Emails and Newsletters



Slate is the primary customer relationship management (CRM) system, utilized by the university. Within Slate, one can find all interested students (inquiries), in-progress applications, completed and submitted applications, as well as additional important information. 

To assist in the understanding of Slate and all that can be accomplished through the platform, we have created a series of “How-To” videos linked below. 

The Slate Email Request form is to be used when wanting to send an email to prospective students. Students who can be contacted using a Slate email are existing inquiries, in-progress applications, and submitted applicants. A Slate email can also be used to reach name lists such as GRE, MCAT, and National Name Exchange records. Email if you have any questions related to sending emails out of Slate. 

Access the Slate Email Template.

Other Slate Features

Marketing Cloud

Marketing Cloud is used when reaching out to audiences that do not include prospective students. Typical audiences include alumni, donors, and external audiences.

The Alumni/Donor/External Email Request form is to be used when sending what is referred to as a “Marketing Cloud email”.  An important step when sending this form of email is that you must provide contact information for those you wish to reach, in addition to the email copy, when submitting to UMC.

Access the Marketing Cloud Email Template.


The Daily

An easy, free, and effective way to communicate information about events, deadlines, and other important information regarding your program, is through The Daily.

Submit to The Daily Request Form.

FYI and Thrive

FYI is a weekly newsletter sent to first-year undergraduate students. Thrive newsletter is sent weekly to second, third, and fourth year undergraduate CWRU students.

Submit to FYI and Thrive.