Mather House, exterior, west and south sides, 19?? (Image ID 00786D1) |

Guilford House, exterior, east side, 19?? (Image ID 00084D1) |

Students clean up after a meal in Mather House, 1938 (Image ID 01035) |

Haydn Hall, exterior, north and east sides, 1902 (Image ID 00088D1) |

Students relax in Guilford House's drawing room, 195? (Image ID 01038D1) |

Students talk in Mather House's smoking room, 194? (Image ID 01036D1) |

Guilford House, interior, drawing room, 1897? (Image ID 01037D1) |

Students relax in Mather House, 1938 (Image ID 01034D1) |