerebrovascular accident

Intermittent cerebral ischemia

Transient ischemic attack [TIA]

436       Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascular disease

Apoplexy, apoplectic:





Cerebral seizure

Excludes:          any condition classifiable to categories 430-435

cerebrovascular accident (434.91)

CVA (ischemic) (434.91)

embolic (434.11)

hemorrhagic (430, 431, 432.0-432.9)

thrombotic (434.01)

postoperative cerebrovascular accident (997.02)

stroke (ischemic) (434.91)

embolic (434.11)

hemorrhagic (430, 431, 432.0-432.9)

thrombotic (434.01)

437       Other and ill-defined cerebrovascular disease

437.0    Cerebral atherosclerosis

Atheroma of cerebral arteries

Cerebral arteriosclerosis

437.1    Other generalized ischemic cerebrovascular disease

Acute cerebrovascular insufficiency NOS

Cerebral ischemia (chronic)

437.2    Hypertensive encephalopathy

437.3    Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured

Internal carotid artery, intracranial portion

Internal carotid artery NOS

Excludes:          congenital cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured (747.81)

internal carotid artery, extracranial portion (442.81)

437.4    Cerebral arteritis

437.5    Moyamoya disease

437.6    Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus

Excludes:          pyogenic (325)

437.7    Transient global amnesia

437.8    Other

437.9    Unspecified

Cerebrovascular disease or lesion NOS

438       Late effects of cerebrovascular disease

Note:    This category is to be used to indicate conditions in 430-437 as the cause of late effects.  The "late effects" include conditions specified as such, or as sequelae, which may occur at any time after the onset of the causal condition.

438.0    Cognitive deficits

438.1    Speech and language deficits

438.10  Speech and language deficit, unspecified

438.11  Aphasia

438.12  Dysphasia

438.19  Other speech and language deficits

438.2    Hemiplegia/hemiparesis

438.20  Hemiplegia affecting unspecified side

438.21  Hemiplegia affecting dominant side

438.22  Hemiplegia affecting nondominant side

438.3    Monoplegia of upper limb

438.30  Monoplegia of upper limb affecting unspecified side

438.31  Monoplegia of upper limb affecting dominant side

438.32  Monoplegia of upper limb affecting nondominant side

438.4    Monoplegia of lower limb

438.40  Monoplegia of lower limb affecting unspecified side

438.41  Monoplegia of lower limb affecting dominant side

438.42  Monoplegia of lower limb affecting nondominant side

438.5    Other paralytic syndrome

Use additional code to identify type of paralytic syndrome, such as:

locked-in state (344.81)

quadriplegia (344.00-344.09)

Excludes:          late effects of cerebrovascular accident with:

hemiplegia/hemiparesis (438.20-438.22)

monoplegia of lower limb (438.40-438.42)

monoplegia of upper limb (438.40-438.42)

438.50  Other paralytic syndrome affecting unspecified side

438.51  Other paralytic syndrome affecting dominant side

438.52  Other paralytic syndrome affecting nondominant side

438.53  Other paralytic syndrome, bilateral

438.6    Alterations of sensations

Use additional code to identify the altered sensation

438.7    Disturbances of vision

Use additional code to identify the visual disturbance

438.8    Other late effects of cerebrovascular disease

438.81  Apraxia

438.82  Dysphagia

438.83  Facial weakness

Facial droop

438.84  Ataxia

438.85  Vertigo

438.89  Other late effects of cerebroascular disease

Use additional code to identify the late effect

438.9    Unspecified late effects of cerebrovascular disease



443       Other peripheral vascular disease

443.0    Raynaud's syndrome



phenomenon (secondary)

Use additional code to identify gangrene (785.4)

443.1    Thromboangiitis obliterans [Buerger's disease]

Presenile gangrene

443.2    Other arterial dissection

443.21  Dissection of carotid artery

443.24  Dissection of vertebral artery

443.29  Dissection of other artery

443.8    Other specified peripheral vascular diseases

446       Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions

446.0    Polyarteritis nodosa

Disseminated necrotizing periarteritis

Necrotizing angiitis

Panarteritis (nodosa)

Periarteritis (nodosa)

446.1    Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome [MCLS]

Kawasaki disease

446.2    Hypersensitivity angiitis

Excludes:          antiglomerular basement membrane disease without pulmonary hemorrhage (583.89)

446.20  Hypersensitivity angiitis, unspecified

446.21  Goodpasture's syndrome

Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody-mediated nephritis with pulmonary hemorrhage

Use additional code to identify renal disease (583.81)

446.29  Other specified hypersensitivity angiitis

446.4    Wegener's granulomatosis

Necrotizing respiratory granulomatosis

Wegener's syndrome

446.5    Giant cell arteritis

Cranial arteritis

Horton's disease

Temporal arteritis

446.6    Thrombotic microangiopathy

Moschcowitz's syndrome

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

446.7    Takayasu's disease

Aortic arch arteritis

Pulseless disease

447       Other disorders of arteries and arterioles

447.6    Arteritis, unspecified

Aortitis NOS

Endarteritis NOS

Excludes:          arteritis, endarteritis:

aortic arch (446.7)

cerebral (437.4)

coronary (414.00-414.07)

deformans (440.0-440.9)

obliterans (440.0-440.9)

pulmonary (417.8)

senile (440.0-440.9)

polyarteritis NOS (446.0)

syphilitic aortitis (093.1)

447.8    Other specified disorders of arteries and arterioles

Fibromuscular hyperplasia of arteries, except renal

447.9    Unspecified disorders of arteries and arterioles

448       Disease of capillaries

448.0    Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

Rendu-Osler-Weber disease


451       Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis

Includes:           endophlebitis

inflammation, vein


suppurative phlebitis

Use additional E code to identify drug if drug-induced

Excludes:          that complicating:

abortion (634-638 with .7, 639.8)

ectopic or molar pregnancy (639.8)

pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (671.0-671.9)

that due to or following:

implant or catheter device (996.61-996.62)

infusion, perfusion, or transfusion (999.2)

451.8    Of other sites

Excludes:          intracranial venous sinus (325)

nonpyogenic (437.6)

portal (vein) (572.1)



Use additional code from category 639 to identify any complications

642       Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium



Excludes:         disorders of spine (720.0-724.9)

710       Diffuse diseases of connective tissue

Includes:           all collagen diseases whose effects are not mainly confined to a single system

Excludes:          those affecting mainly the cardiovascular system, i.e., polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions (446.0-446.7)

710.0    Systemic lupus erythematosus

Disseminated lupus erythematosus

Libman-Sacks disease

Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:

endocarditis (424.91)

nephritis (583.81)

chronic (582.81)

nephrotic syndrome (581.81)

Excludes:          lupus erythematosus (discoid) NOS (695.4)

710.1    Systemic sclerosis


CRST syndrome

Progressive systemic sclerosis


Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:

lung involvement (517.2)

myopathy (359.6)

Excludes:          circumscribed scleroderma (701.0)

710.2    Sicca syndrome

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca

Sjögren's disease

710.3    Dermatomyositis


Polymyositis with skin involvement

710.4    Polymyositis

710.5    Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome

Toxic oil syndrome

Use additional E to identify drug, if drug induced

710.8    Other specified diffuse diseases of connective tissue

Multifocal fibrosclerosis (idiopathic) NEC

Systemic fibrosclerosing syndrome

710.9    Unspecified diffuse connective tissue disease

Collagen disease NOS

714       Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies

Excludes:          rheumatic fever (390)

rheumatoid arthritis of spine NOS (720.0)

714.0    Rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis or polyarthritis:


rheumatic (chronic)

Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:

myopathy (359.6)

polyneuropathy (357.1)


Excludes:         curvature of spine (737.0-737.9)

osteochondrosis of spine (juvenile) (732.0) adult (732.8)

720       Ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory spondylopathies

720.0    Ankylosing spondylitis

Rheumatioid arthritis of spine NOS




720.1    Spinal enthesopathy

Disorder of peripheral ligamentous or muscular attachments of spine

Romanus lesion

720.2    Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified

Inflammation of sacroiliac joint NOS

720.8    Other inflammatory spondylopathies

720.81  Inflammatory spondylopathies in diseases classified elsewhere

Code first underlying disease, as:

tuberculosis (015.0)

720.89  Other

720.9    Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy

Spondylitis NOS

721       Spondylosis and allied disorders

721.0    Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy

Cervical or cervicodorsal:




721.1    Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy

Anterior spinal artery compression syndrome

Spondylogenic compression of cervical spinal cord

Vertebral artery compression syndrome

721.2    Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy





721.3    Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy

Lumbar or lumbosacral:




721.4    Thoracic or lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy

721.41  Thoracic region

Spondylogenic compression of thoracic spinal cord

721.42  Lumbar region

Spondylogenic compression of lumbar spinal cord

721.9    Spondylosis of unspecified site

721.90  Without mention of myelopathy


arthritis (deformans) (degenerative) (hypertrophic)

osteoarthritis NOS

Spondylarthrosis NOS

721.91  With myelopathy

Spondylogenic compression of  spinal cord NOS

722       Intervertebral disc disorders

722.0    Displacement of cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy

Neuritis (brachial) or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of cervical intervertebral disc

Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of the cervical or cervicothoracic intervertebral disc

722.1    Displacement of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy

722.10  Lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy

Lumbago or sciatica due to displacement of intervertebral disc

Neuritis or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc

Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of the lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc

722.11  Thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy

Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of thoracic intervertebral disc

722.2    Displacement of intervertebral disc, site unspecified, without myelopathy

Discogenic syndrome NOS

Herniation of nucleus pulposus NOS

Intervertebral disc NOS:





Neuritis or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of intervertebral disc

722.3    Schmorl's nodes

722.30  Unspecified region

722.31  Thoracic region

722.32  Lumbar region

722.39  Other

722.4    Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc

Degeneration of cervicothoracic intervertebral disc

722.5    Degeneration of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc

722.51  Thoracic or thoracolumbar intervertebral disc

722.52  Lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc

722.6    Degeneration of intervertebral disc, site unspecified

Degenerative disc disease NOS

Narrowing of intervertebral disc or space NOS

722.7    Intervertebral disc disorder with myelopathy

722.70  Unspecified region

722.71  Cervical region

722.72  Thoracic region

722.73  Lumbar region

722.8    Postlaminectomy syndrome

722.80  Unspecified region

722.81  Cervical region

722.82  Thoracic region

722.83  Lumbar region

722.9    Other and unspecified disc disorder

Calcification of intervertebral cartilage or disc Discitis

722.90  Unspecified region

722.91  Cervical region

722.92  Thoracic region

722.93  Lumbar region

723       Other disorders of cervical region

Excludes:          conditions due to:

intervertebral disc disorders (722.0-722.9)

spondylosis (721.0-721.9)

723.0    Spinal stenosis of cervical region

723.1    Cervicalgia

Pain in neck

723.2    Cervicocranial syndrome

Barré-Liéou syndrome

Posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome

723.3    Cervicobrachial syndrome (diffuse)

723.4    Brachia neuritis or radiculitis NOS

Cervical radiculitis

Radicular syndrome of upper limbs

723.5    Torticollis, unspecified

Contracture of neck

Excludes:          congenital (754.1)

due to birth injury (767.8)

hysterical (300.11)

ocular torticollis (781.93)

psychogenic (306.0)

spasmodic (333.83)

traumatic, current (847.0)

723.6    Panniculitis specified as affecting neck

723.7    Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region

723.8    Other syndromes affecting cervical region

Cervical syndrome NEC

Klippel's disease

Occipital neuralgia

723.9    Unspecified musculoskeletal disorders and symptoms referable to neck

Cervical (region) disorder NOS

724       Other and unspecified disorders of back

Excludes:          collapsed vertebra (code to cause, e.g., osteoporosis, 733.00-733.09)

conditions due to:

intervertebral disc disorders (722.0-722.9)

spondylosis (721.0-721.9)

724.0    Spinal stenosis, other than cervical

724.00  Spinal stenosis, unspecified region

724.01  Thoracic region

724.02  Lumbar region

724.09  Other

724.1    Pain in thoracic spine

724.2    Lumbago

Low back pain

Low back syndrome


724.3    Sciatia

Neuralgia or neuritis of sciatic nerve

Excludes:          specified lesion of sciatic nerve (355.0)

724.4    Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis or radiculitis, unspecified

Radicular syndrome of lower limbs

724.5    Backache, unspecified

Vertebrogenic (pain) syndrome NOS

724.6    Disorders of sacrum

Ankylosis, lumbosacral or sacroiliac (joint)

Instability, lumbosacral or sacroiliac (joint)

724.7    Disorders of coccyx

724.70  Unspecified disorder of coccyx

724.71  Hypermobility of coccyx

724.79  Other


724.8    Other symptoms referable to back

Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament NOS

Panniculitis specified as sacral or affecting back

724.9    Other unspecified back disorders

Ankylosis of spine NOS

Compression of spinal nerve root NEC

Spinal disorder NOS

Excludes:          sacroiliitis (720.2)


Includes:          disorders of muscles and tendons and their attachments, and of other soft tissues

725       Polymyalgia rheumatica

726       Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes

Note:    Enthesopathies are disorders of peripheral ligamentous or muscular attachments.

728       Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia

Excludes:          enthesopathies (726.0-726.9)

muscular dystrophies (359.0-359.1)

myoneural disorders (358.00-358.9)

myopathies (359.2-359.9)

old disruption of ligaments of knee (717.81-717.89)

728.0    Infective myositis




Excludes:          myositis:

epidemic (074.1)

interstitial (728.81)

myoneural disorder (358.00-358.9)

syphilitic (095.6)

tropical (040.81)

728.1    Muscular calcification and ossification

728.10  Calcification and ossification, unspecified

Massive calcification (paraplegic)

728.11  Progressive myositis ossificans

728.12  Traumatic myositis ossifications

Myisitis ossificans (circumscripta)

728.19  Other

Polymyositis ossificans

728.2    Muscular wasting and disuse atrophy, not elsewhere classified

Amyotrophia NOS


Excludes:          neuralgic amyotrophy (353.5)

pelvic muscle wasting and disuse atrophy (618.83)

progressive muscular atrophy (335.0-335.9)

728.3    Other specific muscle disorders


Immobility syndrome (paraplegic)

Excludes:          arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (754.89)

stiff-man syndrome (333.91)

728.6    Contracture of palmar fascia

Dupuytren's contracture

728.8    Other disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia

728.81  Interstitial myositis

728.82  Foreign body granuloma of muscle

Talc granuloma of muscle

728.83  Rupture of muscle, nontraumatic

728.85  Spasm of muscle

728.86  Necrotizing fasciitis

Use additional code to identify:

infectious organism (041.00-041.89)

gangrene (785.4), if applicable

728.87  Muscle weakness

Excludes:          generalized weakness (780.79)

728.88  Rhabdomyolysis

728.89  Other

Eosinophilic fasciitis

Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug induced

728.9    Unspecified disorder of muscle, ligament, and fascia

729       Other disorders of soft tissues

Excludes:          acroparesthesia (443.89)

carpal tunnel syndrome (354.0)

disorders of the back (720.0-724.9)

entrapment syndromes (354.0-355.9)

palindromic rheumatism (719.3)

periarthritis (726.0-726.9)

psychogenic rheumatism (306.0)

729.0    Rheumatism, unspecified and fibrositis

729.1    Myalgia and myositis, unspecified

Fibromyositis NOS

729.2    Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis, unspecified

Excludes:          brachia radiculitis (723.4)

cervical radiculitis (723.4)

lumbosacral radiculitis (724.4)

mononeuritis (354.0-355.9)

radiculitis due to intervertebral disc involvement (722.0-722.2,722.7)

sciatica (724.3)

729.4    Fasciitis, unspecified

Excludes:          necrotizing fasciitis (728.86)

nodular fasciitis (728.79)

729.5    Pain in limb

729.8    Other musculoskeletal symptoms referable to limbs

729.81  Swelling of limb

729.82  Cramp

729.89  Other

Excludes:          abnormality of gait (781.2)

tetany (781.7)

transient paralysis of limb (781.4)

729.9    Other and unspecified disorders of soft tissue


737       Curvature of spine

Excludes:          congenital (754.2)

737.0    Adolescent postural kyphosis

Excludes:          osteochondrosis of spine (juvenile) (732.0)

adult (732.8)

737.1    Kyphosis (acquired)

737.10  Kyphosis (acquired) (postural)

737.11  Kyphosis due to radiation

737.12  Kyphosis, postlaminectomy

737.19  Other

Excludes:          that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.41)

737.2    Lordosis (acquired)

737.20  Lordosis (acquired) (postural)

737.21  Lordosis, postlaminectomy

737.22  Other postsurgical lordosis

737.29  Other

Excludes:          that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.42)

737.3    Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis

737.30  Scoliosis [and kyphoscoliosis], idiopathic

737.31  Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis

737.32  Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis

737.33  Scoliosis due to radiation

737.34  Thoracogenic scoliosis

737.39  Other

Excludes:          that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.43)

that in kyphoscoliotic heart disease (416.1)

737.4    Curvature of spine associated with other conditions

Code first associated condition, as:

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (356.1)

mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)

neurofibromatosis (237.7)

osteitis deformans (731.0)

osteitis fibrosa cystica (252.01)

osteoporosis (733.00-733.09)

poliomyelitis (138)

tuberculosis [Pott's curvature] (015.0)

737.40  Curvature of spine, unspecified

737.41  Kyphosis

737.42  Lordosis

737.43  Scoliosis

737.8    Other curvatures of spine

737.9    Unspecified curvature of spine

Curvature of spine (acquired) (idiopathic) NOS

Hunchback, acquired

Excludes:          deformity of spine NOS (738.5)

738       Other acquired deformity

738.2    Acquired deformity of neck

738.4    Acquired spondylolisthesis

Degenerative spondylolisthesis

Spondylolysis, acquired

Excludes:          congenital (756.12)

738.5    Other acquired deformity of back or spine

Deformity of spine NOS

Excludes:          curvature of spine (737.0-737.9)


740       Anencephalus and similar anomalies

740.0    Anencephalus





740.1    Craniorachischisis

740.2    Iniencephaly

741       Spina bifida

Excludes:          spina bifida occulta (756.17)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 741:

0 unspecified region

1 cervical region

2 dorsal (thoracic) region

3 lumbar region

741.0    With hydrocephalus

Arnold-Chiari syndrome, type II

Chiari malformation, type II

Any condition classifiable to 741.9 with any condition classifiable to 742.3

741.9    Without mention of hydrocephalus

Hydromeningocele (spinal)


Meningocele (spinal)





Spina bifida (aperta)


742       Other congenital anomalies of nervous system

742.0    Encephalocele




Hydromeningocele, cranial

Meningocele, cerebral


742.1    Microcephalus



742.2    Reduction deformities of brain

Absence of part of brain

Agenesis of part of brain


Aplasia of part of brain



Hypoplasia of part of brain


742.3    Congenital hydrocephalus

Aqueduct of Sylvius:


obstruction, congenital


Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka

Hydrocephalus in newborn

Excludes:          hydrocephalus:

acquired (331.3-331.4)

due to congenital toxoplasmosis (771.2)

with any condition classifiable to 741.9 (741.0)

742.4    Other specified anomalies of brain

Congenital cerebral cyst




Multiple anomalies of brain NOS



742.5    Other specified anomalies of spinal cord

742.51  Diastematomyelia

742.53  Hydromyelia


742.59  Other



Congenital anomaly of spinal meninges

Defective development of cauda equina

Hypoplasia of spinal cord



742.8    Other specified anomalies of nervous system

Agenesis of nerve

Displacement of brachial plexus

Familial dysautonomia

Jaw-winking syndrome

Marcus-Gunn syndrome

Riley-Day syndrome

Excludes:          neurofibromatosis (237.7)

742.9    Unspecified anomaly of brain, spinal cord, and nervous system

Anomaly of brain, nervous system, and spinal cord

Congenital, of brain, nervous system, and spinal cord:

disease of brain, nervous system, and spinal cord

lesion of brain, nervous system, and spinal cord

Deformity of brain, nervous system, and spinal cord

SYMPTOMS (780-789)

780       General symptoms

780.0    Alteration of consciousness

Excludes:          coma:

diabetic (250.2-250.3)

hepatic (572.2)

originating in the perinatal period  (779.2)

780.01  Coma

780.02  Transient alteration of awareness

780.03  Persistent vegetative state

780.09  Other






780.1    Hallucinations







Excludes:          those associated with mental disorders, as functional psychoses (295.0-298.9)

organic brain syndromes (290.0-294.9, 310.0-310.9)

visual hallucinations (368.16)

780.2    Syncope and collapse



(Near) (Pre)syncope

Vasovagal attack

Excludes:          carotid sinus syncope (337.0)

heat syncope (992.1)

neurocirculatory asthenia (306.2)

orthostatic hypotension (458.0)

shock NOS (785.50)

780.3    Convulsions

Excludes:          convulsions:

epileptic (345.10-345.91)

in newborn (779.0)

780.31  Febrile convulsions

Febrile seizures

780.39  Other convulsions

Convulsive disorder NOS

Fits NOS

Seizures NOS

780.4    Dizziness and giddiness


Vertigo NOS

Excludes:          Ménière's disease and other specified vertiginous syndromes (386.0-386.9)

780.5    Sleep disturbances

Excludes:          that of nonorganic origin (307.40-307.49)

780.50  Sleep disturbance, unspecified

780.51  Insomnia with sleep apnea

780.52  Other insomnia

Insomnia NOS

780.53  Hypersomnia with sleep apnea

780.54  Other hypersomnia

Hypersomnia NOS

780.55  Disruptions of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle

Inversion of sleep rhythm

Irregular sleep-wake rhythm NOS

Non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm

780.56  Dysfunctions associated with sleep stages or arousal from sleep

780.57  Other and unspecified sleep apnea

780.58  Sleep related movement disorder

Periodic limb movement disorder

Excludes: restless leg syndrome (333.99)

780.59  Other

780.7    Malaise and fatigue

Excludes:          debility, unspecified (799.3)

fatigue (during):

combat (308.0-308.9)

heat (992.6)

pregnancy (646.8)

neurasthenia (300.5)

senile asthenia (797)

780.71  Chronic fatigue syndrome

780.79  Other malaise and fatigue

Asthenia NOS


Postviral (asthenic) syndrome


780.8    Generalized hyperhidrosis


Excessive sweating

Secondary hyperhidrosis

Excludes: focal (localized) (primary) (secondary) hyperhidrosis (705.21-705.22)

Frey's syndrome (705.22)

780.93  Memory loss

Amnesia (retrograde)

Memory loss NOS

Excludes:          mild memory disturbance due to organic brain damage (310.1)

transient global amnesia (437.7)

780.99  Other general symptoms

Chill(s) NOS

Generalized pain

Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature

781       Symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems

Excludes:          depression NOS (311)

disorders specifically relating to:

back (724.0-724.9)

hearing (388.0-389.9)

joint (718.0-719.9)

limb (729.0-729.9)

neck (723.0-723.9)

vision (368.0-369.9)

pain in limb (729.5)

781.0    Abnormal involuntary movements

Abnormal head movements


Spasms NOS

Tremor NOS

Excludes:          abnormal reflex (796.1)

chorea NOS (333.5)

infantile spasms (345.60-345.61)

spastic paralysis (342.1, 343.0-344.9)

specified movement disorders classifiable to 333 (333.0-333.9)

that of nonorganic origin (307.2-307.3)

781.1    Disturbances of sensation of smell and taste




781.2    Abnormality of gait






Excludes:          ataxia:

NOS (781.3)

locomotor (progressive) (094.0)

difficulty in walking (719.7)

781.3    Lack of coordination

Ataxia NOS

Muscular incoordination

Excludes:          ataxic gait (781.2)

cerebellar ataxia (334.0-334.9)

difficulty in walking (719.7)

vertigo NOS (780.4)

781.4    Transient paralysis of limb

Monoplegia, transient NOS

Excludes:          paralysis (342.0-344.9)

781.6    Meningismus

Dupre's syndrome


781.7    Tetany

Carpopedal spasm

Excludes:          tetanus neonatorum (771.3)


hysterical (300.11)

newborn (hypocalcemic) (775.4)

parathyroid (252.1)

psychogenic (306.0)

781.8    Neurologic neglect syndrone




Hemispatial neglect

Left-sided neglect

Sensory extinction

Sensory neglect

Visuospatial neglect

781.9    Other symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems

781.91  Loss of height

Excludes:          osteoporosis (733.00-733.09)

781.92  Abnormal posture

781.93  Ocular torticollis

781.94  Facial weakness

Facial droop

Excludes:          facial weakness due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident (438.83)

781.99  Other symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems

782       Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue

Excludes:          symptoms relating to breast (611.71-611.79)

782.0    Disturbance of skin sensation

Anesthesia of skin

Burning or prickling sensation






nutritional edema (260, 262)

784       Symptoms involving head and neck

Excludes:          encephalopathy NOS (348.30)

specific symptoms involving neck classifiable to 723 (723.0-723.9)

784.0    Headache

Facial pain

Pain in head NOS

Excludes:          atypical face pain (350.2)

migraine (346.0-346.9)

tension headache (307.81)

784.1    Throat pain

Excludes:          dysphagia (787.2)

neck pain (723.1)

sore throat (462)

chronic (472.1)

784.2    Swelling, mass, or lump in head and neck

Space-occupying lesion, intracranial NOS

784.3    Aphasia

Excludes:          developmental aphasia (315.31)

784.4    Voice disturbance

784.40  Voice disturbance, unspecified

784.41  Aphonia

Loss of voice

784.49  Other

Change in voice





784.5    Other speech disturbance



Slurred speech

Excludes:          stammering and stuttering (307.0)

that of nonorganic origin (307.0, 307.9)

784.6    Other symbolic dysfunction

Excludes:          developmental learning delays (315.0-315.9)

784.60  Symbolic dysfunction, unspecified

784.61  Alexia and dyslexia

Alexia (with agraphia)

784.69  Other



Agraphia NOS


788       Symptoms involving urinary system

788.2    Retention of urine

788.20  Retention of urine, unspecified

788.21  Incomplete bladder emptying

788.29  Other specified retention of urine

788.3    Urinary incontinence

Excludes:          that of nonorganic origin (307.6)

Code, if applicable, any causal condition first, such as:

congenital ureterocele (753.23)

genital prolapse (618.00-618.9)

788.30  Urinary incontinence, unspecified

Enuresis NOS

788.31  Urge incontinence

788.32  Stress incontinence, male

Excludes:          stress incontinence, female (625.6)

788.33  Mixed incontinence (female) (male)

Urge and stress

788.34  Incontinence without sensory awareness

788.35  Post-void dribbling

788.36  Nocturnal enuresis

788.37  Continuous leakage

788.38  Overflow incontinence

788.39  Other urinary incontinence

788.4    Frequency of urination and polyuria

788.41  Urinary frequency

Frequency of micturition

788.42  Polyuria

788.43  Nocturia



794       Nonspecific abnormal results of function studies

794.0    Brain and central nervous system

794.00  Abnormal function study, unspecified

794.01  Abnormal echoencephalogram

794.02  Abnormal electroencephalogram [EEG]

794.09  Other

Abnormal brain scan

794.1    Peripheral nervous system and special senses

794.10  Abnormal response to nerve stimulation, unspecified

794.11  Abnormal retinal function studies

Abnormal electroretinogram [ERG]

794.12  Abnormal electro-oculogram [EOG]

794.13  Abnormal visually evoked potential

794.14  Abnormal oculomotor studies

794.15  Abnormal auditory function studies

794.16  Abnormal vestibular function studies

794.17  Abnormal electromyogram [EMG]

Excludes:          that of eye (794.14)

794.19  Other


797       Senility without mention of psychosis

Old age


Senile asthenia




Excludes:          senile psychoses (290.0-290.9)


The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with the appropriate codes in categories 800, 801, 803, and 804:

0 unspecified state of consciousness

1 with no loss of consciousness

2 with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness

3 with moderate [1-24 hours] loss of consciousness

4 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level

5 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness, without return to pre-existing conscious level

Use fifth-digit 5 to designate when a patient is unconscious and dies before regaining consciousness, regardless of the duration of the loss of consciousness

6 with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration

9 with concussion, unspecified

800       Fracture of vault of skull

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 800-804 for codes and definitions.

Includes:           frontal bone

parietal bone

800.0    Closed without mention of intracranial injury

800.1    Closed with cerebral laceration and contusion

800.2    Closed wtih subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage

800.3    Closed with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

800.4    Closed with intracranialinjury of other and unspecified nature

800.5    Open without mention of intracranial injury

800.6    Open with cerebral laceration and contusion

800.7    Open with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage

800.8    Open with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

800.9    Open with intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature


802.4    Malar and maxillary bones, closed

Superior maxilla

Upper jaw (bone)


Zygomatic arch

802.5    Malar and maxillary bones, open

802.6    Orbital floor (blow-out), closed

802.7    Orbital floor (blow-out), open

802.8    Other facial bones, closed




part other than roof or floor


Excludes:          orbital:

floor (802.6)

roof (801.0-801.9)

802.9    Other facial bones, open

803       Other and unqualified skull fractures

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 800-804 for codes and definitions.

Includes:           skull NOS

skull multiple NOS

803.0    Closed without mention of intracranial injury

803.1    Closed with cerebral laceration and contusion

803.2    Closed with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage

803.3    Closed with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

803.4    Closed with intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature

803.5    Open without mention of intracranial injury

803.6    Open with cerebral laceration and contusion

803.7    Open with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage

803.8    Open with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

803.9    Open with intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature

804       Multiple fractures involving skull or face with other bones

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 800-804 for codes and definitions.

804.0    Closed without mention of intracranial injury

804.1    Closed with cerebral laceration and contusion

804.2    Closed with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage

804.3    Closed with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

804.4    Closed with intracranialinjury of other and unspecified nature

804.5    Open without mention of intracranial injury

804.6    Open with cerebral laceration and contusion

804.7    Open with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage

804.8    Open with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage

804.9    Open with intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature


805       Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord injury

Includes:           neural arch


spinous process

transverse process


The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with codes 805.0-805.1:

0 cervical vertebra, unspecified level

1 first cervical vertebra

2 second cervical vertebra

3 third cervical vertebra

4 fourth cervical vertebra

5 fifth cervical vertebra

6 sixth cervical vertebra

7 seventh cervical vertebra

8 multiple cervical vertebrae

805.0    Cervical, closed



805.1    Cervical, open

805.2    Dorsal [thoracic], closed

805.3    Dorsal [thoracic], open

805.4    Lumbar, closed

805.5    Lumbar, open

805.6    Sacrum and coccyx, closed

805.7    Sacrum and coccyx, open

805.8    Unspecified, closed

805.9    Unspecified, open

806       Fracture of vertebral column with spinal cord injury

Includes:           any condition classifiable to 805 with:

complete or incomplete transverse lesion (of cord)


injury to:

cauda equina





spinal concussion

806.0    Cervical, closed

806.00  C1-C4 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

Cervical region NOS with spinal cord injury NOS

806.01  C1-C4 level with complete lesion of cord

806.02  C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.03  C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome

806.04  C1-C4 level with other specified spinal cord injury

C1-C4 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.05  C5-C7 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

806.06  C5-C7 level with complete lesion of cord

806.07  C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.08  C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome

806.09  C5-C7 level with other specified spinal cord injury

C5-C7 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.1    Cervical, open

806.10  C1-C4 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

806.11  C1-C4 level with complete lesion of cord

806.12  C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.13  C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome

806.14  C1-C4 level with other specified spinal cord injury

C1-C4 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.15  C5-C7 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

806.16  C5-C7 level with complete lesion of cord

806.17  C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.18  C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome

806.19  C5-C7 level with other specified spinal cord injury

C5-C7 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.2    Dorsal [thoracic], closed

806.20  T1-T6 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

Thoracic region NOS with spinal cord injury NOS

806.21  T1-T6 level with complete lesion of cord

806.22  T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.23  T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome

806.24  T1-T6 level with other specified spinal cord injury

T1-T6 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.25  T7-T12 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

806.26  T7-T12 level with complete lesion of cord

806.27  T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.28  T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome

806.29  T7-T12 level with other specified spinal cord injury

T7-T12 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.3    Dorsal [thoracic], open

806.30  T1-T6 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

806.31  T1-T6 level with complete lesion of cord

806.32  T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.33  T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome

806.34  T1-T6 level with other specified spinal cord injury

T1-T6 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.35  T7-T12 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

806.36  T7-T12 level with complete lesion of cord

806.37  T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome

806.38  T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome

806.39  T7-T12 level with other specified spinal cord injury

T7-T12 level with:

incomplete spinal cord lesion NOS

posterior cord syndrome

806.4    Lumbar, closed

806.5    Lumbar, open

806.6    Sacrum and coccyx, closed

806.60  With unspecified spinal cord injury

806.61  With complete cauda equina lesion

806.62  With other cauda equina injury

806.69  With other spinal cord injury

806.7    Sacrum and coccyx, open

806.70  With unspecified spinal cord injury

806.71  With complete cauda equina lesion

806.72  With other cauda equina injury

806.79  With other spinal cord injury

806.8    Unspecified, closed

806.9    Unspecified, open

839       Other, multiple, and ill-defined dislocations

839.0    Cervical vertebra, closed

Cervical spine


839.00  Cervical vertebra, unspecified

839.01  First cervical vertebra

839.02  Second cervical vertebra

839.03  Third cervical vertebra

839.04  Fourth cervical vertebra

839.05  Fifth cervical vertebra

839.06  Sixth cervical vertebra

839.07  Seventh cervical vertebra

839.08  Multiple cervical vertebrae

839.1    Cervical vertebra, open

839.10  Cervical vertebra, unspecified

839.11  First cervical vertebra

839.12  Second cervical vertebra

839.13  Third cervical vertebra

839.14  Fourth cervical vertebra

839.15  Fifth cervical vertebra

839.16  Sixth cervical vertebra

839.17  Seventh cervical vertebra

839.18  Multiple cervical vertebrae

839.2    Thoracic and lumbar vertebra, closed

839.20  Lumbar vertebra

839.21  Thoracic vertebra

Dorsal [thoracic] vertebra

839.3    Thoracic and lumbar vertebra, open

839.30  Lumbar vertebra

839.31  Thoracic vertebra

839.4    Other vertebra, closed

839.40  Vertebra, unspecified site

Spine NOS

839.41  Coccyx

839.42  Sacrum

Sacroiliac (joint)

839.49  Other

839.5    Other vertebra, open

839.50  Vertebra, unspecified site

839.51  Coccyx

839.52  Sacrum

839.59  Other

839.6    Other location, closed

839.61  Sternum

Sternoclavicular joint

839.69  Other


839.7    Other location, open

839.71  Sternum

839.79  Other

839.8    Multiple and ill-defined, closed




Multiple locations, except fingers or toes alone

Other ill-defined locations

Unspecified location

839.9    Multiple and ill-defined, open


Excludes:         intracranial injury with skull fracture (800-801 and 803-804, except .0 and .5)

open wound of head without intracranial injury (870.0-873.9)

skull fracture alone (800-801 and 803-804 with .0, .5)

Note:    The description "with open intracranial wound," used in the fourth-digit subdivisions, includes those specified as open or with mention of infection or foreign body.

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 851-854:

0 unspecified state of consciousness

1 with no loss of consciousness

2 with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness

3 with moderate [1-24 hours] loss of consciousness

4 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level

5 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness without return to pre-existing conscious level

Use fifth-digit 5 to designate when a patient is unconscious and dies before regaining consciousness, regardless of the duration of the loss of consciousness

6 with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration

9 with concussion, unspecified

850       Concussion

Includes:           commotio cerebri

Excludes:          concussion with:

cerebral laceration or contusion (851.0-851.9)

cerebral hemorrhage (852-853)

head injury NOS (959.01)

850.0    With no loss of consciousness

Concussion with mental confusion or disorientation, without loss of consciousness

850.1    With brief loss of consciousness

Loss of consciousness for less than one hour

850.11  With loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less

850.12  With loss of consciousness from 31 to 59 minutes

850.2    With moderate loss of consciousness

Loss of consciousness for 1-24 hours

850.3    With prolonged loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level

Loss of consciousness for more than 24 hours with complete recovery

850.4    With prolonged loss of consousness, without return to pre-existing conscious level

850.5    With loss of consciousness of unspecified duration

850.9    Concussion, unspecified

851       Cerebral laceration and contusion

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 850-854 for codes and definitions.

851.0    Cortex (cerebral) contusion without mention of open intracranial wound

851.1    Cortex (cerebral) contusion with open intracranial wound

851.2    Cortex (cerebral) laceration without mention of open intracranial wound

851.3    Cortex (cerebral) laceration with open intracranial wound

851.4    Cerebellar or brain stem contusion without mention of open intracranial wound

851.5    Cerebellar or brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound

851.6    Cerebellar or brain stem laceration without mention of open intracranial wound

851.7    Cerebellar or brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound

851.8    Other and unspecified cerebral laceration and contusion, without mention of open intracranial wound

Brain (membrane) NOS

851.9    Other and unspecified cerebral laceration and contusion, with open intracranial wound

852       Subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, following injury

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 850-854 for codes and definitions.

Excludes:          cerebral contusion or laceration (with hemorrhage) (851.0-851.9)

852.0    Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound

Middle meningeal hemorrhage following injury

852.1    Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound

852.2    Subdural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound

852.3    Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound

852.4    Extradural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound

Epidural hematoma following injury

852.5    Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound

853       Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury

Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 850-854 for codes and definitions.

853.0    Without mention of open intracranial wound

Cerebral compression due to injury

Intracranial hematoma following injury

Traumatic cerebral hemorrhage

853.1    With open intracranial wound

854       Intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature

Includes:           injury:

brain NOS

cavernous sinus


Excludes:          any condition classifiable to 850-853

head injury NOS (959.01)

854.0    Without mention of open intracranial wound

854.1    With open intracranial wound


Includes:          division of nerve

lesion in continuity (with open wound)

traumatic neuroma (with open wound)

traumatic transient paralysis (with open wound)

Excludes:         accidental puncture or laceration during medical procedure (998.2)

950       Injury to optic nerve and pathways

950.0    Optic nerve injury

Second cranial nerve

950.1    Injury to optic chiasm

950.2    Injury to optic pathways

950.3    Injury to visual cortex

950.9    Unspecified

Traumatic blindness NOS

951       Injury to other cranial nerve(s)

951.0    Injury to oculomotor nerve

Third cranial nerve

951.1    Injury to trochlear nerve

Fourth cranial nerve

951.2    Injury to trigeminal nerve

Fifth cranial nerve

951.3    Injury to abducens nerve

Sixth cranial nerve

951.4    Injury to facial nerve

Seventh cranial nerve

951.5    Injury to acoustic nerve

Auditory nerve

Eighth cranial nerve

Traumatic deafness NOS

951.6    Injury to accessory nerve

Eleventh cranial nerve

951.7    Injury to hypoglossal nerve

Twelfth cranial nerve

951.8    Injury to other specified cranial nerves

Glossopharyngeal [9th cranial] nerve

Olfactory [1st cranial] nerve

Pneumogastric [10th cranial] nerve

Traumatic anosmia NOS

Vagus [10th cranial] nerve

951.9    Injury to unspecified cranial nerve

952       Spinal cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury

952.0    Cervical

952.00  C1-C4 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injury, cervical region NOS

952.01  C1-C4 level with complete lesion of spinal cord

952.02  C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome

952.03  C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome

952.04  C1-C4 level with other specified spinal cord injury

Incomplete spinal cord lesion at C1-C4 level:


with posterior cord syndrome

952.05  C5-C7 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

952.06  C5-C7 level with complete lesion of spinal cord

952.07  C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome

952.08  C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome

952.09  C5-C7 level with other specified spinal cord injury

Incomplete spinal cord lesion at C5-C7 level:


with posterior cord syndrome

952.1    Dorsal [thoracic]

952.10  T1-T6 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injury, thoracic region NOS

952.11  T1-T6 level with complete lesion of spinal cord

952.12  T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome

952.13  T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome

952.14  T1-T6 level with other specified spinal cord injury

Incomplete spinal cord lesion at T1-T6 level:


with posterior cord syndrome

952.15  T7-T12 level with unspecified spinal cord injury

952.16  T7-T12 level with complete lesion of spinal cord

952.17  T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome

952.18  T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome

952.19  T7-T12 level with other specified spinal cord injury

Incomplete spinal cord lesion at T7-T12 level:


with posterior cord syndrome

952.2    Lumbar

952.3    Sacral

952.4    Cauda equina

952.8    Multiple sites of spinal cord

952.9    Unspecified site of spinal cord

953       Injury to nerve roots and spinal plexus

953.0    Cervical root

953.1    Dorsal root

953.2    Lumbar root

953.3    Sacral root

953.4    Brachial plexus

953.5    Lumbosacral plexus

953.8    Multiple sites

953.9    Unspecified site

954       Injury to other nerve(s) of trunk, excluding shoulder and pelvic girdles

954.0    Cervical sympathetic

954.1    Other sympathetic

Celiac ganglion or plexus

Inferior mesenteric plexus

Splanchnic nerve(s)

Stellate ganglion

954.8    Other specified nerve(s) of trunk

954.9    Unspecified nerve of trunk

955       Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of shoulder girdle and upper limb

955.0    Axillary nerve

955.1    Median nerve

955.2    Ulnar nerve

955.3    Radial nerve

955.4    Musculocutaneous nerve

955.5    Cutaneous sensory nerve, upper limb

955.6    Digital nerve

955.7    Other specified nerve(s) of shoulder girdle and upper limb

955.8    Multiple nerves of shoulder girdle and upper limb

955.9    Unspecified nerve of shoulder girdle and upper limb

956       Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of pelvic girdle and lower limb

956.0    Sciatic nerve

956.1    Femoral nerve

956.2    Posterior tibial nerve

956.3    Peroneal nerve

956.4    Cutaneous sensory nerve, lower limb

956.5    Other specified nerve(s) of pelvic girdle and lower limb

956.8    Multiple nerves of pelvic girdle and lower limb

956.9    Unspecified nerve of pelvic girdle and lower limb

957       Injury to other and unspecified nerves

957.0    Superficial nerves of head and neck

957.1    Other specified nerve(s)

957.8    Multiple nerves in several parts

Multiple nerve injury NOS

957.9    Unspecified site

Nerve injury NOS