As the category by which creative cultural production
has been defined and valued for the last two centuries,
“authorship” is one of the West’s most
powerful ideas. We will examine the emergence and consolidation
of this idea in the context of some of the technologies,
institutions, and practices that have fostered and been
fostered by it, such as printing and publishing, copyright
law, educational curricula and writing pedagogies, then
will turn our attention to the varieties of authorship
in operation today -- from the essentially solitary, originary
idea of authorship still so important in the arts and
humanities to the collaborative, even corporate, forms
in ascendance in science and industry. How are ideas of
authorship employed in the various discursive spheres
to assign credit and responsibility? May tensions be found
with creative practice? What are the stakes? Who wins,
who loses? And what will be the consequences of digitalization
and globalization? The goal of our study will be to identify
worthy research topics within students’ own areas
of specialization or interest.