Around CWRU

  • Meet our director of innovation, Ian Charnas

    Ian Charnas, director of innovation and technology at Sears think[box], helps students bring their ideas to life. He's one of many people at CWRU that we'd like…

  • Video: Fall in love with Cleveland

    Learn about what the city of Cleveland has to offer.

    Learn about what the city of Cleveland has to offer.

  • Video: "This is what I can do. This is how far I can go."

    Hear about the opportunities our students are receiving on campus.

    "This is what I can do. This is how far I can go." Hear about the opportunities our…

  • Video: Sears think[box]

    Get a look inside the largest, open-access makerspace at any university in the world—right here on CWRU’s campus.

  • I take my coffee with milk, sugar and art

    If there were an intersection where art met community service and social mobility met coffee… it would point to the center of the Case Western Reserve University…

  • From Case to Space: Engineers Week at CWRU

    “What I learned at CWRU—the discipline, the study habits, the connections I made—prepared me for everything else that was to come. I was ready for any…

  • Celebrating Black History Month at CWRU

    In 1854, Frederick Douglass, the abolitionist and ex-slave, delivered the commencement speech for Western Reserve College (as we used to be called).

  • Here’s what’s been on our minds

    Case Western Reserve University’s faculty are intellectual powerhouses—experts in their fields, renowned for the knowledge they contribute to the world…

  • Entrepreneurs welcome!

    Since 2018, Case Western Reserve University has given rise to 40 active student startups. Enterprising students are building their own businesses… and…

  • Celebrating 2020: The Year of the Nurse

    The World Health Organization has named 2020 the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, recognizing the vital role nurses play in providing health services…

  • Student research in the humanities and social sciences

    Research is ubiquitous on the Case Western Reserve University campus. CWRU undergrads discuss the intricacies of a systematic literature review over…

  • CWRU blue is the color of 2020

    Each year, the color experts at Pantone name a color of the year. For 2020, the selection is a hue near and dear to our hearts: Classic Blue. What…

  • CWRU Receives HEED Award for Eighth Straight Year

    Case Western Reserve University has, for the eighth straight year, received the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity…

  • Packed with possibility

    Case Western Reserve University students like to stay busy. And our campus offers plenty to occupy their time outside class—fueling friendships and satisfying…

  • Tapping into the wisdom of the world’s literary elite: Priceless

    To paraphrase those old MasterCard commercials: 

    Student Tickets: $5 Tapping into the wisdom of the world’s literary elite: Priceless

    Each year,…

  • Where is Weatherhead?

    At Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management, we have access to internship opportunities around the world. 

    Last summer we kept…

  • Innovation + Collaboration

    Students at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing are surrounded by innovative teaching and research. 

    Our researchers just received a $2.18 million…

  • A eureka moment and a dream come true

    “It was a eureka moment and a dream come true!”

    That’s what Yohannes Haile-Selassie said when his research team discovered a rare and remarkably complete…

  • Neighboring history museum unveils new design

    The Cleveland Museum of Natural History has unveiled its new expansion plans, inspired by the glacier that helped shape the region. CWRU students receive free…

  • Going first

    A new campus group aims to help students who are trailblazers in their families   When Fatima Rahman enrolled in college, she was a pioneer—the first in her…

  • This is inspiring

    When your work is your passion, awards aren’t needed. But they sure are nice!

    At CWRU, students are surrounded by winners who love what they do. For…