When you’re considering what your college education will look like, there’s one important aspect that can’t be overstated—the neighbors. As in, what are the resources around campus that will enhance your education?
Case Western Reserve University is located in the center of University Circle—a neighborhood unlike any in the nation. And the opportunities for learning that surround our campus will serve to launch your career in a BIG way.
Check out just a few of the world-class institutions on and off campus, and literally steps from your first-year residence hall:
► Medicine: Do clinicals, conduct research and shadow some of the world’s foremost healthcare leaders at Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, Case School of Medicine and the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center.
► Culture: Increase your cultural capital and get real experience in your field at Cleveland Museum of Art, MOCA Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Severance Music Center, home of the Cleveland Orchestra. And perform (or join the stage crew) in our very own state-of-the-art performance venue, Maltz Performing Arts Center.
► Education: Collaborate with students and experts from Cleveland Institute of Art and Cleveland Institute of Music on your next BIG idea. Or cross-register for classes and lessons at these leading arts schools to boost your education. Explore your entrepreneurial education by spending time in Sears think[box], the largest makerspace and innovation center at any university in the United States.
CWRU is brimming with opportunities to get real experience in your field. And our partnerships with our University Circle neighbors will help to make sure that you have every opportunity to build your resume—right in our own backyard.