Diverse Ancestry Dementia Studies

young grandaughter wrapping arms around grandmother's neck and kissing her cheek

The goal of our study is to find the genetic and social determinants of health that may contribute to the development of dementias like Alzheimer’s Disease...

What are these studies about?

Jonathan Haines, PhD, has been studying genetics and Alzheimers Disease for over 20 years. We know that genes and the environment can play a part in who may or may not eventually develop Alzheimer’s Disease. However, there are still many unanswered questions:  What causes Alzheimer’s Disease? Is there a better way to diagnose it?  Are there better treatments? Is there a way to predict who will get it?

Dr. Haines is looking for the answers to these questions, and you can help!

Who Should Join?

The goal of our study is to find the genetic and social determinants of health that may contribute to the development of dementias like Alzheimer’s Disease in families and individuals. That said, we are looking for:

  • Families of any race/ethnicity

    • Who have at least one person living with dementia, memory loss, or Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Individuals of African American heritage

    • Who have dementia, memory loss or Alzheimer’s Disease
    • OR are 60+ and do not have memory loss
  • Individuals of any race/ethnicity

    • Anyone under 60 diagnosed with “early-onset” memory problems (sometimes called “early-onset dementia” or “early-onset Alzheimer's Disease.”)

What Does It Take To Join?

Joining or sharing this study will help researchers around the world in the fight against Alzheimer's Disease. To join, you would review and sign a consent form, do a 2-hour interview on your memory, health, and family history, and then give a small blood draw in the comfort of your home. At the end, you will get a gift card!

How Do I Join?

To find out more about the study, ask any questions, or to be enrolled in the study, please email dawn-study@case.edu.

Or, if you would like us to contact you, then click the button below: