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Sources For Bingham Mechanical Engineering

These University records and publications were used by the staff of the University Archives to compile the Bingham Mechanical Engineering summary.

1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927
Case Theses. Fred Vose, "Planning a Mechanical Engineering Building for Case School of Applied Science" (Thesis, Case School of Applied Science, 1927), p. 22-23
20PY 7:3 L.C. Fisher, ed. Differential 32 (1928): 188-189
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 84, 136-138
1KM 1:3 Map, Western Reserve University Case School of Applied Science and University Circle and Vicinity, 12/29/1930-1/3/1931
Formal name
19BE 3:1 Minutes, Case Trustees, 2/26/1926
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 136-138
1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927.
19BI77 1:32 Letter, J. G. Gehring to Charles S. Howe, ca. 1/20/1926
Named For
19DB2 8:2 Contract, Charles W. Bingham and William Bingham, II with Case, 1/1926
1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927.
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 136-138
19DA1 3:7 Annual Report, Charles Howe, 1925-1926
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 84, 136-138
1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927.
19DB2 8:2 Letter, Charles Howe to Charles W. Bingham, 3/21/1927
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 84, 136-138
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1927-1928: 141
19DA1 4:1 Annual Report, Charles Howe, 1926-1927
19BI77 1:17 Report, Draft for Criticism and Revision, 11/15/1939
19DA1 6:3 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1940-1941
1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927
19DB2 3:4 Report, Charles S. Howe, Equipment for the New Mechanical Engineering Building, 5/8/1928
19DA1 3:7 Report, Charles Howe, Monthy Report to Case Trustees, 2/26/1926
19BI77 1:16 Contract, Wilbur Watson and Associates with Case, January, 1926
19BI77 1:17 Letter, Watson & Associates to Wilbert J. Austin, 7/11/1940
General Contractor
19DB2 3:4 Report, Charles S. Howe, Equipment for the New Mechanical Engineering Building, 5/8/1928
19ND 11:3 Contract, Hadlock-Krill Company and Case, 5/8/1941
19DC 78:11 Letter, Sam W. Emerson to Kent H. Smith, 12/10/1959, (Attachment) Report, Case Building Contracts Involving S. W. Emerson Co. and A. M. Higley Co. - 1926 to date, 11/11/1959
19ND 11:3 Letter, George Van Dyke to Fred Vose 12/16/1940
19DA1 6:4 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1941-1942
19BI77 1:16 Letter, Wilbur Watson to Frank A. Quail, 3/25/1927
19BI77 1:17 Letter, Wilbur J. Watson to Frank A. Quail, 6/23/1938
19BI77 1:17 Letter, Watson & Associates to Wilbert J. Austin, 7/11/1940
19DB2 8:2 Contract, Charles W. Bingham and William Bingham, II with Case, 1/1926
19DA1 3:7 Annual Report, Charles Howe, 1925-1926
19DA1 6:3 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1940-1941
19DA1 6:4 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1941-1942
19FL 3:13 Report, D. K. Wright, Jr. and G. L. Tuve, Preliminary Plan for Modernization of the Bingham Building, 10/17/1955
19DA1 3:7 Annual Report, Charles Howe, 1925-1926
19DA1 6:3 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1940-1941
19DA1 6:4 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1941-1942
19FL 3:13 Report, D. K. Wright, Jr. and G. L. Tuve, Preliminary Plan for Modernization of the Bingham Building, 10/17/1955
1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 84, 136-138
1K 2:3 Brochure, F. H. Vose, ed., The Charles William Bingham Mechanical Engineering Building, ca. 1927
20AA 3:1 Catalogue of Case School of Applied Science, 1926-1927: 84, 136-138
Alterations and Modifications
19DA1 5:5 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1937-1938
19DA1 6:2 Annual Report, William Wickenden, 1939-1940
19DA1 6:3 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1940-1941
19DA1 6:4 Annual Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1941-1942
19ND 11:3 Letter, George Van Dyke to Fred Vose, 12/16/1940
19BE 3:3 Minutes, Case Trustees Executive Committee, 12/20/1940
19BE 3:3 Minutes, Case Trustees Executive Committee, 4/2/1941
19ND 11:3 Contract, Hadlock-Krill Company and Case, 5/8/1941
19BI77 1:17 Letter, Watson & Associates to Wilbert J. Austin, 7/11/1940
19BI77 1:17 Letter, William E. Wickenden to Frank A. Quail, 5/13/1940
19ND 11:3 Letter, Wilbur Watson and Associates to Case School of Applied Science, 9/17/1940
19FL 3:13 Report, D. K. Wright, Jr. and G. L. Tuve, Preliminary Plan for Modernization of the Bingham Building, 10/17/1955