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Mike Hurley's pages Sun. Jun 30 2024

Other sources of help

Mathematica's Built-in Help

Mathematica has a fairly extensive built-in help system

Return to the index.

MathSource by W.R.I.

The makers of Mathematica maintain a support library containing lots of information about Mathematica.

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The Mathematica book

The main reference book for using Mathematica is entitled "Mathematica: A system for doing Mathematics by Computer", by Stephen Wolfram, published by Addison-Wesley. It is a reference guide, not a tutorial in how to learn to use Mathematica. Especially useful is the Appendix which lists all of the built-in commands.

Return to the index.

Other books about Mathematica

Search the CWRU library on-line catalog by subject (or by words in title) for Mathematica.

Return to the index.

This site is maintained by Mike Hurley; this page was last updated on 5/31/19, 12:57 PM .

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