Talk with machines at CWRU

students wearing VR headsets viewing a statue against a cotton candy colored sky


Case Western Reserve University humanities students talk with machines.

At h.lab, short for “humanities lab”, they experiment with emerging technology—like artificial intelligence—to enhance their coursework and do groundbreaking research. Now that’s the kind of humanities education that’ll help you stand out when applying for jobs or graduate school!

With mentorship from h.lab founder and Distinguished University Professor and Florence Harkness Professor of Religion Timothy Beal, students have worked on projects such as Purity and Danger—investigating a possible relationship between the rise of COVID-related language in medicine (words like “infection” and “contagion”) and the rise of COVID-related language in the space of anti-immigration and racism on social media. 

Studying the humanities at CWRU, you’ll have access to new tools and opportunities to experiment with them—and learn by doing.

This hands-on approach to humanities will sharpen your perspective on what it means to be human in a rapidly changing world. And it will give you a resume with impressive credentials to talk about at interviews, where you can confidently discuss how you’ve explored the humanities using real-world technology.

Get into the humanities at CWRU!