L.A.R.C.S. Research
The activities of the lab are interdisciplinary and involve three major projects:
1) Implementation of the STEMMA model as a multi-lingual semio-syntactic parser, to be used as a component of the text-processing module of a speech synthesizer to predict prosodic contours for synthetic speech (see Speech Prosody 2008 Conference session under: Events).
2) Investigate systematic association of elementary prosodic contours to stemmatic components across languages (in collaboration with the Case Speech Production Lab).
3) Realization of a robot capable of navigating through the world, with an internal representation of its world, able to identify a limited number of action schemas in the world (see Cognitive Robotics Lab).
Website created and maintained by Patrizia Bonaventura and Per Aage Brandt
Revised 5/27/08 |