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Lacunar Infarction - Internal Capsule - Case 1

A 57 year-old man with poorly controlled hypertension presented with weakness involving the left face, arm and leg.

Outline the Infarction          Show the Anatomy

Lacunar Infarction: (Left) T2-weighted axial MRI; (Right) Flair axial MRI. Note the well-demarcated ischemic stroke in the region of the posterior limb of the right internal capsule. GP = Globus Pallidus.

Lacunar strokes (also known as small vessel disease) are caused by occlusion of the deep perforating blood vessels. Small vessel disease is most commonly associated with hypertension and diabetes. There are several classic lacunar syndromes, including pure motor hemiparesis, ataxic hemiparesis, clumsy hand-dysarthria (caused by lesions either in the internal capsule or basis pontis) and pure sensory stroke (caused by a lesion in the thalamus). Remember that lacunar strokes are NOT associated with cortical findings, such as aphasia (except rarely), apraxia, neglect, or visual field abnormalities.

Revised 11/23/06
Copyrighted 2006. David C Preston