These numbers don’t lie

Students in a lab

At Case Western Reserve University,
we know that truth lies in data.

When it comes to demonstrating scientific prowess, numbers can speak louder than words.


in the nation among private universities for federally funded research and development
National Center for Science and Engineering/National Science Foundation/Higher Education Research and Development Survey, 2018


in the U.S. for commercialization of research
Brookings Institution


of CWRU undergrads participate in research and creative endeavors


in the world for contributions to innovation
Nature Index, 2017


Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine and economic science in the CWRU community


of CWRU undergrads who applied to medical school were accepted in the last 4 years
(nationally, the acceptance rate to med school was less than 7% in 2019, according to U.S. News & World Report)

It all adds up to one thing: A successful career in science, research and healthcare starts at CWRU.