David V. Ragone was inaugurated as CWRU's third president. |
The Resources Campaign ended. This was CWRU's first university-wide campaign. It raised $215 million over 5 years. Pictured holding the sign with campaign attainment are Curtis Lee Smith, National Chairman of the campaign, President Louis A. Toepfer, and Trustee Elaine Hadden. |
The University's 15-member grounds staff won the Professional Grounds Maintenance Award for athletic facilities maintenance in recognition of work at Finnigan Fields. |
Mather Dance Center (formerly Mather Gymnasium) was home to the modern dance program which had not only a graduate training program, but also produced a full season of modern dance concerts. |
CWRU football team went undefeated with a record of 9-0. It was the most successful season since the Case Institute of Technology and Western Reserve University football teams merged in 1970. Pictured here is the football team carrying Coach Jim Chapman off the field. |
The first outdoor, University-wide, CWRU commencement ceremony was held. |
Cleveland Free-Net was officially started. Originating at CWRU, Free-Net was the nation's first free, open-access community computer system. Seen here are Ohio governor Richard F. Celeste (L) and Cleveland mayor George V. Voinovich (Center) with University staff. |
Agnar Pytte was inaugurated as CWRU's fourth president. |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation was held, beginning a new annual tradition. The first convocation in memory of Dr. King was a memorial convocation held April 11, 1968. |
CWRU formally announced a five-year $350 million fund raising campaign called, "The Campaign for Case Western Reserve University." The final attainment in 1994 was $416,518,332. |