Research Associate - Biomedical Engineering

Title: Research Associate

Department: Biomedical Engineering

School: Case School of Engineering

Location: Wickenden 113

Supervisor Name and Title: Dominique Durand, Professor



The main responsibility for this position is to carry out research experiments to test scientific hypotheses. In particular, the research assistant for this position will study methods to control seizures in animal models of epilepsy, develop and test devices to interface with the nervous systems and cancer tumors



  1. Carry out experiments to establish animal models of epilepsy 15%
  2. Design methodology using electrical stimulation to control seizure frequency and duration 15%
  3. Perform electrophysiology experiments to measure the brain activity and monitor the status of the animals 15%
  4. Analyze data generated by the experiments 15%
  5. Write scientific manuscripts to be submitted for publication 10%
  6. Train undergraduate and graduate students to perform similar experiments 10%
  7. Participate in writing grant proposal 5%
  8. Collaborate with other staff on other projects in the laboratory. 5%
  9. Participate in teaching courses with the school of engineering 10%



  1. Participate and contribute to lab meetings.
  2. Help Maintain the surgical facility
  3. Attend scientific conference and present results



 Department Staff: Animal technician 50%

Graduate students: 50%

Undergraduate students: 50%

Principal Investigator: 50%

External (Other scientists): 10%



The research assistant for this position will supervise undergraduate students working in the laboratory and assigned to this project as well as graduate students working on this or other projects.



Experience: Three years of experience in animal experimentation

Education/Licensing: PhD in Biomedical Engineering or related field



  1. animal experimentation
  2. recording of brain activity,
  3. animal surgery,
  4. chronic implantation,
  5. animal models epilepsy,
  6. signal processing,
  7. scientific writing,
  8. programming MATLAB
  9. machine language
  10. scientific writing



The work required will take place either in a regular office and in a laboratory, animal facility. Occasional travel will be required.



Send CV, previous experience, previous publications, 3 names of potentials letters of recommendations, and list of skills to:  Dominique Durand at