Faculty who make a lasting impression

Students walking on Binary Walkway

One of our favorite questions to ask current students is, “Who at Case Western Reserve University has had a positive impact on you?”. With that simple question, we learn so much about our students: what drives them, how they find encouragement in our community and how their experience at CWRU is impacting their future.

When we recently asked this of Bryn Spilker, a junior majoring in biomedical engineering, the answer did not disappoint:

“It is honestly extremely challenging for me to choose just one instance of CWRU faculty/staff impacting my education. One of the amazing things about CWRU is how closely students are able to work with and connect to faculty and staff.

One specific instance that comes to my mind was going to the auditorium that held my physics class early to sit and work on homework between classes my first year. My professor got there early, and we began to chat. When he asked what I was working on, I said that I was struggling with my calc 3 homework. Rather than falling into silence, we talked through the problem, and he pointed out the concept I had missed. I was absolutely floored that he would be willing to step outside of his job as a physics professor to help a student with homework for another class. 

I then realized that he was simply continuing in his role of helping students. That is true of so many faculty here at CWRU: They truly want to help students learn and follow their passions.

The entire CWRU community, like Bryn’s physics prof., never shy away from lending a hand. Whatever you need, they’ll be here for you too.