
A Rare Chance for Dance

An iconic Martha Graham ballet had a historic performance on campus

Photo of a dancer leaping high in the airPHOTO: Brad PetotVisiting Assistant Professor Richard Oaxaca (GRS '16, contemporary dance) in the recent
CWRU Department of Dance production of Martha Graham's
Cave of the Heart.

The Case Western Reserve dance program delighted audiences last fall with a production of the 1946 Martha Graham ballet Cave of the Heart.

The work—said to be one of Graham's favorites—had never been done by an ensemble outside her company.

The campus production was part of the celebrations leading up to the company's centennial and a testament to the Department of Dance's strong reputation.

It also provided a rare opportunity for dance students to perform an iconic piece and for audiences to experience the work live.

"Students had to remain faithful to the work, but they also became deeply invested and developed a real sense of ownership during the rehearsals," said Dance Professor Gary Galbraith (CIT '86; GRS '88, dance), who mounted the campus production and performed in the ballet during his time with Graham's company.

"I was surprised by how big a response we got," Galbraith said. "You could feel the energy."

Cave of the Heart will return to CWRU's Mather Dance Center in the fall. Check dance.case.edu for details.