The Greater Circle Living housing program is administered by the Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation (FRDC), and funded by The Cleveland Foundation and participating nonprofit employers, including Case Western Reserve University.
Available Benefits
Case Western Reserve is pleased to offer this unique benefit to the campus community. Employees may receive a one-time only program benefit in one of the forms listed below. Please note, funds are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applicants whose requests cannot be immediately funded are placed on a waiting list for future consideration and are notified when funds are available. These benefits are taxable.
Home Purchase Assistance: A forgivable loan of $20,000, with an additional $10,000 available to employees based on household income ("Working Households Fund"), to apply toward the down payment and/or closing costs of a primary residence within the specified geographic area
Rental Assistance: A one-month rental payment to the property landlord/owner of up to $1,400 of registered rental properties in the specified geographic area
Homeowner Exterior Home Repair Assistance: A grant up to $8,000 for exterior renovations to an existing primary residence in the specified geographic area. All renovations (which include landscaping) must be permanent to the home or property.
Program Eligibility
Generally, all Benelect-eligible CWRU employees are eligible to receive a one-time program benefit. Candidates who have received and accepted employment offers from CWRU can also be eligible for certain benefits. Additional eligibility criteria exist for the both the Rental Assistance and the Exterior Home Repair Assistance benefit. Temporary and Term employees are not eligible.
Employees not eligible to participate in Benelect may be eligible for the Working Households Fund. Please note that eligibility for a benefit does not guarantee that an employee’s application for a program benefit will be approved.
Home Purchase Assistance: $20,000 Forgivable Loan
To be eligible, you must:
- be a current CWRU employees eligible to participate in Benelect
OR - have received and accepted written offers of CWRU employment for positions that are eligible for participation in Benelect.
Income Criteria: None
Working Households Fund: $10,000 Forgivable Loan
To be eligible, you must be a current, full-time employees of any University Circle non-profit or governmental institution.
Income Criteria: Household income less than $150,000
Rental Assistance
To be eligible, you must:
- have a gross annual income of less than $200,000
AND - be a current CWRU employees eligible to participate in Benelect
OR - have received and accepted a written offer of CWRU employment for a position that is eligible for participation in Benelect
Annual Income Criteria: less than $200,000
Homeowner Exterior Home Repair Assistance
To be eligible, you must be:
- be a current CWRU employees eligible to participate in Benelect
OR - have received and accepted a written offer of CWRU employment for a position that is eligible for participation in Benelect
- in good standing.
Income Criteria: None
Applicable Area
A large map of the included neighborhoods is posted outside of room 304 in Crawford Hall. View a smaller version of the map.
How to Apply
The first step to apply is to complete and submit an Inquiry Form. Inquiry Forms are available through FRDC, who administers the program’s benefits and makes decision on each application. Employees can access Inquiry Form online at and clicking on the Greater Circle Living icon, at,, or via phone at 216.361.8400.
Prior to submitting applications, employees are asked to contact Benefits Administration at (216.368.6964, to verify their eligibility for the benefit. When reviewing applications FRDC will confirm eligibility with Benefits Administration.
More Information
Program brochures are available in Crawford Hall room 320. Program information also can be accessed online at or via Call FRDC at 216.361.8400 for program specific questions.