Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society
Cleveland, Ohio May 20-23, 2009


Meeting Energy & Environmental Challenges Through Functional Materials

Topical Symposia - Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry: General
Sarah J. Schmidtke and Carlos Crespo
Talks in the general Physical Chemistry sessions include a focus on Photo-Organic Chemistry, Biophysics, and Ultrafast Excited-State Dynamics. Keynote speakers for the sessions include Profs. Mark Maroncelli, Bern Kohler, and Dongping Zhong.

Keynote address: Photochemistry and Photophysics of DNA Structures from A-tracts to Z-DNA
Bern Kohler, Ohio State University

Keynote address: Ultrafast dynamics of flavins and flavoproteins
Dongping Zhong, Ohio State University

Keynote address: Solvation and Dynamics in Ionic Liquids
Mark Maroncelli, Penn State Universtiy